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Miserere nobis!

„Conservative“ Bishop Participates in Gay-Propaganda Event

Father Paolo Cugini, a parish-priest in the diocese of Reggio Emilia, Italy, organises on May 20 a “vigil” against “homophobia”. After protests, Reggio Emilia Bishop Massimo Camisasca decided not only …More
Father Paolo Cugini, a parish-priest in the diocese of Reggio Emilia, Italy, organises on May 20 a “vigil” against “homophobia”.
After protests, Reggio Emilia Bishop Massimo Camisasca decided not only to allow the event but to join, writes gaynews.it.
Catholics will organize a public prayer of reparation in front of the bishop's house.
Camisasca belongs to the group Communione e Liberazione and was in 1985 a co-founder of their Priestly Fraternity of the Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo. He was made a bishop in 2012.
Communione e Liberazione was considered in Italy a stronghold of "conservative" Catholicism but it quickly crumbled after the election of Francis.
In 2015, Camisasca was slammed by the commercial media for supporting “Courage”, an organisation that assists homosexuals in overcoming their disorder.
Picture: Massimo Camisasca, © Fraternità san Carlo , CC BY-SA, #newsPfnstaqrqs
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Pope Francis Has Hired the “Worst Heretics” Pope Francis Has Hired the “Worst Heretics” The persecution of the Catholics inside the Church is growing stronger according to Monsignor Antonio Livi, a …More
Pope Francis Has Hired the “Worst Heretics”
Pope Francis Has Hired the “Worst Heretics”
The persecution of the Catholics inside the Church is growing stronger according to Monsignor Antonio Livi, a philosopher who served as a professor and dean at the Roman Lateran University. Talking to Gloria.tv, Livi points out that Pope Francis accuses of “heresy” those who are faithful to the doctrine and fight confusion. Livi added that Pope Francis has put at the top of the Church – quote – “the worst heretics” and that he has his encyclicals written by – quote – “the worsts heretics”.
Catholics Are Persecuted in the Catholic Church
According to Livi, those who profess the integral Catholic Faith are now often forbidden to give talks, and their publications are hidden away in the Catholic bookstores. Quote: “All the official Catholic media in Italy ostracize the solid Catholic doctrine.” Livi further states that it has become “habitual” to sack theology professors for beeing “too Catholic.”
Bishops …More
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Ratzinger Is not a Solution to the Present Problems. All The Popes Since Vatican II Had Sympathies for Neo-Modernism Talking to Gloria.tv, Monsignor Antonio Livi, a former dean and professor at the …More
Ratzinger Is not a Solution to the Present Problems.
All The Popes Since Vatican II Had Sympathies for Neo-Modernism
Talking to Gloria.tv, Monsignor Antonio Livi, a former dean and professor at the Roman Lateran University, pointed out that all popes since Second Vatican Council have had an attitude of esteem regarding heretical neo-modernism, including Benedict XVI who confessed that he basically agreed with the heretical theologian Karl Rahner. As a pope, Benedict even received the anti-Church theologian Hans Küng.
Ratzinger Is not a Solution to the Present Problems
To the question whether Joseph Ratzinger’s theology could lead out of the present crisis, Monsignor Livi replies: “absolutely not”. Livi explains that as a theologian Ratzinger is under neo-Protestant influence and opposed to the old Scholastic theology which has a rational rather than a sentimental, approach to the understanding of the faith.
Already Benedict XVI Avoided Magisterial Teaching
According to Livi, the documents …More
tbhamdg shares from Gloria.TV News
The Election of Francis Was Orchestrated. Francis Was Elected To Carry Out a Lutheran Reform Monsignor Antonio Livi, a former dean and professor at the Lateran University in Rome, formerly incardinated …More
The Election of Francis Was Orchestrated.
Francis Was Elected To Carry Out a Lutheran Reform
Monsignor Antonio Livi, a former dean and professor at the Lateran University in Rome, formerly incardinated in the Opus Dei, told Gloria.tv in an exclusive interview that Pope Francis was elected to carry out a – quote – “reform in the Lutheran sense”. According to Livi, in the new Lutheran church-to-come the pope, the bishops and the priests will not be anymore an expression of the sacred but of politics.
The Term “People” Is A Rhetorical Image
Monsignor Livi criticizes the term “people” which Pope Francis loves to apply to the Church. Livi points out that “people” is a mere rhetorical image. Quote, “The people is made up of a multitude of different persons, therefore nobody ever knows what ‘the people’ wants.” And, “There are those in the people who are full of faith like Padre Pio and those who have no faith at all.”
The Election of Francis Was Orchestrated
On the basis of many historical …More
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Très triste. La Résistance a tort.

Les capucins de Morgon tournent le dos à la fsspx de Mgr fellay

L'annonce était attendue depuis longtemps. Les Capucins de Morgon fondés par le RP Eugène de Villeurbanne ne veulent pas suivre la nouvelle politique de ralliement de Mgr Fellay à la Rome conciliaire …More
L'annonce était attendue depuis longtemps. Les Capucins de Morgon fondés par le RP Eugène de Villeurbanne ne veulent pas suivre la nouvelle politique de ralliement de Mgr Fellay à la Rome conciliaire de François. Les capucins expliquent ce désaccord dans un gros ouvrage récemment publié et envoyé à tous les supérieurs de communautés. Cette étude très fouillée et argumentée explique les raisons catholiques de ne pas accepter un accord même unilatéral avec Rome. La raison principale est que Rome reste attachée à ses erreurs et que la Tradition catholique se trouverait vite détruite par toutes sortes d'influences modernistes.
Certains catholiques de la tradition ont pu être faussement rassurés par le communiqué apparemment ferme de Mgr Fellay du 28 juin dernier. Mais en réalité l'accord canonique existe déjà en souterrain et les déclarations externes n'ont que pour seule finalité de rassurer les fidèles légitimement inquiets.
Cet ouvrage de Pères capucins arrive à point pour ramener les …More
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Trad. TradiMore
SSPX-related Dominican Sisters of Fanjeaux in Rome. The sisters and their students went to a pilgrimage to Rome in February 2015.More
SSPX-related Dominican Sisters of Fanjeaux in Rome.
The sisters and their students went to a pilgrimage to Rome in February 2015.
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Trad. TradiMore
Le Curé d'Ars: le prêtre et le diable. on Aug 2, 2012
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Morgon. Pere Jean-JosephMore
Pere Jean-Joseph
Prise d'habit de l'abbé de Cacqueray à Aurenque. L'abbé Régis de Cacqueray, ancien supérieur du district de France de la Fraternité Sacerdotale Saint-Pie-X, avait quitté sa charge le 15 août 2014 …More
Prise d'habit de l'abbé de Cacqueray à Aurenque.
L'abbé Régis de Cacqueray, ancien supérieur du district de France de la Fraternité Sacerdotale Saint-Pie-X, avait quitté sa charge le 15 août 2014 pour rentrer chez les capucins. Le jeudi 15 mars 2015, après plus de trois mois passés au noviciat d'Aurenque, il recevait l'habit de frère mineur des mains du Révérend Père gardien des capucins de Morgon, sous le nom de Joseph. Une foule de fidèles et d'amis prêtres étaient venus lui témoigner leur soutien et l'entourer de leurs prières.
tbhamdg shares from Gloria.tv
Trad. TradiMore
„The difference between the two forms of the Mass is very stark“ Interview with cardinal Raymond Leo Burke on liturgy, the time before the Second Vatican Council and the Synod of the family.More
„The difference between the two forms of the Mass is very stark“
Interview with cardinal Raymond Leo Burke on liturgy, the time before the Second Vatican Council and the Synod of the family.
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Morgon. Pere Jean-JosephMore
Pere Jean-Joseph
Tiers-ordre. Tiers-ordre Franciscain,Père Jean-Joseph du couvent de morgon.More
Tiers-ordre Franciscain,Père Jean-Joseph du couvent de morgon.