
„The difference between the two forms of the Mass is very stark“

It was great hearing his views in an interview for the first time. I took an interest in him when I learned he was the first and one of the only cardinals upholding truth while the Pope remained quiet during the Family Synod (probably to find which Cardinals would be an obstacle to his progressive views, just as Card. Burke) whilst the infamous mid-synod paper was published. I hope Card. Burke gets …Más
It was great hearing his views in an interview for the first time. I took an interest in him when I learned he was the first and one of the only cardinals upholding truth while the Pope remained quiet during the Family Synod (probably to find which Cardinals would be an obstacle to his progressive views, just as Card. Burke) whilst the infamous mid-synod paper was published. I hope Card. Burke gets to be Pope one day.