
Germany: Woman Heads Seminary

Speyer Bishop Wiesemann has appointed Tatjana Blumenstein, 53, a teacher of religion, to head his empty seminary. She runs it "together" with Canon Franz Vogelgesang, 61, in a "dual leadership" in which …More
Speyer Bishop Wiesemann has appointed Tatjana Blumenstein, 53, a teacher of religion, to head his empty seminary. She runs it "together" with Canon Franz Vogelgesang, 61, in a "dual leadership" in which conflicts are inevitable. Vogelgesang is in charge of priests and deacons, Blumenstein of pastoral assistants, who have no place in a seminary. In 2022, Speyer's vicar general defected to the Old Catholics.
Picture: Karl-Heinz Wiesemann © wikipedia CC BY-SA, #newsGtkebutcxh
Stark Answers
Is she Jewish? Just an honest question although it may appear awkward.
John A Cassani
Seminaries having lay programs is pretty common. The one that I’m familiar with separates classes for the lay from those for priestly formation. They also make no pretense of making the director of lay formation an equal if the Rector, which I presume is happening in this case. If a diocese has a seminary, they might as well make their other programs subsidiaries of it, but not equals, obviously.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
How many are in his Vatican II seminary, 3-4? Our Archdiocesan seminary pre-Vatican II disaster had 580 seminarians, with an additional 30 studying in Rome or at Louvain, Belgium (closed down Catholic seminary). Today, specifically for our Archdiocese, we have 48 seminarians, and an additional 85 from elsewhere studying there as well. In a year or two, we will have fewer seminarians specific to our …More
How many are in his Vatican II seminary, 3-4? Our Archdiocesan seminary pre-Vatican II disaster had 580 seminarians, with an additional 30 studying in Rome or at Louvain, Belgium (closed down Catholic seminary). Today, specifically for our Archdiocese, we have 48 seminarians, and an additional 85 from elsewhere studying there as well. In a year or two, we will have fewer seminarians specific to our Archdiocese now, than we had before the Civil War (1864=42 for Diocese( it was a diocese back then),1882=100 even, 1900= 225, 1933= 366, 1954=546, 1958=580, 1965=540, 1972=278, 1979= 202, 1990= 166, 2007=188, 2012=215, 2023=127 ( I looked every year up from the seminary library using the Official Catholic Directory (P.J. Kennedy & Sons publishers). The directory only went back as far as 1900, so I researched the totals prior to that from the Archdiosecean archives...all done last year for an article I wrote. Talk about research...Whew!! 😂 😂 😂 😉
Live Mike
Unless the woman was immaculately conceived... really bad idea.