„The difference between the two forms of the Mass is very stark“ Interview with cardinal Raymond Leo Burke on liturgy, the time before the Second Vatican Council and the Synod of the family.More
„The difference between the two forms of the Mass is very stark“
Interview with cardinal Raymond Leo Burke on liturgy, the time before the Second Vatican Council and the Synod of the family.
Królowanie Chrystusa na wieki
Kicked and battered Catholic Vicar of Christ in the Judeo -islamskim country!
Kapłan FSSPX pobity podczas protestuMore
Kicked and battered Catholic Vicar of Christ in the Judeo -islamskim country!

Kapłan FSSPX pobity podczas protestu
Rosa de Sarom
Gott bless Cardinal Burke.
These conservative prelates are getting some of their own medicine.
This is something I believe every Catholic should know about, and insist that his bishop or Cardinal do the utmost to resolve for the good of the Church >>…/team-bergoglio-…
tbhamdg shares this

Well spoken!! We need more. We must act and defend the Holy Mass in the tradition of our own history.
It was great hearing his views in an interview for the first time. I took an interest in him when I learned he was the first and one of the only cardinals upholding truth while the Pope remained quiet during the Family Synod (probably to find which Cardinals would be an obstacle to his progressive views, just as Card. Burke) whilst the infamous mid-synod paper was published. I hope Card. Burke gets …More
It was great hearing his views in an interview for the first time. I took an interest in him when I learned he was the first and one of the only cardinals upholding truth while the Pope remained quiet during the Family Synod (probably to find which Cardinals would be an obstacle to his progressive views, just as Card. Burke) whilst the infamous mid-synod paper was published. I hope Card. Burke gets to be Pope one day.
Gregory shares this
Amazing House of GraceMore

Amazing House of Grace
Thank you very much for this interview! It is a pleasure to see such strong faith and to hear from this most worthy shepard of the Church. May God Bless
😇 👍More
Thank you very much for this interview! It is a pleasure to see such strong faith and to hear from this most worthy shepard of the Church. May God Bless

😇 👍
Toll, wie der Interviewer bereits das Barmherzigkeits-Geschwafel entzaubert hat. Ja, warum keine Barmherzigkeit mit den armen, geknechteten Pädophilen? Etwa, weil man die Sünde nur scheibchenweise zur Tugend erklären kann?
Danke für dieses sehr informative Interview. Super haben Sie das bewerkstelligt, Kaplan Doppelbauer! Mögen die Worte von Kardinal Burke weltweit, aber vor allem in Rom gehört werden. Es ist so nötig, dass möglichst schnell Klartext gesprochen wird.
natürlich der kardinal. es geht in dem interview auch nicht um hr. hw. Doppelbauer sondern um den kardinal.
sie können auch fragen ob die Couch heilig ist.More
natürlich der kardinal. es geht in dem interview auch nicht um hr. hw. Doppelbauer sondern um den kardinal.

sie können auch fragen ob die Couch heilig ist.
Kardinal Burke ist eine beeindruckende Gestalt. Er wäre sicherlich ein großartiger Papst.
ignea orationem
Thank you so much for this excellent interview! Please, let us pray for His Eminence Cardinal Burke
Una Voce Austria
Das blaue steht für "Fonsi", oder?
dusanharvilik shares this
Burke Kardinal.
Burke Kardinal.

ein heiliger!
Wer jetzt? Kaplan Doppelbauer oder Kardinal Burke?More
ein heiliger!

Wer jetzt? Kaplan Doppelbauer oder Kardinal Burke?