Simon North
Simon North

James Carville on whether Democrat voters feel disenfranchised by the sudden Presidential candidacy …

Why would Arroyo treat this man as a Catholic? For decades, Carville's worked to get elected politicians who support the murder of infants.
Simon North

Monsignor Eleganti: Liturgical Changes Were Brutal and Excessive

As well as worthy of an "anathema sit" - as the creation of the New Mass (which originally did not even include the Roman Canon as an "option") violated the decrees of the Council of Trent and Pius V's Quo Primum, which detailed the Council's dogmatic decree for Holy Church.
Simon North

Vatican Document against Holy Mass Was Drafted By A Small Circle

@Carol H You said: ". . .the fact that the Vatican's version ties in beautifully with parts one and two, then, intellectuallyand logically, Cardinal Ratizinger was telling the truth."
Seewald reports Ratzinger saying much more than what appeared in the 2000 release of the so-called Third Secret. What he told Seewald (and which he approved) did NOT appear in the 2000 release. Ergo: his denial of …More
@Carol H You said: ". . .the fact that the Vatican's version ties in beautifully with parts one and two, then, intellectuallyand logically, Cardinal Ratizinger was telling the truth."

Seewald reports Ratzinger saying much more than what appeared in the 2000 release of the so-called Third Secret. What he told Seewald (and which he approved) did NOT appear in the 2000 release. Ergo: his denial of Dollinger's testimony is placed in doubt because of the Sewald omissions. Therefore, your appeal to logic seems a tad deficient.
Simon North

Vatican Document against Holy Mass Was Drafted By A Small Circle

@Carol H I told you where to find it. Do less shooting off your mouth and do more intellectually heavy lifting. The entire point of the Dollinger contretemps above is that Dollinger was saying that Ratzinger didn't tell the truth. There - does that make you FEEL better?
Simon North

Vatican Document against Holy Mass Was Drafted By A Small Circle

@Carol H Ratzinger lied about the 2000 release of the so-called "complete" Third Secret. Simply compare what he told his biographer (Sewald) about what the Third Secret contained years before the 2000 faux Third Secret and what the so-called "complete" Third Secret of the 2000 release didn't say.
Simon North

No Mercy for Latin Mass Lovers? - The Catholic Thing

There is only ONE legitimate Roman Rite: the one that Pius V, instituting the decrees of the Council of Trent, made clear coupled never be replaced. This essay is misleading - and not in conformity with the Catholic Faith.
Simon North

Pope Francis has lost control of his liberal revolution

The Faith isn't about liberal or conservative. It's about (T)truth - reality. The Modernists have succeeded in reducing the Faith to a contest of ideologies.
Simon North

WATCH: Various Views on Vatican’s Vilification of Viganò

@SonoftheChurch No, it's not that simple. +Vigano recognizes the authority of the Holy See (a requirement of being Catholic). He simply rejects the heretic who occupies Peter's Chair. Submitting to a heretic (have you read Bergoglio's remarks about the Psalms?) is not a vice; it's a virtue.
Sarah, Burke, Brandmuller, Muller, etc, etc, etc: ALL assisted in the policy of the conciliar church's policies …More
@SonoftheChurch No, it's not that simple. +Vigano recognizes the authority of the Holy See (a requirement of being Catholic). He simply rejects the heretic who occupies Peter's Chair. Submitting to a heretic (have you read Bergoglio's remarks about the Psalms?) is not a vice; it's a virtue.

Sarah, Burke, Brandmuller, Muller, etc, etc, etc: ALL assisted in the policy of the conciliar church's policies of desacralizing the One True Faith. If they weren't guilty of such, they wouldn't have miters. Only the Conciliar revolutionaries got miters. So, please, spare me (and probably quite a few others) the pom-pom adulations.
Simon North

“Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?”

Vatican II and the desacralization that followed put into place the mechanisms to complete the paganization of the Church - the results of which we are witnessing today. Ratzinger was present and greatly responsible for the launching of the autodemolition. He NEVER owned up to his responsibility for fanning the flames of the Modernist inferno.
Simon North

Pope Francis’ Feel-Good Gospel Fans The Flame Of Radical Gender Ideology

Narcissism is a mental illness. Left untreated, it metastasizes.
Simon North

Ticket to Oblivion? | George Weigel

Wiegel quoutes Newman: "And, I rejoice to say, to one great mischief I have from the first opposed myself. For thirty, forty, fifty years I have resisted to the best of my powers the spirit of liberalism in religion. Never did Holy Church need champions against it more sorely than now . . ." But Wiegel's hero is Karol Wojtyla. What a disastrous example of irony.
Simon North

EXCLUSIVE: Dom Alcuin Reid’s Response to Prof. Grillo’s Interview

The sides are drawn. Stop dialoguing with these Modernist heretics. Answering Grillo is like trying to use reason with a monkey. Grillo, Roche, Viola et. al. are deformed creatures who, for decades, have given spiritually starving Catholic souls stones when they sought bread. It's time for Catholic swordsmen - not wordsmiths.
Simon North

US Bishops Apologize For Native Americans’ ‘History Of Trauma’

Marxists always rewrite history. I won't insult Marxists by pinning that label on the bishops who voted for this stupidity - only because most of them don't have the intelligence to know what I would mean by referring to them as such.
Simon North

Liturgical Extremism: Francis to Ban All Latin Masses

@Tony M Hopefully, Bergoglio is merely the apogee of the Revolution that began 60 years ago. Sacrilegious Communion? Benedict did that with non-Catholic Brother Roger of Taize. Vatican II states that individual non-Catholics may receive the Eucharist. Benedict even urged the formation of more ecumenical communities like Taize. Benedict and John Paul II were the anthropomorphic expressions of Vatican …More
@Tony M Hopefully, Bergoglio is merely the apogee of the Revolution that began 60 years ago. Sacrilegious Communion? Benedict did that with non-Catholic Brother Roger of Taize. Vatican II states that individual non-Catholics may receive the Eucharist. Benedict even urged the formation of more ecumenical communities like Taize. Benedict and John Paul II were the anthropomorphic expressions of Vatican II - full of contradictions that confused and demoralized. Wojtyla and Ratzinger created dogmatic antiquarianism by reigniting the Judaizing debate settled at the Council of Jerusalem (c.50 AD!) - with Benedict even participating in a synagogue service. Bergoglio is impossible without Wojtyla and Ratzinger.
Simon North

Rradical Protestant broadcastet his interaction with an unassuming Catholic named Dave. Despite just …

Protestantism is at the root of the fall of the Christian (Catholic) West and Western civilization.
Simon North

Francis Writes to Homosexual Ex-Seminarian: "Continue Your Vocation"

@Dr Bobus It's not about the documents. It's about the teaching within the documents, i.e. preventing homosexuality in the priesthood. You would admit he's bound to that teaching?
Simon North

Francis Writes to Homosexual Ex-Seminarian: "Continue Your Vocation"

It just occurred to me - this is days after Francis complained to the Bishops about faggotry in the seminaries? This guy's evil may have deteriorated into mental illness.
Simon North

Francis Writes to Homosexual Ex-Seminarian: "Continue Your Vocation"

Francis has contradicted previous Church teaching on homosexuality and the priesthood - just as Vatican II and the post-conciliar counterfeit institution he heads has contradicted to no small degree the previous 2000 years of the faith of the Roman Catholic Church.
Simon North

AS EXPECTED: Tucho Says No “Witch Hunt” for Priests Who Violate Fiducia Supplicans

Nothing more than a strategic tactic. As soon as they make their perversion mainstream with their so-called blessings, the hunt will commence. Although, mercifully, there is reason to hope that their counterfeit church won't be around long enough to bring their tactics to fruition.