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Stark Answers

Germany: Woman Heads Seminary

Is she Jewish? Just an honest question although it may appear awkward.
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Francis: Anyone Who Is Not a Bishop Is A "Second Class Christians”

“… he feared "hidden agendas." Like those who follow the perennial teaching of the Church.
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Cardinal Sarah: Francis Is A Solid Pope

Perhaps a closer reading is in order. Look carefully at what he praises and is silent on. No praise for V2?! Although I’m not a fan of Paul VI he did give us a mostly sound document with HV.
Cardinal Sarah is only speaking truth when he said of him: “Today, he gives us Francis who literally wants to save Christian humanism.”
The Cardinal knows that humanism is not Christian as it places all …More
Perhaps a closer reading is in order. Look carefully at what he praises and is silent on. No praise for V2?! Although I’m not a fan of Paul VI he did give us a mostly sound document with HV.

Cardinal Sarah is only speaking truth when he said of him: “Today, he gives us Francis who literally wants to save Christian humanism.”

The Cardinal knows that humanism is not Christian as it places all thinking and works centrally toward man and not God. Humanism is not concerned with man’s ultimate destiny - his salvation - even if the language used is dressed up as Christian humanism - there is no such thing. That is the thing Bergoglio is trying to save.

Or I may be completely wrong. If I am, my apologies.