
Homosex: Why Should God Bless Such a “Church”?

MessaInLatino published a list of parish churches where homosex sins are promoted (in brackets the name of the prelate [ir]responsible):


Bergamo (Beschi) – with Protestants
Mestre (Moraglia, Venetia) – with Protestants
Parma - Bishop Solmi presides
Bologna (Zuppi)
Florence (Bertori)
Montesilvano (Valentinetti, Pescara)
Torre Annunziata (Marino, Nola) – with Protestants
Bari (Satriano)
Lecce (Secchia)
Cosenza (Checchinato) – with Scouts (!)
Palermo (Lorefice) – with Protestants

Other Churches:
Rome (responsible: Bergoglio) – with the Caravita Jesuits
Genoa (Tasca) – with Protestants and Jews
Milan (Delpini) – with Protestants and a procession
Padua (Cipolla)
Lucca (Giulietti) – with Protestants and a procession
Agrigento (Damiano)
Ragusa (La Placa) – organised by Jesuits
Napoli (Battaglia) – with Protestants


Marseille (Aveline)
Seyssinet-Pariset (Eychenne, Grenoble)

Malta (Scicluna) – University Chapel

On May 17, Francis will receive the homosex propagandists to make the Church even “more inclusive” [for sin].


Wilma Lopez shares this
Participants of the month-long series of LGBT events will meet Pope Francis on May 17
: Catholic bishops, parishes across Europe hosting pro-LGBT prayer vigils for greater ‘inclusion’
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio's sect includes the sin of sodomy and excludes God.
la verdad prevalece
Our Lady in La Salette, who called these apostate priests sewers of impurity, warned that these traitors were going to dedicate churches that would be consecrated to the worship of Satan.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Faithful/traditional Catholics need to group together, even sedevacantis, buy a huge piece of land, build a copy of Rome, say like it was in 1950, when we still had a Catholic Pope.......establish/found traditional Orders (traditional branches of dying Vatican II Orders), build a copy of St. Peters and the Vatican (realistically, not using marble etc. for everything, but same size and interior), …More
Faithful/traditional Catholics need to group together, even sedevacantis, buy a huge piece of land, build a copy of Rome, say like it was in 1950, when we still had a Catholic Pope.......establish/found traditional Orders (traditional branches of dying Vatican II Orders), build a copy of St. Peters and the Vatican (realistically, not using marble etc. for everything, but same size and interior), establish priests, have supporting bishops, and from among them elect a "substitute" Pope, who can create his own traditionalist/True Catholic Cardinals. Time to give up on the VAtican II Church ever turning to the better, or having a CATHOLIC new Pope.
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Sounds like a great plan. But if Pell was right and we get the new conclave this year and we get Erdo as Pope...
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@John Fritz Logan - Erdo MIGHT be a good Pope....Muller might be better. Sarah probably the best. I just wish Pope Francis would hurry up and depart the scene so that maybe we can have a Catholic Pope. (And I didn't wish him dead . just gone. If dead is the way he's gone, then that was God's will 🤪 🙏
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Yeah Francis has lasted impressively long (like my aunt) but then so has Bishop Smeets who will never the less die soon.
Francis dismissed the colon cancer rumours last year as gossip... he's a jesuit... he said gossip not nonsense, lies, falsehoods... but gossip. Is gossip automatically untrue? Seems like a non-denial.More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Yeah Francis has lasted impressively long (like my aunt) but then so has Bishop Smeets who will never the less die soon.

Francis dismissed the colon cancer rumours last year as gossip... he's a jesuit... he said gossip not nonsense, lies, falsehoods... but gossip. Is gossip automatically untrue? Seems like a non-denial.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
My uncle is a Cardiologist, but he knows everything about medicine, of course, and he said that colon cancer isn't necessarily a quick fatal illness. Depending on the severity, some people last for years.
Tony M
God won't bless it ....He will curse it ....then damn it!!!
Tony M
And by that I refer to the new false church.