
Bergoglio is scheduled to partake in a pagan shamanic “smudging” ceremony — a ritual with which the …

Sorry for the delay, I wasn't notified. We need to reject the entire Vatican II counterfeit church, as novusordowatch.org covers thoroughly. Another good site is akacatholic.com

Bergoglio is scheduled to partake in a pagan shamanic “smudging” ceremony — a ritual with which the …

Benedict XVI is not pope either. The papacy was usurped in 1958 when Cardinal Siri was elected 2 days before John XXIII and then threatened into invalid abdication, as whitesmoke1958.com gives substantial evidence of.

To Hell and Back-Testimony. Inferno Zeugnis

🤐 Interesting that Gloria.tv's motto says, "the more Catholic the better" and all these near death experiences of hell seem to be by people who then become Protestants. It tends to lead me to the controversial conclusion that the devil may even be involved - concede a small battle in order to win a bigger war. Most people will think this is absurd, but the devil is a supreme strategist with the …More
🤐 Interesting that Gloria.tv's motto says, "the more Catholic the better" and all these near death experiences of hell seem to be by people who then become Protestants. It tends to lead me to the controversial conclusion that the devil may even be involved - concede a small battle in order to win a bigger war. Most people will think this is absurd, but the devil is a supreme strategist with the greatest created intellect other than Christ's. We can see his work in phony apparitions like Medjugorje, leading people to pray the rosary and confess often and fast while leading them out of the Church through pride and disobedience. Christ said that in the latter times many will be deceived. True discernment of spirits requires not only obedience but the little known and valued virtue of mortification of our natural curiosity for the sensational and esoteric. Also devotion to the Eucharist and to Our Lady and her rosary. (See www.knightsoftheholyrosary.com)