Benedict Joseph

German Bishop: Church "May Bless" Gay Fornication

No doubt where his loyalties are. Teutonic speculations has brought the world so many riches?
Benedict Joseph

Cardinal Kasper: Church Should become “More Protestant"

This artifact is an abomination and requires institutionalization. Perhaps that is what the Bergoglian conundrum in a straight jacket in a snake pit.
Benedict Joseph

Adultery Bishop: “Seeing Salvini Holding Rosary Beads, Hurt Me”

It doesn't hurt me. It is a consolation to see a public political figure acknowledge the centrality of sound faith to sound public policy. The Maltese Bergoglian Borg can go smoke a pipe.
Benedict Joseph

Ex-President of John Paul II Institute: Francis Simply Throws Away People

It is easy to say since he can't touch me, but it is a good thing when Bergoglio lifts the mask and shows his true face. While God is the sole judge, history will have a word to say about this catastrophe and it won't be kind.
Benedict Joseph

Archbishop Cancels Anti-Trump Tweets

Not a Democrat? No miter.
Benedict Joseph

Francis Mails Picture to His Anti-Catholic Friend Leonardo Boff

We can say Boff speaks the truth at least about this facet of Bergoglio. He be one of "them."
Benedict Joseph

Homosexual Orgasm Celebrated in Montreal Church (Video)

Bishop Christian Lépine undoubtedly will hear not a peep from the South American Jesuit pope. He could get a promotion for thinking out side of the box, on the peripheries. Give me strength.
Benedict Joseph

First Picture: Archbishop Viganò With Beard To Change His Appearance

Trial? He is the star witness for the prosecution. God reward this man.
Benedict Joseph

Francis' Ambiguities Follow “A Plan”

Father Hunwick's website is my first stop every morning. How wonderful to have the opportunity to see him and hear him speak. He is flawless.
Benedict Joseph

New Australian Tie-Bishop Wants to be “Welcoming” [For Gays Only]

I've long thought we'd see Bergoglio shed the white cassock for a white suit and a fedora. Maybe have a midget at his side.
Benedict Joseph

Many Things of the Tradition Are "No Longer Useful” – Curia Cardinal

Obviously fasting is foremost in his critique.
Benedict Joseph

Gänswein Earnestly: One Could Study Theology "Well" in Germany, no Gay-Infiltration

He appears to be aging poorly. Perhaps it is symptomatic of cognitive deterioration.
Benedict Joseph

Francis' Vatican Wants "New Church" - Cardinal Müller

I must admit to being astounded. He said it! Why is this not the blazing headline across the globe? Across the Catholic media? The former prefect for the CDF has termed the working document for a Synod heretical and stupid. Should there not be an intervention by the Holy Father? If there is not such an intervention does it not reveal Bergoglio to be complicit in heresy, and by implication, stupidity …More
I must admit to being astounded. He said it! Why is this not the blazing headline across the globe? Across the Catholic media? The former prefect for the CDF has termed the working document for a Synod heretical and stupid. Should there not be an intervention by the Holy Father? If there is not such an intervention does it not reveal Bergoglio to be complicit in heresy, and by implication, stupidity? Of course this has been apparent for a number of years now. He is a heretic and he is a stupid moron.
Benedict Joseph

Clash: Damian Thompson Resigns As Editor in Chief Of Catholic Herald

When I learned of Mr. Thompson's position at the Herald I was shocked, and thrilled by his presentation with Mr. Arroyo last week. It was too good to last.
Benedict Joseph

Francis About Dumping Relics: “I" Don't Live in Apostolic Palace, "I" Never Use This Chapel, "I" …

The man is on an ego trip that ranks high in history. It leaves you speechless.
Benedict Joseph

Francis Gone Crazy? Dumps Saint Peter's Relics to Schismatics

There was ample evidence of the man's cognitive and psychological disorientation before this. Wait till he's done.
Benedict Joseph

Francis Demands Absolute Obedience

He requires heeding his own advise. Commence adherence to the perennial Magisterium of the Church or button up.
Benedict Joseph

Ranting Archbishop Calls Catholics “Aggressive”, “Hostile”

Pathetic and tragic fool.
Benedict Joseph

Curia Cardinal: Francis Is Loved By The Enemies of His Predecessors

Was there ever any doubt that he "likes it a lot to be pope"? He connived enough to get his hands on power, now he has it to undermine the office as well as the faith of the baptized. Good work, Jorge. You are a real winner.
Benedict Joseph

Bishop Blames For Scandal He Himself Produced

A display of cognitive and spiritual disorientation. One is left to wonder how deeply embedded it is in the individual and manifested in his everyday decisions. If one cannot make credible decisions in simple aesthetics, what occurs where there is a moral dilemma? Here we see. Just flip reality on its head and send it spinning. So much for the "psychological screening" employed when this character …More
A display of cognitive and spiritual disorientation. One is left to wonder how deeply embedded it is in the individual and manifested in his everyday decisions. If one cannot make credible decisions in simple aesthetics, what occurs where there is a moral dilemma? Here we see. Just flip reality on its head and send it spinning. So much for the "psychological screening" employed when this character sought refuge in a seminary. Then of course there is his see through poncho/chasuble.