Simon North
Simon North

Ticket to Oblivion? | George Weigel

Wiegel quoutes Newman: "And, I rejoice to say, to one great mischief I have from the first opposed myself. For thirty, forty, fifty years I have resisted to the best of my powers the spirit of liberalism in religion. Never did Holy Church need champions against it more sorely than now . . ." But Wiegel's hero is Karol Wojtyla. What a disastrous example of irony.
Simon North

EXCLUSIVE: Dom Alcuin Reid’s Response to Prof. Grillo’s Interview

The sides are drawn. Stop dialoguing with these Modernist heretics. Answering Grillo is like trying to use reason with a monkey. Grillo, Roche, Viola et. al. are deformed creatures who, for decades, have given spiritually starving Catholic souls stones when they sought bread. It's time for Catholic swordsmen - not wordsmiths.
Simon North

US Bishops Apologize For Native Americans’ ‘History Of Trauma’

Marxists always rewrite history. I won't insult Marxists by pinning that label on the bishops who voted for this stupidity - only because most of them don't have the intelligence to know what I would mean by referring to them as such.
Simon North

Liturgical Extremism: Francis to Ban All Latin Masses

@Tony M Hopefully, Bergoglio is merely the apogee of the Revolution that began 60 years ago. Sacrilegious Communion? Benedict did that with non-Catholic Brother Roger of Taize. Vatican II states that individual non-Catholics may receive the Eucharist. Benedict even urged the formation of more ecumenical communities like Taize. Benedict and John Paul II were the anthropomorphic expressions of Vatican …More
@Tony M Hopefully, Bergoglio is merely the apogee of the Revolution that began 60 years ago. Sacrilegious Communion? Benedict did that with non-Catholic Brother Roger of Taize. Vatican II states that individual non-Catholics may receive the Eucharist. Benedict even urged the formation of more ecumenical communities like Taize. Benedict and John Paul II were the anthropomorphic expressions of Vatican II - full of contradictions that confused and demoralized. Wojtyla and Ratzinger created dogmatic antiquarianism by reigniting the Judaizing debate settled at the Council of Jerusalem (c.50 AD!) - with Benedict even participating in a synagogue service. Bergoglio is impossible without Wojtyla and Ratzinger.
Simon North

Rradical Protestant broadcastet his interaction with an unassuming Catholic named Dave. Despite just …

Protestantism is at the root of the fall of the Christian (Catholic) West and Western civilization.
Simon North

Francis Writes to Homosexual Ex-Seminarian: "Continue Your Vocation"

@Dr Bobus It's not about the documents. It's about the teaching within the documents, i.e. preventing homosexuality in the priesthood. You would admit he's bound to that teaching?
Simon North

Francis Writes to Homosexual Ex-Seminarian: "Continue Your Vocation"

It just occurred to me - this is days after Francis complained to the Bishops about faggotry in the seminaries? This guy's evil may have deteriorated into mental illness.
Simon North

Francis Writes to Homosexual Ex-Seminarian: "Continue Your Vocation"

Francis has contradicted previous Church teaching on homosexuality and the priesthood - just as Vatican II and the post-conciliar counterfeit institution he heads has contradicted to no small degree the previous 2000 years of the faith of the Roman Catholic Church.
Simon North

AS EXPECTED: Tucho Says No “Witch Hunt” for Priests Who Violate Fiducia Supplicans

Nothing more than a strategic tactic. As soon as they make their perversion mainstream with their so-called blessings, the hunt will commence. Although, mercifully, there is reason to hope that their counterfeit church won't be around long enough to bring their tactics to fruition.
Simon North

Saint Charles Lwanga, slowly burned alive for saying Homosexuality is wrong/sinful

I cannot imagine the extraordinary grace given to these heroes of the Faith. The Popes and Bishops failure - from the beginning of the "homosexual rights" movement, to directly teach the nations that homosexuality is a perversion, and it being offered ANY rights in ANY culture legitimizes this perversion - is an historical embarrassment for there One True Faith. It flows from the counterfeit post-…More
I cannot imagine the extraordinary grace given to these heroes of the Faith. The Popes and Bishops failure - from the beginning of the "homosexual rights" movement, to directly teach the nations that homosexuality is a perversion, and it being offered ANY rights in ANY culture legitimizes this perversion - is an historical embarrassment for there One True Faith. It flows from the counterfeit post-conciliar "religion of man."
Simon North

Fauci confesses social distancing and masking kids didn't stop covid

No one more dangerous than an apostate Catholic.
Simon North

Study: Young German Priests Reject German Synod

When they signal they reject the error of the nefarious Council that ended in 1965 - as well as the revolution ongoing for 60 years - wake me up.
Simon North

Cardinal Burke: Apocalyptic Situation in Church, Caused by Clergy

@Sean Johnson The more I think about this comment, I must say that it's one of the most pithily accurate assessments I've read in a long time. Well said.
Simon North

Cardinal Burke: Apocalyptic Situation in Church, Caused by Clergy

Your Eminence: you rose in the ranks in the Church because you embraced the conciliar and post-conciliar revolution. You didn't even make an attempt to keep altar girls out of your diocese when that gender-bending decision came down in the spring of 1994 (that was resisted only in Arlington and Lincoln). You are self-delusional at best, feckless at worst.
Simon North

Bishop Strickland: "I Am Not A Sedevacantist."

Nice person - but a rather lightweight hierarch. One can tell he was trained (not trained?) in a post-conciliar seminary.
Simon North

Bishop Strickland: Catholics cannot be 'silent' in face of 'effort to eliminate supernatural faith' …

As an adherent to Vatican II and the dismantling of the sacred over the past 60 years - he's been part of the problem. He wouldn't have risen in the ecclesiastical ranks if he hadn't gone along with the agenda. Why don't these hierarchs ever take responsibility for their part in the destruction of the Church?
Simon North

Vatican set to renew controversial agreement despite China’s betrayal

These are evil men. I employ hesitantly the predicate nominative.