AS EXPECTED: Tucho Says No “Witch Hunt” for Priests Who Violate Fiducia Supplicans

AS EXPECTED: Tucho Says No “Witch Hunt” for Priests Who Violate Fiducia Supplicans

Cardinal Victor Fernandez has again insisted that the Vatican directive Fiducia Supplicans does not allow for blessings …
Simon North
Nothing more than a strategic tactic. As soon as they make their perversion mainstream with their so-called blessings, the hunt will commence. Although, mercifully, there is reason to hope that their counterfeit church won't be around long enough to bring their tactics to fruition.
Billy F
Yet there is witch-hunts for Orthodox Faithful Catholics!?!?! If you’re an actual Catholic Bishop under this Pontificate, you’ll be persecuted and removed!!! The Injustice of this Pontificate has Faithful Catholics crying to Heaven for Justice!!!