Libor Halik
To Hell and Back-Testimony. Inferno Zeugnis. Dr. Maurice Rawlings, MD a heart surgeon, shows from his own practice and from the experiences of his patients, that not everyone goes to the light when …More
To Hell and Back-Testimony. Inferno Zeugnis.
Dr. Maurice Rawlings, MD a heart surgeon, shows from his own practice and from the experiences of his patients, that not everyone goes to the light when they die, where there is total love. Many of his patients, after being resuscitated on the operating table, spoke about hell. Zur Hölle und zurück Zur Hölle und zurück-Zeugnisse
Dr. Rawlings: Many people are trying to dilute the message of hell and heaven saying that neither of these places exists. Why not eat, drink and be merry? If there is no accountability, then there is no sin. And if there is no sin, Christ died in vain. And if Christ died in vain, what do we need God for? This is the new philosophy of New Age, that there is no hell. It is a hope of most people that there is no hell.
Volunteers are going into hospitals, to visit our loved ones, with the New Age message. It is called the religion of the ending years, the religion of near death experiences. “Look, I went to heaven”, they …More
Darrell, I agree with you. I have perused some NDE videos on youtube and I'm shocked at the amount of heresy proclaimed by a number of the "survivors". One particular thing that comes to mind is a "divine being" telling someone that there's no such thing as sin. Buyer beware!
🤐 Interesting that's motto says, "the more Catholic the better" and all these near death experiences of hell seem to be by people who then become Protestants. It tends to lead me to the controversial conclusion that the devil may even be involved - concede a small battle in order to win a bigger war. Most people will think this is absurd, but the devil is a supreme strategist with the …More
🤐 Interesting that's motto says, "the more Catholic the better" and all these near death experiences of hell seem to be by people who then become Protestants. It tends to lead me to the controversial conclusion that the devil may even be involved - concede a small battle in order to win a bigger war. Most people will think this is absurd, but the devil is a supreme strategist with the greatest created intellect other than Christ's. We can see his work in phony apparitions like Medjugorje, leading people to pray the rosary and confess often and fast while leading them out of the Church through pride and disobedience. Christ said that in the latter times many will be deceived. True discernment of spirits requires not only obedience but the little known and valued virtue of mortification of our natural curiosity for the sensational and esoteric. Also devotion to the Eucharist and to Our Lady and her rosary. (See
😡 Awesome! Send this video out, soldiers of God; defeat the enemy with the truth about it all and the Good News of Jesus Christ that is also presented in with the testimony of hell! Rattle the devil's cage; get some people out of his reach by sending this video out to ALL. Very powerful & convincing; best I have ever seen. The Lord is in this.
✍️ Amazing! Send to ALL your friends & acquaintances! There is not much time left before this world passes away. Everyone needs to see this right now! If people do not know about hell, they will end up there. The offer of the love and help of Jesus is not enough for some people. We who are alive in 2010, are living right now, in the 13th Chapter of the Book of Revelation. Don't wait for a chance …More
✍️ Amazing! Send to ALL your friends & acquaintances! There is not much time left before this world passes away. Everyone needs to see this right now! If people do not know about hell, they will end up there. The offer of the love and help of Jesus is not enough for some people. We who are alive in 2010, are living right now, in the 13th Chapter of the Book of Revelation. Don't wait for a chance to invite someone to Sunday school. Send this to them now! Then worry about the invitations. Thank you Gloria TV, for making this video available! Another thing that is available, is something on my - Roberta McCaslin's - Facebook page under the "photos" tab in the album entitled: "Collaborative Art Photos"; I have artwork there that you can send as postcards to people about the Second Coming and the end of this world. God bless you!
Thanks for the upload.