
Francis About Dumping Relics: “I" Don't Live in Apostolic Palace, "I" Never Use This Chapel, "I" …

Greek-Orthodox Archbishop Job Getcha of Telmessos, a Canadian, spoke to EcuPatria.org (July 1) about the meeting during which Pope Francis handed over the relics of St Peter to him. When Getcha entered …More
Greek-Orthodox Archbishop Job Getcha of Telmessos, a Canadian, spoke to EcuPatria.org (July 1) about the meeting during which Pope Francis handed over the relics of St Peter to him.
When Getcha entered the chapel in the Apostolic Palace on June 29, Francis explained to him that Paul VI wanted to keep a part of the relics of Saint Peter in his private chapel.
Francis then recounted that “during the prayer the previous evening” he had the following thought:
“I no longer live in the Apostolic Palace, I never use this chapel, I never serve the Holy Mass here, and we have St. Peter’s relics in the basilica itself, so it will be better if they will be kept in Constantinople” [where there are almost no faithful].
According to Francis, the relics are a gift for the Church of Constantinople, for “my brother Patriarch Bartholomew.”
“This gift is not from me, it is a gift from God,” he alleged boastfully.
Benedict Joseph
The man is on an ego trip that ranks high in history. It leaves you speechless.
You're techincally correct, @pw However, as the supreme head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis can decide if or how that patrimony is retained or disbursed or to whom. Frankly, we should all be very grateful St. Peter is among truly "traditional" Catholics when his relics could have been given as a show of good faith to a.) the muslims b.) the pagan Amazonian fertility priestesses the Vatican …More
You're techincally correct, @pw However, as the supreme head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis can decide if or how that patrimony is retained or disbursed or to whom. Frankly, we should all be very grateful St. Peter is among truly "traditional" Catholics when his relics could have been given as a show of good faith to a.) the muslims b.) the pagan Amazonian fertility priestesses the Vatican saw fit to invite to a Catholic synod. c.) any of the Masonic/ Satanic groups whom, I suspect, never imagined the relics were even up for grabs!
mr. producer
The Eastern Orthodox aren't "traditional" Catholics, they deny: primacy of Rome, the Filioque, Immaculate Conception, Papal Infallibility, Purgatory, allow for divorce and remarriage, to name a few.
The relics are not his personal property but the patrimony of the Catholic Church. They were not his to give. This amounts to illicit alienation of the heritage of Rome.
This imposter is beyond the pale.
Jorge thinks he's God.