
Christianity Collapsing at Dramatic Speed in UK

For every one new convert, 26 Christians abandon the Faith in the United Kingdom, christianpost.com reports. The nonreligious population (48,6%) in the UK, predominantly young, white and male, is now bigger than its combined Christian one (43%).

On the other side, the non-Christian religious population, mainly Moslems and Hindus, more than quadrupled since 1983 rising to 8.4%. Since 2001, more than 500 churches in London of all denominations have been closed down, while the number of Muslims has grown by almost a million. One hundred Islamic sharia courts are operating in London.

Picture: © JouWatch, Flickr, CC BY-SA, #newsEmdtedtgtw
The great apostasy continues unabated. England lost the faith in the 1500's and is now losing what little is left. God has been kicked out and satan will gladly move in to fill the void. We get what we deserve.
Hugh N. Cry
Deus lo vult!