Cardinal Gracias: "Francis Especially Concerned About Homosexuals"

The "pastoral outreach" [meaning: capitulation] to homosexual groups will "not be ignored", even though the working document for the October synod omits the propaganda terms "homosexual", "orientation …More
The "pastoral outreach" [meaning: capitulation] to homosexual groups will "not be ignored", even though the working document for the October synod omits the propaganda terms "homosexual", "orientation", or "LGBT", Cardinal Oswald Gracias, 79, of Mumbai, India, told (13 July).
He believes in an "inclusive Church, which means everyone [except Catholics]", adding that Francis has been "particularly concerned" about "people of different sexual orientation".
The cardinal has been homosexual activist but in this recent interview he is unusually cautious about normalising homosexuality.
He referred to "the global complexity of the Catholic Church": "Our Indian situation, the African situation and the European situation are diverse."
Gracias has just returned from Rome where he had met with Francis and the Synod Council: "The synod is going very well" and "unfolding according to plan", he said.
Picture: Oswald Gracias, © Mazur CC BY-NC-SA, #newsPbebzigstk
la verdad prevalece
St. Hildegard of Bingen: Homosexuality is the supreme offense against God
Bergoglio and his sect of homosexual activists believe they are superior to God and Catholic moral teaching.
- LifeSite (
In 1986, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, then-led by Cardinal Ratzinger, issued a document instructing bishops on the pastoral care of (people with same-sexual attraction)…More
St. Hildegard of Bingen: Homosexuality is the supreme offense against God
Bergoglio and his sect of homosexual activists believe they are superior to God and Catholic moral teaching.
- LifeSite (
In 1986, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, then-led by Cardinal Ratzinger, issued a document instructing bishops on the pastoral care of (people with same-sexual attraction) Therein, the congregation admonished bishops to ensure they are “clearly stating that homosexual activity is immoral.” The instruction adds, “But we wish to make it clear that departure from the Church's teaching, or silence about it, in an effort to provide pastoral care is neither caring nor pastoral. Only what is true can ultimately be pastoral. The neglect of the Church's position prevents (people with same-sexual attraction) from receiving the care they need and deserve.”
Even the apostate and atheist Eugenio Scalfari put it bluntly: “Pope Francis has abolished sin”

This sect of homosexual apostates openly promote rebellion against God, the sins of Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit such as obstinacy in error, final impenitence and defiance of the Truth Revealed/ Scripture and Tradition (the Sin of Contesting the Known Truth-rejection of the known Truth), The sin of presumption of being saved without merit.

In contradiction to the Word of God, they believe they have the right to promote homosexual fornication, sex change, etc. Already in Argentina, Bergoglio was a Gay activist who, in rebellion against God, challenged divine Natural Law and Catholic morality.

Jesuit apostate Thomas Reese asks bishops to accept gay adoption

You have reason to believe that Bergoglio is more liberal?

Boff: Yes. For example, a few months ago he explicitly permitted a homosexual couple to adopt a child. He kept in touch with priests who were expelled from the official church because they had gotten married. And no one could ever persuade him to change his position, which was: we have to be on the side of the (MARXIST) POOR= (Impenitent homosexual), even if it means opposing the powerful (GOD AND THE CHURCH).
RORATE CÆLI: For the record: Boff speaks on the new Pope (

√v^√v^√♥ Even from just a Medical Perspective it is love to oppose Homosexual Acts

Archbishop Viganò: ‘Bergoglio is one of the main activists of the hellish LGBTQ + agenda’

Saint Bernardine of Siena was a famous preacher, celebrated for his doctrine and holiness. Regarding homosexuality, he stated: "No sin in the world grips the soul as the accursed sodomy; this sin has always been detested by all those who live according to God.… Deviant passion is close to madness; this vice disturbs the intellect, destroys elevation and generosity of soul, brings the mind down from great thoughts to the lowliest, makes the person slothful, irascible, obstinate and obdurate, servile and soft and incapable of anything; furthermore, agitated by an insatiable craving for pleasure, the person follows not reason but frenzy.… They become blind and, when their thoughts should soar to high and great things, they are broken down and reduced to vile and useless and putrid things, which could never make them happy.... Just as people participate in the glory of God in different degrees, so also in hell some suffer more than others. He who lived with this vice of sodomy suffers more than another, for this is the greatest sin."

"Truth is hated because the egomaniac desires to be a law unto himself" Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Galatians 1:8 But even if we or [a messenger] from heaven should proclaim to you a gospel contrary to what we proclaimed to you,
let that one be accursed!
Perhaps he should be “especially concerned” about the eternal consignment and final, post-death disposition of his immortal soul.
Servum Tuum Domina
He can’t protect the Catholics persecuted in India he is going to care about souls anyway. These men will have a lot to answer for. Pray for their souls.
English Catholic
The Office of National Statistics mandatory survey in 2021 in England and Wales registered 1.54% of people identifying as 'lesbian/gay'. There is no reason to believe the number is different in any other countries. That being the case, why doesn't the remaining 98.46% deserve such pastoral attention? Also - far less of that 1.54% would identify as being Catholic anyway.