
Pachamama in St Peter’s Manifests Abu Dhabi Statement - by Professor Josef Seifert

The Catholic major Basilica of St. Peter’s is not a museum for pagan statues, and it would be wrong to use it for this purpose. Besides that, putting such statuettes in a Catholic Church during a …More
The Catholic major Basilica of St. Peter’s is not a museum for pagan statues, and it would be wrong to use it for this purpose.
Besides that, putting such statuettes in a Catholic Church during a Pontifical High Mass (October 7), while members of tribes who believe in this false goddess, are present in Rome, is not treating these statuettes as museum pieces.
Such an act objectively expresses, if not worship, at least solidarity with false gods, putting a false religion that is a horror in God’s eyes, as we know from many passages of the Old Testament, side by side with Catholic religion.
Even if there is no subjective idolatrous intention behind this, as Pope Francis affirms, the objective fact of putting idols in a Church, let alone in St Peter's, is an offence against God and an objectively sacrilegious act.
Cardinal Müller expressed it well: not the removal of the pagan statues from the church was the unjust action for which one ought to apologize. This was only against human law, …More
Salvatoree and 9 more users link to this post
Superb article, en.news Exposes both problems and the fallacious justifications perfectly.
This is why the Spirit of the Father has revealed that there would have been a time and it is this: that His people should have come out of Babylon the great, from the Church of Rome, not to be associated with its sins and its crimes. In the book of Revelation, the fall of Rome and announced, Babylon, she who from pure became impure, betrayed Christ www.youtube.com/watch
Cristiano cattolico
Repentance for the Amazon Synod in relation to the First Commandment
10 October 2019
The whole sphere of occultism is inherently connected with paganism, i.e. with the worship of the devil and demons. These are sins against the First Commandment. This sphere, however, is so hidden (occult) that many practices of magic and divination are unknowingly promoted even by a large number of monks and priests …More
Repentance for the Amazon Synod in relation to the First Commandment
10 October 2019
The whole sphere of occultism is inherently connected with paganism, i.e. with the worship of the devil and demons. These are sins against the First Commandment. This sphere, however, is so hidden (occult) that many practices of magic and divination are unknowingly promoted even by a large number of monks and priests. The principle is as follows: If any practice contains hidden elements of magic, divination or spiritualism, even its modern form is already condemned by God! Through pagan occultism, individuals, nations as well as the Church are kept in spiritual darkness. Both paganism and contemporary New Age neopaganism have their root in Satanism, which also involves human sacrifices.
De Profundis
This is a pagan idol, plain and simple.
Good Prof. Seifert waiting for a bishop to tell him how it’s possible for Christ’s Vicar to be Christ’s enemy and what the Pachamama to do about it (mind his dog)
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