
Now Italian Church Is Drowning in Immorality

Five years into Francis’ pontificate, a tsunami of perversion is hitting the Italian Church. The most recent example: a gay propaganda event on November 18 for which Bishop Antonio Napolioni of Cremona is responsible.

It takes place at the monumental Our Lady of Fonte di Caravaggio church, the most important Marian shrine in northern Italy, and is called a “dialogue” between local dioceses and “LGBT Catholics”. The leaflet shows homosexuals holding hands.

But Napolioni has his faithful against him: over 300 signed a letter pointing out that there cannot be any pastoral collaboration with homosexual groups that does not express that “homosexual activity is immoral”.

Picture: Antonio Napolioni, #newsGqzxjyxxfy
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These demonic false cultist "priests" who preach this Lascivious, Godless, Bestial, Twaddle are base, sexually orientated, pornographically minded, sexually obsessed people
They clearly have no time (or wish) to model themselves on God, they cling to the perverted ideological developments of the lower kingdoms and slay those sheep that they get within their clutches. God's Holy people realise …More
These demonic false cultist "priests" who preach this Lascivious, Godless, Bestial, Twaddle are base, sexually orientated, pornographically minded, sexually obsessed people
They clearly have no time (or wish) to model themselves on God, they cling to the perverted ideological developments of the lower kingdoms and slay those sheep that they get within their clutches. God's Holy people realise that such a base mind-set shows a heart not set on fire with love for God, but a failing Spiritual path authentic Gospel of Christ, that they are no longer are able to SEE that they are in deep SIN, in Christ's eyes & consequently "dancing" "blaspheming" their way to Hell. For the eyes of the wicked are permitted by Christ to be made blinded when they despise His Doctrine.

Heaven is where children of Christ freely dwell, the sort of spirits that these clergy are controlled by were ejected from Heaven by St Michael the Archangel, many years ago, so the virtuous could worship Christ for all eternity there in Holiness.

PS Any of you Priests that would like to be one of the 144,000 celibate men who are eternally with Christ - mentioned in Apoc 14 - then be sure if you abhore filth, live celibately like Christ, espoused not to carnality, but in chastity to His Bride the Church, seeking to emulate Him with your HOLINESS and Chastity, then as Apoc 14 states - you WILL be with Him eternally - God will reward thee.
