
Francis Gone Crazy? Dumps Saint Peter's Relics to Schismatics

Pope Francis has given a famous reliquary containing bone fragments of St Peter to a Greek-Schismatic delegation from Constantinople, VaticanNews.va reported (July 2).

The now dumped bronze reliquary contains nine of the bone fragments discovered during excavations under St. Peter’s Basilica that started in the 1940s.

Paul VI announced in 1968, after scientific research, that the bones are authentic. He took nine of the bone fragments, put them into a bronze reliquary and preserved them in the private chapel in the Pontifical apartments which Francis never uses.

Francis removed the reliquary on June 29 and gave it to the Orthodox schismatics who disregard the office of Peter. They do not even recognize Catholic baptism. Therefore, Catholics apostatizing to the Greek schismatics are re-baptized.

Picture: patriarchate.org, #newsTvueoamqez
Holy Cannoli
Give them some old bones that date back 2000 years or so. There’s got to be plenty of old bones buried around Rome. The Orthodox or nobody else has anyway of proving the bones belonged to St. Pete or not. 😎
It’s a win-win. The Orthodox think they are getting the real deal (in order to further ecumenical dialogue 🤦 ) and we keep the real real deal hidden somewhere in the basement. 😀More
Give them some old bones that date back 2000 years or so. There’s got to be plenty of old bones buried around Rome. The Orthodox or nobody else has anyway of proving the bones belonged to St. Pete or not. 😎

It’s a win-win. The Orthodox think they are getting the real deal (in order to further ecumenical dialogue 🤦 ) and we keep the real real deal hidden somewhere in the basement. 😀
I have about had enough of things going on in the Catholic church by priests and the POPe.
Can we give Francis away - maybe to the Orthodox (Istanbul)?
Another picture of the tragic-historic event
The relics of St Peter are part of the patrimony of the Latin Chuch not Bergoglio's play things.
Francis the FOOL.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
Every article about this subject states:
At a ceremony June 30 to receive the relics and venerate them, Patriarch Bartholomew said, “Pope Francis made this grand, fraternal and historic gesture” of giving the Orthodox fragments of the relics of St. Peter.
Note that Francis handed the relics to a delegate and not the the patriarch himself..
I do not clearly understand and this needs clarification. …More
Every article about this subject states:
At a ceremony June 30 to receive the relics and venerate them, Patriarch Bartholomew said, “Pope Francis made this grand, fraternal and historic gesture” of giving the Orthodox fragments of the relics of St. Peter.
Note that Francis handed the relics to a delegate and not the the patriarch himself..

I do not clearly understand and this needs clarification.
Patriarch says: Orthodox fragments? What is meant with orthodox fragments?
Is he saying that the fragments were always Orthodox, because in his view Peter was and has always been Orthodox, and this way the church was and always has been Orthodox and in this way the wordings of the patriarch evidences that he regards Catholicism as the illegitimate schism? As they always have been doing?
If the patriarch says 'orthodox fragments' he might be saying that what Fnarcis is doing is not a gesture of friendship plea but a righteous historical act of giving back what does not belong to the catholic church to the righteous owner.

I do not think that the patriarch is saying that the fragments were Catholic and now are Orthodox then.

Maybe these words were an insult.
The Patriarch owes me some explanations, unless he never said 'orthodox fragments' of course.
Then the news owes me an explanation for being sloppy.

So far the fruits of "promoting christian unity" with "precious gifts" are:
"Orthodox Relics"
Benedict Joseph
There was ample evidence of the man's cognitive and psychological disorientation before this. Wait till he's done.
He gives what is not his, to which the "gift" does not belong to.
Give the relics of St. Peter to schismatics who reject Petrine primacy? These relics point to the very papacy itself. Think maybe Jorge is sending a message? Not unlike that scoundrel Paul VI relinquishing the triregnum?
The vile masons are squealing with delight.
As Ann Barnhardt has correctly put forth, they're out to destroy the Papacy. And Benedict is an accomplice, whether willingly or out of …More
Give the relics of St. Peter to schismatics who reject Petrine primacy? These relics point to the very papacy itself. Think maybe Jorge is sending a message? Not unlike that scoundrel Paul VI relinquishing the triregnum?

The vile masons are squealing with delight.

As Ann Barnhardt has correctly put forth, they're out to destroy the Papacy. And Benedict is an accomplice, whether willingly or out of ignorance or cowardice.
Ludovic Denim
@JTLiuzza : Benedict is an hostage.
Don Reto Nay
Benedict is not an hostage, Benedict is a collaborator.
@Don Reto Nay Thank you for this statement! Some say that Benedict is still the boss!
Don Reto Nay
@Bleifuss: But does Benedict also say it?
They may be in safer hands with the way things are going.
As I said below, Matthew 7:6 "Give not that which is holy to dogs; neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest perhaps they trample them under their feet, and turning upon you, they tear you."
He gives the Blessed Sacrament to unrepentant adulterers. If he can do that, this atrocity is easy.More
As I said below, Matthew 7:6 "Give not that which is holy to dogs; neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest perhaps they trample them under their feet, and turning upon you, they tear you."

He gives the Blessed Sacrament to unrepentant adulterers. If he can do that, this atrocity is easy.
Schismatics are neither dogs nor swine @JTLiuzza. As mattsixteen24 rightly points out relics are probably in safer hands right now. Before your reply I'd appreciate it if you answered a serious question and I pledge you to answer truthfully in the sight of The Almighty... which is a better home for the relics of the first Pope?
A.) In the hands of a Marxist pontiff who has already disgraced his …More
Schismatics are neither dogs nor swine @JTLiuzza. As mattsixteen24 rightly points out relics are probably in safer hands right now. Before your reply I'd appreciate it if you answered a serious question and I pledge you to answer truthfully in the sight of The Almighty... which is a better home for the relics of the first Pope?
A.) In the hands of a Marxist pontiff who has already disgraced his office with false displays of "humility" before blaspheming pagans?
B.) In the hands of a Novus Ordo cardinal who fully supports the agenda of A.) and gladly administers The Blessed Sacrament to pro-abortion politicians and homosexuals
C.) in the hands of Catholics who, despite their Schism, still remain true to the essential teachings of our Holy Mother Church?

Honestly... the way people around here disrespect His Holiness Pope Francis, flatly deny the legitimacy of his Papacy, and sneer at the Novus Ordo in general, many here are theologically schismatics in all but outright declaration.
@JTLiuzza Orthodox are not only schismatic but heretics as well. They permit remarriage up to three times. They permit contraception. They reject original sin. They reject the immaculate conception. They are definitely dogs and swine. That goes for anyone who leads you to hell.
@Ultraviolet "in the hands of Catholics who, despite their Schism, still remain true to the essential teachings of our Holy Mother Church?"
That's a hoot. By "essential teachings" do you mean, I don't know, say Petrine primacy for starters? If they "remain true to the essential teachings of our Holy Mother Church," then why oh why are they in schism? Can't have it both ways.
Honestly you novus …More
@Ultraviolet "in the hands of Catholics who, despite their Schism, still remain true to the essential teachings of our Holy Mother Church?"

That's a hoot. By "essential teachings" do you mean, I don't know, say Petrine primacy for starters? If they "remain true to the essential teachings of our Holy Mother Church," then why oh why are they in schism? Can't have it both ways.

Honestly you novus ordites are de facto protestants and you don't even know it. Mission accomplished modernists.
@JTLiuzza Your assumption that I'm a "novus ordite" is as flawed as your understanding of your Church's own catechetical teachings on eastern orthodoxy. It is you who can't have it both ways. Since the Church recognizes the validity of their sacraments, then clearly they remain true to the essential teachings of the Church.
Your outlook is, ironically enough, a very "modernist" one it itself. Not …More
@JTLiuzza Your assumption that I'm a "novus ordite" is as flawed as your understanding of your Church's own catechetical teachings on eastern orthodoxy. It is you who can't have it both ways. Since the Church recognizes the validity of their sacraments, then clearly they remain true to the essential teachings of the Church.

Your outlook is, ironically enough, a very "modernist" one it itself. Not theologically, but culturally. Paradoxically, the more "devout" the contemporary Catholic, the more insular and uncharitable many of "us" (meaning you and others like you) become.

As much as you might pretend otherwise, the "novus ordites" are every bit as Catholic as you are. The Catholic Church is more than just "you and yours". Our Church and Her teachings recognize more of "them" are validly Catholic than your own particularly bigoted religious world-view might allow. .

It's true some Catholics stumble in following all of our Church's teachings. Yes, that includes the Novus Ordo and it includes the orthodox. And? What of it? That "us against them" attitude of yours isn't simply un-Catholic (in the literal sense of the word), it's both indefensible and un-Christian in every sense.

Catholics like you are not only an embarrassment to the rest of us traditionalists, you're an outright disgrace to Christians in general.

Seriously, as much as it shames and galls me to say this, I know Muslims who are better "Christians" than you.
I was trying to be charitable in assuming you're a novus ordite. At least they're not technnically schismatic like the orthodox, or heathens like your "christian" muslim friends. I was obviously wrong.
And here's a Christian tip for you. If you're going to hurl around slander, at least have the integrity and fortitude to do so without hiding behind a pseudonym.More
I was trying to be charitable in assuming you're a novus ordite. At least they're not technnically schismatic like the orthodox, or heathens like your "christian" muslim friends. I was obviously wrong.

And here's a Christian tip for you. If you're going to hurl around slander, at least have the integrity and fortitude to do so without hiding behind a pseudonym.
@JTLiuzza Slander implies I've said something untrue. I have not. :D As for "hiding", When I'm done pushing you around online and making you look foolish in your own eyes, it is a comfort to know that, unlike you, the debate stays on the internet. It does not follow me to my job, it does not deface my home, it does not attack my banking or my mail.
One thing I learned every early on the internet …More
@JTLiuzza Slander implies I've said something untrue. I have not. :D As for "hiding", When I'm done pushing you around online and making you look foolish in your own eyes, it is a comfort to know that, unlike you, the debate stays on the internet. It does not follow me to my job, it does not deface my home, it does not attack my banking or my mail.

One thing I learned every early on the internet is when people like you lose a debate, you always seek vengeance offline. Always.All your sanctimonious preaching and praying and religious-talk wears off like the plating on a cheap piece of constume jewelry. It's in your nature. Hatred is in your blood and it's directed at.the schismatics, the pagans, the novus ordo, everyone who isn't an echo-chamber or a clone of your thinking.

Schismatics the orthodox undoubtedly are, but they are still Catholics. They are also more "traditional" than what we see from the pro-abortion, pro-homosexual Novus Ordo bishops and cardinals who are in full communion with The Church. So why criticize the orthodox for being orthodox?

A week does not go by without you bitterly criticizing and complaining about a.) Pope Francis and his decisions, this one included b.) the clergy and THEIR decisions c.) the current state of the Vatican d.) the current state of The Church in general.

You are every bit as morally and, very likely theologically schismatic as the Eastern Orthodox. Only a few centuries ago your big mouth would get you arrested on one form of heresy or another, simply for denouncing the Pope and the Curia so rudely.

Then there are all the other "good loyal Catholics" here on the site who deny Francis is even the valid Pope.

Schismatic? Heretical? Obvious. Many traditional i.e. orthodox in the exact meaning of the word, Catholics are the same way. The artist who does the hysterically funny Francis-duckie cartoons would be sharing your prison cell.

The only difference between your heretical schismatic beliefs and the Eastern Orthodox is they were doing what you are over a thousand years ago and they simply stopped pretending.
Francis has already disregarded the Holy Trinity. It is no surprise he would belittle the saints too. Granted the Orthodox might consider the gift a little too hot to handle given that the truth in known in the heart whatever the history. I'm sure the relics will make their way back when the vatican is cleansed.