Mercy Health, a Catholic health-care system that operates 23 hospitals in Ohio and Kentucky, has announced that it will support physicians’ decisions to perform abortions if they are judged necessary …Mehr
Mercy Health, a Catholic health-care system that operates 23 hospitals in Ohio and Kentucky, has announced that it will support physicians’ decisions to perform abortions if they are judged necessary to save the mothers’ lives.

Mercy Health affirms medically necessary abortions

Mercy Health affirms medically necessary abortions Mercy Health affirms its stance on performing medically necessary abortions at its hospitals. The …
Juan Perez
We should start by not using their words. Which is lying. Phrases like "pro choice" "mercy health" "pandemic" "transgender" etc. Do not use their lying …Mehr
We should start by not using their words. Which is lying. Phrases like "pro choice" "mercy health" "pandemic" "transgender" etc. Do not use their lying language or you are complicit. And the little we can do is to at least reflect reality with our words. Maybe somebody could find better words to describe the following but I think the reality is described better if we use baby murderers instead of "pro choice", transvestites instead of "transgender" , government backed health ideology instead of "mercy health", fraud instead of "pandemic", injection instead of "vaccine" etc.
All Saints
I just left their hospital sytem this morning. New doctor. New hospital. I can tell you that everybody knows how evil Mercy health is. Unacceptable …Mehr
I just left their hospital sytem this morning. New doctor. New hospital. I can tell you that everybody knows how evil Mercy health is. Unacceptable books n waiting rooms and inappropriat shows on the TV. Even some of the hospital staff laugh at the stupid system they use. Kiosks, beepers, FORCED use of MyChart. You feel like you’re on a conveyor belt instead of a hospital setting. And I’ll tell you something else. They murdered my friends husband, two years ago. His doctor and the doctor at another hospital both signed off that he could be moved from Mercy health to a hospital that will actually give him proper treatments. The ambulance was waiting outside and all the papers were ready. And these Devils would not release him. He was dead within three days. Mercy health is NOT Catholic and there is NO mercy to be found. Not at St. Joe’s in Warren, Ohio.
Trump drew attention to Paulette Harlow and other ‘peaceful pro-lifers who Joe Biden has rounded up — sometimes with SWAT teams’ and imprisoned. ‘We’re going to get that taken care of immediately. …Mehr
Trump drew attention to Paulette Harlow and other ‘peaceful pro-lifers who Joe Biden has rounded up — sometimes with SWAT teams’ and imprisoned. ‘We’re going to get that taken care of immediately. First day,’ Trump said.

Trump says he will get pro-lifers jailed by Biden admin 'out of the gulag' if re-elected - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Donald Trump told a group of evangelicals this weekend that if he is re-elected he …

Poland's new government slaps massive fine on hospital for refusing to perform abortion - LifeSite

WARSAW (LifeSiteNews) — The Polish government under Prime Minister Donald Tusk has imposed a hefty …
The Polish are as pathetic as the Irish. Once a Catholic country loses the faith, Satan gladly takes over.
A Canadian Catholic hospital is being sued by the parents of a young woman the institution refused to euthanize.

Family sues over hospital’s religious exemption for euthanasia

Nationally, a majority in all regions except Quebec said transferring a patient who wants MAID should be sufficient. In Quebec, 47% believed …
I hope this law will not come to America.
The world is upside down. 🙏
Fr. Fidelis released from DC jail after serving 3-month sentence

Fr. Fidelis released from DC jail after serving 3-month sentence for pro-life Red Rose Rescue - LifeSite

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) – Franciscan priest and pro-life activist Fr. Fidelis Moscinski, …
Naomi Arai
I’m planning on abandoning ship on the US soon I think. It’s getting creepy.
Maria delos Angeles
Fidelis: Any suffering, but especially incarceration, can be a powerful opportunity for us to fulfill these words of St. Paul: “I beseech you, therefore …Mehr
Fidelis: Any suffering, but especially incarceration, can be a powerful opportunity for us to fulfill these words of St. Paul: “I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercy of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing unto God, your reasonable service.”
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HerzMariae teilt von Jungerheld
1,1 Tsd.
A total of 16 men will be ordained to the Catholic priesthood for the Archdiocese of Washington on June 15, marking the largest ordination class since 1960. The new ordinands include a medical doctor,…Mehr
A total of 16 men will be ordained to the Catholic priesthood for the Archdiocese of Washington on June 15, marking the largest ordination class since 1960. The new ordinands include a medical doctor, a former police officer, and former army officers.

Power of Prayer: Washington Archdiocese Celebrates Largest Priestly Ordination Class Since 1960

Power of Prayer: Washington Archdiocese Celebrates Largest Priestly Ordination Class Since 1960 ‘We can’t …
"Fewer women would have abortions if wombs had windows." Dr Bernard Nathanson | former abortionist, turned pro-life advocate
Liam Ronan
Lobe Gott. Für Gott ist alles möglich.
chris griffin
Truely amazing video but more amazing is the baby and the Lord who has loved this baby from eternity past.
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Mark Houck is suing the Biden DOJ for ‘malicious’ and ‘retaliatory’ prosecution, as well as for ‘abuse of process, false arrest, assault, and intentional infliction of emotional distress,’ after the …Mehr
Mark Houck is suing the Biden DOJ for ‘malicious’ and ‘retaliatory’ prosecution, as well as for ‘abuse of process, false arrest, assault, and intentional infliction of emotional distress,’ after the FBI traumatized the pro-lifer’s family with an armed raid in 2022.

Pro-life father Mark Houck files $4.3 million lawsuit against Biden DOJ after FBI raid - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Pro-life advocate and Catholic father of seven Mark Houck filed a lawsuit against the …
Father Karl A Claver
I pray he wins. If God is for us, who can be against us?

Jailed pro-lifer Will Goodman: It is an honor to be in prison to witness against the abortion holocaust …

(LifeSiteNews) — Following our respective sentencing hearings, my attorney has explained that U.S. …
chris griffin
This is one of the most stirring accounts of pro-life that I have ever seen. He is innocent and confined and helpless like the unborn. What an honor he …Mehr
This is one of the most stirring accounts of pro-life that I have ever seen. He is innocent and confined and helpless like the unborn. What an honor he has earned on earth and a heavenly reward thereafter.
chris griffin
The percentage of mothers and their baby that are saved at the abortion clinic averages only 5%. My experience at the abortion clinic is that the women …Mehr
The percentage of mothers and their baby that are saved at the abortion clinic averages only 5%. My experience at the abortion clinic is that the women who completed their abortion then repented is 2%.
Naomi Arai
Unfortunately, when a woman comes to the mill, just because you tell them the truth, doesn’t mean they’ll accept it. Doesn’t hurt to try, though.
Megan Roberts, a Catholic mother of seven small kids, who “touched so many hearts,” succumbed to cancer. “Being diagnosed at 19 weeks of pregnancy, with 6 rounds of chemotherapy and prayers to …Mehr
Megan Roberts, a Catholic mother of seven small kids, who “touched so many hearts,” succumbed to cancer. “Being diagnosed at 19 weeks of pregnancy, with 6 rounds of chemotherapy and prayers to St.Philomena, she continued to carry her child to full term and gave birth to their miracle baby Patrick Peyton,” her obituary reads.
God's ways are inscrutable but one thing is for sure. As she died , this Mother heard the words of Christ; Well done, good and faithful servant...
All Saints
THAT is a mother. THAT is a woman.
4 weitere Kommentare

Jailed pro-lifer: We accept abuse and suffering because aborted children suffer even worse - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — In the shadowlands of human history, even in the glare of the Middle Eastern sun, …
chris griffin
@Cc Ss....Your point is well taken; it is a war on two fronts.
Cc Ss
The issue is people are putting all their focus on abortion when the crime is the promiscuity that got her pregnant in the first place. It’s like …Mehr
The issue is people are putting all their focus on abortion when the crime is the promiscuity that got her pregnant in the first place.
It’s like enabling a person to steal then getting mad only when they go to pawn the merch. One is a direct result of the other.
Isn’t it the devil who turns everything upside down and convinces us that what is wrong is really right?
We are causing young women enormous confusion by letting the first sin slide as long as you don’t commit the other.
Melissa Ohden shares how she survived an abortion at 31 weeks.
Bruceph Mildur
Chair Cassidy is so full of... he's so mistaken. It's not a difficult issue chairman. It's murder! Life's not easy. It's never been easy. It never will …Mehr
Chair Cassidy is so full of... he's so mistaken. It's not a difficult issue chairman. It's murder! Life's not easy. It's never been easy. It never will be easy. This congeniality business has gone too far.

SENTENCED: Pro-life Rescuer Paulette Harlow Receives 24 months in DC Face Act case

SENTENCED: Pro-life Rescuer Paulette Harlow Receives 24 months in DC Face Act case LSNTV See More Appearing before left …
chris griffin
May she be blessed for being persecuted for Christ and his unborn babies that he gave life to.

‘Pregnant man’ becomes ‘abortion doula’ to assist others who want to kill their babies - LifeSite

In 2016, Ash Williams became pregnant for the first time. Williams wants to be a parent eventually — …
‘Pregnant man’ becomes ‘abortion doula’ to assist others who want to kill their babies - a 'Rolling Stone' story reflects the craziness that comes from gender confusion.

Life As an Abortion Doula

I n 2016, Ash Williams became pregnant for the first time. Williams wants to be a parent eventually — but he wasn’t ready for a child then. He didn’t know much about what an …
chris griffin
Insanity on steroids. I pray for the murdered baby.

BREAKING: Pro-life rescuer Paulette Harlow sentenced to 24 months in DC FACE Act case - LifeSite

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) – Pro-life activist Paulette Harlow was sentenced Friday to 24 months in …
Josefa Menendez
María Santísima, Madre de todos los no-nacidos, ayudala, consolala en el Nombre de tu Hijo Jesucristo. Amen.
chris griffin
The unborn will come to her aid at her judgement. "Lord, save her because she tried to save us,"
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Unplanned pregnancies can be the greatest blessings
She was unplanned? Are they saying it's ok to plan pregnancies now?
Cc Ss
What did she expect would happen?
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U.S. pro-life leader Abby Johnson roasted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the National March for Life in Canada's capital city of Ottawa earlier this month. “I look at your ridiculous Prime Minister …Mehr
U.S. pro-life leader Abby Johnson roasted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the National March for Life in Canada's capital city of Ottawa earlier this month. “I look at your ridiculous Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,” she said. “He is an idiot! The Trudeau family, can you just please go away? You have wreaked enough havoc in this beautiful country. Get out! Like, go away!”
Sorry to say you never end abortion in a democracy that called original sin . Democracy has no room for Christ the King
Everyday for Life Canada
Look up Trudeau in the dictionary: by far the worst PM in Canada’s history. Next is his old man.
7 weitere Kommentare
Roger Foley, a Canadian man with disabilities, says he's been offered euthanasia "multiple times." Listen to him speak out against being devalued as he fights for the support he needs to live
Credo .
One brave, courageous man!
O Canada social Marxism at its finest sprinkled with fascism
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