St. Hildegard of Bingen: Homosexuality is the supreme offense against God

St Hildegard of Bingen (1098 – 1179)
1. Visionary theology
2. Scivias
3. Liber Vitae Meritorum
4. Liber Divinorum Operum

Scivias is an illustrated work by Hildegard von Bingen, completed in 1151 or 1152, describing 26 religious visions she experienced.
78. God will judge all perpetrators of fornication, sodomy and bestiality:
"Let those who approach My altar appear in My sight in chastity, as also should those who desire to receive the sacrament of the body and blood of My Son, lest they should fall into ruin. "

Saint Hildegard of Bingen O.S.B
Liber divinurom operum:

And the serpent said: 'I shall pour forth my breath in order to extinguish the line of the sons of men, and then men shall be kindled with passions for other men, commiting shameful acts.
And the serpent, taking delight shouted, this is the supreme offense against the One who given man his body . That His image may be stamped out because man has avoided natural relations with women.

It is the devil, then, who convinced them to become unfaithful ones and seductors, which prompted them to murder, becoming bandits and thieves, because the sin of homosexuality leads one to the most shameful violence and all vices.
”When all these sins have been manifested, then the validity of God’s law will be broken and the Church will be persecuted as a widow.”

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St Hildegard of Bingen OSB -Beatified 26 August 1326 (confirmation of cultus) by Pope John XXII :
“Then to the end time, two powers will appear, like the two heads, one going up to salvation, even among anguish and distress, which is Enoch and Elijah and the other, which lead instead to perdition grinding his teeth and seeming miracles and glorious virtue, which is the Antichrist.” “So the majority …
St Hildegard of Bingen OSB -Beatified 26 August 1326 (confirmation of cultus) by Pope John XXII :
“Then to the end time, two powers will appear, like the two heads, one going up to salvation, even among anguish and distress, which is Enoch and Elijah and the other, which lead instead to perdition grinding his teeth and seeming miracles and glorious virtue, which is the Antichrist.” “So the majority of men will abandon the true Catholic faith and become to the son of perdition. That in comparison with him the Son of God has only a small number of faithful” “Then suddenly will emerge an agitation and confusion of heresies within the Church” “Heresies will be such that heretics can openly and safely preach their erroneous beliefs. Doubt and uncertainty in the Catholic faith of Christians will increase so much that people will doubt what God directed.” “And he will be known as the son of the most cruel perdition, because he will be immoral and teach all men things contrary to God.”
Simon North
He is accomplishing his goal: destroying as much faith in the See of Peter as possible.
Caroline03 and 2 more users link to this post
la verdad prevalece
Hildegard of Bingen's Book of Divine Works: With Letters and Songs Paperback. p. 54. "And the serpent said: 'I shall pour forth my breath in order to extinguish the line of the sons of men, and then men shall be kindled with passions for other men, commiting shameful acts.”..."And the serpent, taking delight shouted, this is the supreme offense against the One who given man his body . That His …More
Hildegard of Bingen's Book of Divine Works: With Letters and Songs Paperback. p. 54. "And the serpent said: 'I shall pour forth my breath in order to extinguish the line of the sons of men, and then men shall be kindled with passions for other men, commiting shameful acts.”..."And the serpent, taking delight shouted, this is the supreme offense against the One who given man his body . That His image may be stamped out because man has avoided natural relations with women.”...“It is the devil, then, who convinced them to become unfaithful ones and seductors, which prompted them to murder, becoming bandits and thieves, because the sin of homosexuality leads one to the most shameful violence and all vices."
"When all these sins have been manifested, then the validity of God’s law will be broken and the Church will be persecuted as a widow.”
San Atanasio ora pro nobis and one more user link to this post
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Saint Peter Damian (1007-1072)
“Truly, this vice is never to be compared with any other vice because it surpasses the enormity of all vices.… It defiles everything, stains everything, pollutes everything.”
(St. Peter Damian, Book of Gamorrah, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1982, pp. 63-64.)
Fiel A Cristo
Who is wrong God, the angels and saints, or those who advocate Satan's distortion of true love? We must speak the truth for we will be judged according to the law Christ himself gave us. Jesus said you are either for me or against me. Homosexuality is against Gods will and we must pray for those who live in mortal sin. All heaven rejoices when just one of God's children repent and change their ways.
la verdad prevalece
Comentando en el Liber divinurom operum, el versículo 6,8 del Apocalipsis, santa Hildegarda escribió:
“La serpiente antigua goza con todos los castigos con los cuales el hombre es castigado en el alma y en el cuerpo. Él, que ha perdido la gloria celestial, no quiere que ningún hombre pueda alcanzarla. En realidad, apenas él se dio cuenta que el hombre había oído sus consejos, comenzó a proyectar …More
Comentando en el Liber divinurom operum, el versículo 6,8 del Apocalipsis, santa Hildegarda escribió:
“La serpiente antigua goza con todos los castigos con los cuales el hombre es castigado en el alma y en el cuerpo. Él, que ha perdido la gloria celestial, no quiere que ningún hombre pueda alcanzarla. En realidad, apenas él se dio cuenta que el hombre había oído sus consejos, comenzó a proyectar la guerra contra Dios: ‘A través del hombre llevaré adelante mis propósitos’.
“En su odio, la serpiente ha inspirado a los hombres a odiarse entre ellos y, con el mismo mal propósito, los ha inducido a matarse unos a otros.
“Y la serpiente dijo: ‘Mandaré mi aliento a fin de que la sucesión de los hijos del hombre se extinga, y entonces los hombres se encenderán de pasiones los unos por los otros hombres, cometiendo actos vergonzosos’.
“Y la serpiente, probando gozo, gritó: ‘Esta el la suprema ofensa contra Aquel que ha dado al hombre el cuerpo. Que su forma desaparezca porque ha evitado la relación natural con las mujeres’.
“Es entonces el diablo quien los convenció a ser infieles y seductores, que los indujo a matar, transformándose en bandidos y ladrones, porque el pecado de homosexualidad lleva a las más vergonzosas violencias y a todos los vicios. Cuando todos estos pecados se hayan manifestado, entonces la vigencia de la ley de Dios será quebrada y la Iglesia será perseguida como una viuda”
la verdad prevalece
Scivias by Hildegard von Bingen: 78. God will judge all perpetrators of fornication, sodomy and bestiality "Let those who approach My altar appear in My sight in chastity, as also should those who desire to receive the sacrament of the body and blood of My Son, lest they should fall into ruin. For many are found among both spiritual and secular people who not only pollute themselves in fornication …More
Scivias by Hildegard von Bingen: 78. God will judge all perpetrators of fornication, sodomy and bestiality "Let those who approach My altar appear in My sight in chastity, as also should those who desire to receive the sacrament of the body and blood of My Son, lest they should fall into ruin. For many are found among both spiritual and secular people who not only pollute themselves in fornication with women but also assume a heavy burden of condemnation by contaminating themselves in perverted forms. How? A man who sins with another man as if with a woman sins bitterly against God and against the union with I which God united male and female."