
Le pape attendant patiemment le Président Macron

Sarebbe meglio uscire da Babilonia la Grande. Vi invito alla nuova Gerusalemme

Francis’ Christmas Concert Included Pachamama Catechesis (Video)

those consecrated to Christ cannot be persuaded to prostrate themselves before statues of pagan idols, some of them scabrous and scandalous, as well as many were able to see in this month of October, during meetings, cults and rites promoted by the leaders of the Church of Rome, which were held in the Vatican gardens. These idolatrous manifestations lead to denying the true doctrine that is Christ …More
those consecrated to Christ cannot be persuaded to prostrate themselves before statues of pagan idols, some of them scabrous and scandalous, as well as many were able to see in this month of October, during meetings, cults and rites promoted by the leaders of the Church of Rome, which were held in the Vatican gardens. These idolatrous manifestations lead to denying the true doctrine that is Christ and in the face of such bewilderment and confusion some would like to react, while others do so with strong gestures, over the top sometimes, who are condemned by public opinion and so we lose sight of the true sin, the greatest crime that is carried out against God: idolatry.

German Bishops: Adultery "No Sin"; Homosexuality "Normal", "Unchangeable"

falsehood that now more than ever is trying to mislead children, to make them deviate the way, even going so far as to cancel, change the word of Christ.

Viganò: Not Even The Most Optimistic Freemason Would Have Dreamed Francis’ Papacy

The bread must be genuine, fragrant and authentic. If the bread is contaminated or mixed with what is world, with other religions, with other religious philosophies that do not come from the heart of the Father that nourishment is not and never can be. Only Christ can satiate to feed and give life. In this Church Christ returns to being the center.

Viganò: Francis Uses Deceit to Subject Church To The World

This is the project of new world religion officially proposed from the Church of Rome to the whole world in the video message of the Roman pontiff, maliciously distributed on 6 January 2016, Feast of the Epiphany - so at least for true Christians - Feast of the manifestation of Christ, the Son of God, to all peoples. A house that is no longer home, which wants to bring everyone together in appearance …More
This is the project of new world religion officially proposed from the Church of Rome to the whole world in the video message of the Roman pontiff, maliciously distributed on 6 January 2016, Feast of the Epiphany - so at least for true Christians - Feast of the manifestation of Christ, the Son of God, to all peoples. A house that is no longer home, which wants to bring everyone together in appearance, in propaganda,

Bishop Schneider: Francis Not Only Promotes, But Rewards Betrayers Of Christ

the church of Rome is leading Christians into a false new world religion, founded on a false idea of ecumenism that draws away from Christ and considers all religions equal before God the Father. This deeply betrays the Plan of Salvation wanted by God for humanity, which is accomplished only in Christ and not in other religious philosophies. Only one is the true religion: the one that recognizes …More
the church of Rome is leading Christians into a false new world religion, founded on a false idea of ecumenism that draws away from Christ and considers all religions equal before God the Father. This deeply betrays the Plan of Salvation wanted by God for humanity, which is accomplished only in Christ and not in other religious philosophies. Only one is the true religion: the one that recognizes Christ as the only Saviour of the world and that is once again in the Church of Christ. Both Luther and Bergoglio have betrayed God the Father, arousing the wrath of God the Father, that is and will be felt by all humanity.…/bergoglio-to-th…

Breaking: An Attempt Is Ongoing to Blame A Homosexual Maniac on Benedict XVI

The times of John Paul II and the times of Benedict XVI are far away. That's why everything is decaying and now a contrary doctrine is taught! That is why the Holy Spirit is blasphemed! This is blasphemy towards the Holy Spirit!

Pachamama in St Peter’s Manifests Abu Dhabi Statement - by Professor Josef Seifert

This is why the Spirit of the Father has revealed that there would have been a time and it is this: that His people should have come out of Babylon the great, from the Church of Rome, not to be associated with its sins and its crimes. In the book of Revelation, the fall of Rome and announced, Babylon, she who from pure became impure, betrayed Christ

Radical Modernist Turns Radical Papist: “When Francis Speaks It's Magisterium”

As a man and a Christian, I (Samuel)ask you: Do you think that in front of all this the Father can truly remain still, without reacting, without defending His Son and all His children, victims of the abomination of pedophilia that has been going on for decades, despite the calls and warnings that for time and in time the Mother of God, Pilgrim on this earth has brought to everyone? The Father is …More
As a man and a Christian, I (Samuel)ask you: Do you think that in front of all this the Father can truly remain still, without reacting, without defending His Son and all His children, victims of the abomination of pedophilia that has been going on for decades, despite the calls and warnings that for time and in time the Mother of God, Pilgrim on this earth has brought to everyone? The Father is not a statue, He has a Heart, He is Alive.

College of Cardinals in Serious Troubles – Cardinal Burke

Questa è la stessa difficoltà che tanti, anche nei nostri giorni, sperimentano. Tanti non riescono più a considerare ciò che è bene e ciò che è male, dove è il Bene e dove è il Male. Questo è dovuto a diversi fattori. Uno: dai tempi duri e difficili che stanno vivendo, nei quali il maligno è scatenato e cerca di divorare quante più anime possibili. Due: dalla quantità dei valori e dall'assopimento …More
Questa è la stessa difficoltà che tanti, anche nei nostri giorni, sperimentano. Tanti non riescono più a considerare ciò che è bene e ciò che è male, dove è il Bene e dove è il Male. Questo è dovuto a diversi fattori. Uno: dai tempi duri e difficili che stanno vivendo, nei quali il maligno è scatenato e cerca di divorare quante più anime possibili. Due: dalla quantità dei valori e dall'assopimento delle considerazioni e dei cuori di tanti che sono attratti da tutto ciò che è mondo,

Bishop Wants to “Save Christianity From Catholicism”

Truth is substance, Truth is essence of God‟s Love, Truth is Life. The rest is only appearance. It is not a lasting truth, but a truth made of compromises, a personal truth, a relative truth, which powerful men make and change as they please, making believe all what from time to time suits them better.

Two Homosexuals Are Bypassing Cardinal Ouellet

I tempi passati non hanno insegnato nulla, perché questa umanità è diventata arida: si è allontanata sempre più dalla retta via e ha perso sempre più il contatto, per mano di chi avrebbe dovuto rafforzare il rapporto con il Padre, ma ha preferito coltivare rapporti con il mondo per essere regina (Apocalisse 18: 7b) di un mondo perverso.

Pro-Gay Protestants Push Cardinal Cupich to Promote Hatred Against Faith

A daily life made of perversion, of imbalance, and of all that involves disorder. And all those who are animated by good-will and are seeking the Truth, will believe, because the Father is faithful to His promises.

Whistleblower Viganò Puts Heavy Pressure on Cardinal Ouellet

E le maschere cadranno. E si tratta di chi ha un cuore la vita e la difesa del dono sacro della vita e della famiglia e chi no. Si deve riportare al centro i suoi valori: Vita e Famiglia. La famiglia così come è stata istituita da Dio,

Francesco scherza: "Io sono il diavolo"

Possibile che le coscienze si siano addormentate a tal punto da vivere come normale o addirittura bello ciò che è in evidente contrasto con il volere del Padre.
Possibile che le coscienze si siano addormentate a tal punto da vivere come normale o addirittura bello ciò che è in evidente contrasto con il volere del Padre.

Monsignor Antonio Livi: L'elezione di Francesco è stata orchestrata Questo è il sottile inganno, che tanti non riescono a comprendere e a decifrare: far credere di voler accogliere tutti per in realtà allontanare da Cristo, per far sì che tutti possano pensare che o credere in Cristo, o credere in Maometto, o credere in Budda, o credere nella religione ebraica o credere nell'induismo o credere in altro, in realtà è più o meno la stessa cosa.

Gloria.TV News on the 17th of February 2015

Yet difficult to translate to my italian friends

Gloria.TV News on the 28th of January 2015

Long Live Gloria TV!

Gloria.TV News on the 8th of December 2014

He is making fun of us, we must open our eyes!

Gloria.TV News on the 2nd of December 2014

we want the truth!!! thank you gloria tv!