I am certainly, then, no strident advocate or promoter of the traditional Latin Mass and even more certainly no questioner of the validity or efficacy of the Mass I’ve been celebrating daily for nearly fifty years. That said, I can affirm without hesitation that some of the finest, most dedicated, most pastoral, most faithful priests I have known over the course of these many decades, priests of …More
I am certainly, then, no strident advocate or promoter of the traditional Latin Mass and even more certainly no questioner of the validity or efficacy of the Mass I’ve been celebrating daily for nearly fifty years. That said, I can affirm without hesitation that some of the finest, most dedicated, most pastoral, most faithful priests I have known over the course of these many decades, priests of all ages, have loved the traditional Latin Mass and have wished, and continue to wish, that it were made available to the faithful whose experience of it has been very different from my own.

No Mercy for Latin Mass Lovers? - The Catholic Thing

Let me be perfectly clear, as the politicians like to say: I have no vested interest in promoting the traditional Latin Mass. In fact, I was brought …
Sally Dorman shares this
Msgr. Charles Fink: Why is it that the Church, with its multiple liturgical rites, cannot show compassion to Catholics who love the traditional Latin Mass?
Simon North
There is only ONE legitimate Roman Rite: the one that Pius V, instituting the decrees of the Council of Trent, made clear coupled never be replaced. This essay is misleading - and not in conformity with the Catholic Faith.
Father Karl A Claver
One of the problems with the Novus Ordo is that it keeps changing. Time bombs were put into the documents so that the changes would continue to occur. A Novus Ordo Mass in 1970 is not at all like the ones in 2024. They are worse: more man centered with horrible music, no respect for the Blessed Sacrament, hand Communion, etc.
To prefer the Novus Ordo over the traditional Mass is a sign of a weak Catholic, at best.
John A Cassani
The question is, what will good priests such as this one do? There are some who can afford to be “cancelled.” Will any risk it, even if they had never been particularly inclined towards the TLM, to protest the injustice of it? I will definitely pray for the “good guys.”
Lisi Sterndorfer
Many of these faithful are young, and among them quite a few feel the tug of a religious vocation. Some few of these may be extreme in their criticism of the Novus Ordo and in their desire, should they be ordained, to serve only those whose liturgical vision coincides with theirs. But they are the exception, not the rule.