
France: One to Zero for Our Lady

Oh yeah? What about Mr. Bergoglio? Oh, wait, he's not Catholic. Never mind.

Francis Turns Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith into a Pro-Gay Club

Just when you think the official Catholic Church can't possibly get any worse, it tops itself.

The Carnival Novus Ordo Season Is Open


No Burke Treatment: Rupnik Continues Normal Life In Rome

A priest having sex with a woman? Old school.

Accused Priest Commits Suicide

Train suicides never think of the poor train driver and track cleaners who will live with this memory forever. Don't kill yourself with a train.

Collapse: UK on the Way Out

Aren't all English men except James Bond gay?

Traditionis Custodes Improves Situation in Las Vegas

SSPX is also my safety net. Just to be sure they are around when I need them, I give them 100% of my church contributions.

Good Luck: Francis to Rigorously Ban Roman Rite Priestly Ordinations

Mr. Bergoglio is not the Pope. Mr. Bergoglio is not the Pope. Mr. Bergoglio is not the Pope.

Good Luck: Francis to Rigorously Ban Roman Rite Priestly Ordinations

We'll see. SSPX at least publicly claims that anti-pope Bergoglio is an actual pope. When he commands them to use only the Protestant forms, what will they do?

Three Million: Had Pell Been a Simple Priest, He Would Still Be in Jail

These preposterous accusations would never have been brought against a "simple priest." Pell was the target because he's Pell.

Survey Proves: Old Rite Is Future of the Church

I'm a TLM guy, but is this a fair comparison? Faithless, nominal Catholics are all lumped in with the New Rite. What if you compare answers of New Rite Catholics who go to Mass on Sunday to Old Rite? I've never seen that statistic tho it must be in the data.