
Black Is White! Traditionis Custodes Says the Opposite of What It Says - Cardinal Sarah

Sure, thomasville, sure. Bury your head in the sand and pretend all Francis does is A-OK!

Black Is White! Traditionis Custodes Says the Opposite of What It Says - Cardinal Sarah

If you believe me watching the video will change my mind, you're mistaken. I don't know where you think this is acceptable in Catholicism, but in my mind, this is just paganism.

Black Is White! Traditionis Custodes Says the Opposite of What It Says - Cardinal Sarah

Christ also commands us not to scandalize the young. Francis has done that with his various mockeries, irreverence, and other such things!

Black Is White! Traditionis Custodes Says the Opposite of What It Says - Cardinal Sarah

The traditionalists I know don't mock Francis, but they give criticism of his various mockeries and disturbing remarks, including receiving a Hammer and Sickle Cross and Pachamama!

Black Is White! Traditionis Custodes Says the Opposite of What It Says - Cardinal Sarah

Sorry, thomasville but no, that is just a pure pagan ceremony, with Francis pretending to Catholicize it. The natives there actually are worshipping pagan gods!…zon-synods-pagan-tree-planting-this-is-horrendous/ If you hide your head in the sand, anything Francis does is good, no matter how diluting the Faith it is!

From their President, a practicing Catholic, Tanzania, Africa, not closing places of worship nor …

No, Arthur, all you're doing relying on bad science! What about St. Teresa of Avila who said the Blessed Sacrament improved her health? To say that Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament cannot improve or safeguard health is a heresy! You're treating the Blessed Sacrament as a mere object, which is blasphemous, instead of Jesus, who is real God and real man!

From their President, a practicing Catholic, Tanzania, Africa, not closing places of worship nor …

Arthur, no, you're the one who's faithless! "Let not the partaking of Thy Body, O Lord, Jesus Christ, which I, though unworthy, presume to receive, turn to my judgment and condemnation; but let it, through Thy mercy, become a safeguard and remedy, both for soul and body; Who with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest God, world without end. Amen."