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Must Read, Open Letter to the United States Conference of Bishops

To the Most Reverend Members of the USCCB, I am a concerned Catholic professional with degrees in both civil and canon law. I am also a wife, a mother of three and a pro-life and anti-surrogacy activist …More
To the Most Reverend Members of the USCCB,
I am a concerned Catholic professional with degrees in both civil and canon law. I am also a wife, a mother of three and a pro-life and anti-surrogacy activist. Consistent with the teachings of the Church, I have sponsored immigrants and assisted illegal entrants in attaining citizenship. My husband and I are active parishioners in San Francisco, California and Park City, Utah. We have raised our children in the Church and weathered with the Church the shocking exposure of suppressed incidents of sexual abuse against children by some of our clergy.
I have been faithful and involved.
The recent exposure of the sexual abuse by and lifestyle of Cardinal “Uncle Ted” McCarrick opens old wounds of betrayal by the clergy and a new, far more serious chapter in the moral authority of the Episcopal conference. The credibility and viability of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is now in question.
Those of us who have followed the …More