
Breaking: An Attempt Is Ongoing to Blame A Homosexual Maniac on Benedict XVI

The German tabloid Bild (October 30) is trying to engulf Benedict XVI in a scandal involving the homosexual German prelate X (name known to en.news) who used to work in the Secretariat of State.

X allegedly harassed other priests. His uncontrolled homosexuality was no mystery in the Vatican and beyond.

Benedict's private secretary, Archbishop Georg Gänswein, 63, was informed, and X was first moved to the diplomatic service, among other in Vienna, where his problems continued, and then sent back to Germany.

The case has received a new turn as one priest who allegedly was molested by X in the Secretariat of State informed Vatican prosecutors in a nine-page letter and during a four-hour interrogation, about assaults he suffered in the Apostolic Palace.

He says X "forced" deep kisses on him, squeezed his genitals, and choked his throat so that he was "unable" to defend himself. During another incident X allegedly put his private parts on the accuser's desk who this time knew what to do. He kicked X.

The accuser informed Gänswein who answered in March 2012: "Don’t be annoyed, just be a bit surprised." Gänswein expressed his hope that the problem would not be overlooked "for too much longer." X's bishop was informed in December 2012.

In January 2013, Gänswein received more information about X. He alerted the staff manager who now cannot remember anything.

The accuser's legal counsel is the Munich lawyer and showman Alexander Stevens, 38, who obviously uses Bild in order to push the case.

According to Bild, a second priest of the Secretariat of State has come forward with more accusations of the same type. X's lawyer has denied all allegations.

In an attempt to make the case more interesting, Bild suggests that X was crucial for Benedict XVI's election as he allegedly unmasked attempts of the St Gallen mafia to have Bergoglio elected already in 2005.

However, by now, Francis has surrounded himself with his own homosexual circle.


Bild can say what they want, but Benedict XVI had absolutely nothing to do with Elton John.
The times of John Paul II and the times of Benedict XVI are far away. That's why everything is decaying and now a contrary doctrine is taught! That is why the Holy Spirit is blasphemed! This is blasphemy towards the Holy Spirit! www.youtube.com/watch