
FR. KRAMER’S GONE MAD: He Claims God Killed Fr. Gruner For Recognizing Francis as Pope… If you have followed our debate with Fr. Kramer, and thought he could not discredit himself any more than he already has, think again. What we initially …More…
If you have followed our debate with Fr. Kramer, and thought he could not discredit himself any more than he already has, think again. What we initially described as a complete unraveling of this once-respected priest was, sadly, an understatement. By anyone’s reasonable estimation, it appears that Fr. Kramer has gone completely mad, and is not operating with his full mental faculties. This might explain why he would choose to publicly criticize a book he hasn’t read, call the authors of the book heretics and Freemasons, prevent the authors from directly responding to his arguments by blocking us from his Facebook page, and stubbornly persevere in embarrassing contradictions and arguments that have already been refuted for all the world to see. On the other hand, perhaps someone drunk with his own pride, who has full use of his mental faculties, could also engage in such demoralizing behavior.
However, in our view, only someone who is mentally …More
Thanks. We can be sure that if Fr. Gruner is in heaven, that he is praying for Fr. Paul.
alex j
@frjimanderson> No one can be sure of one's final destination. It's Gods purview alone. As for Fr.Kramer's current mental state, again I suggest it's …More
@frjimanderson> No one can be sure of one's final destination. It's Gods purview alone. As for Fr.Kramer's current mental state, again I suggest it's way outside our purview. It does seem however that you are "blissfully unaware" that Fr. Gruner had many detractors and critics, which had much substantive evidence suggesting there was more to Fr. Gruner than meets the eye. I hesitate to go further, not because of upsetting his supporters-[ many of whom need a good shake up-] But simply out of respect for the dead. [ R.I.P.] Lets us all leave it there!!!
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Is Francis or Benedict the True Pope?

Is Francis or Benedict the True Pope? By Robert Siscoe and John Salza… Let’s face it. Many Catholics – and not just the “rad trads,” – are questioning whether …More
Is Francis or Benedict the True Pope?
By Robert Siscoe and John Salza…
Let’s face it. Many Catholics – and not just the “rad trads,” – are questioning whether Francis is the true Pope. The issues which have given rise to this questioning are no secret, and have left many Catholics in a state of bewilderment. Putting aside those who have publicly denounced Francis as an antipope, many others simply don’t know what to believe, or even what principles should guide them in forming their judgment. Recently, one Catholic writer stated that “we don’t have the authority” to declare Francis an antipope, and “Francis is the pope until a future pope says he’s not.” Yet, the same writer, in the same article, said she didn’t have “any real objection to someone thinking that perhaps Bergoglio is an antipope” and even concluded that “You can believe it” [that Francis is an antipope].[1] Confusion and even contradictions seem commonplace, even among knowledgeable …More
What happens when the supposed Pope makes comments that all but reject his position such as...."Who am I to judge"....or...."Please call me the Bishop …More
What happens when the supposed Pope makes comments that all but reject his position such as...."Who am I to judge"....or...."Please call me the Bishop of Rome"....or....."There is no Catholic God"......or "This POSITION should be an elected one....I propose a vote every four years with term limits of 2". Could not one consider another title for the position such as Presdient....Prime Minisiter.......Chief Executive Officer? But Pope?
They are both antipopes since they have never been accepted by the whole Church. The last pope universally and peacefully accepted is Pope Paul VI.


Part II: CAN THE CHURCH JUDGE A HERETICAL POPE? Derksen and Cekada’s Avoidance of the Second and Third Opinions (in Bellarmine’s De Romano Pontifice)… For …More
Derksen and Cekada’s Avoidance of the Second and Third Opinions (in Bellarmine’s De Romano Pontifice)…
For years, apologists of the Sedevacantist sect have been quoting ad nauseam the Fourth and Fifth Opinions of St. Bellarmine’s De Romano Pontifice to support their position that the Papal See is vacant. They claim that because Bellarmine in his famous Fifth Opinion said “a manifest heretic is ipso facto deposed,” it must mean that if individual Catholics personally “discern” that a Pope is a heretic, it must also mean he is not a true Pope. We have tried in vain to explain to them that the ipso facto loss of office (which itself is only an opinion) would only follow the Church’s judgment of manifest heresy, and would certainly not happen while the Church continues to recognize him as Pope. We have cited quotation after quotation to demonstrate this (in our book and articles), including the thorough …More

Book Review: True or False Pope? by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

True or False Pope? - A Book Review By Brother Alexis Bugnolo In my many years, since college, I have rarely come upon a book written by a modern author, of which I can say, that its value will endure …More
True or False Pope? - A Book Review
By Brother Alexis Bugnolo
In my many years, since college, I have rarely come upon a book written by a modern author, of which I can say, that its value will endure long after I am dead. There are books which are very well written and even those which refute current errors, but of few of them can it be said that they will have anything other than a timely usefulness. But of this new book by John Salza and Robert Siscoe, which deals not only with a timely issue — the moral and doctrinal error of Sedevacantism: the error of judging by one’s self, who is or is not a legitimate pope today — but does so in a perennial manner (by searching out the founts of Catholic Theology and Canon Law and applying them not only to the specific problems presented by the Sedevacantists, but by addressing the Catholic solution to those problems, in the same manner that Catholics have done for 2016 years), one can truly proclaim: “It shall endure the ages as a monument of …More

Interview with Louie Verrecchio: John Salza and Robert Siscoe Unmask Sedevacantism

Several months ago, John Salza and Robert Siscoe were kind enough to provide me with a preview taken from their new book, True or False Pope? Refuting Sedevacantism and Other Modern Errors. (NB: This …More
Several months ago, John Salza and Robert Siscoe were kind enough to provide me with a preview taken from their new book, True or False Pope? Refuting Sedevacantism and Other Modern Errors. (NB: This book provides an outstanding treatment of numerous “modern errors,” each of which are of great importance for us to comprehend at this time of crisis in the Church.)
Knowing both men, I wasn’t surprised to find that the text was well written; with copious footnotes and outstanding references. I was most impressed, however, with the balance they were able to strike in treating topics of great depth thoroughly, but in a way that is truly approachable.
In any case, I’m very pleased (and honored) to provide here an extensive interview with Mr. Salza and Mr. Siscoe about their new book. I can assure you, it’s well worth the read, and their book, even more so.
Interview with John Salza and Robert Siscoe about their new book, True or False Pope? Refuting Sedevacantism and Other Modern ErrorsMore