Juan Perez

Switzerland: Opus Dei Bishop Attends Funeral of His Predecessor at PiusX

“But it never occurs to that [liberal] Christian to think or say that he should go down from the temple to the world to represent the Church, and that his solutions are the Catholic solutions to those problems. This cannot be so, my children! This would be clericalism, official Catholicism, or however you want to call it. In any case, it is to pervert the nature of things. You have to spread …More
“But it never occurs to that [liberal] Christian to think or say that he should go down from the temple to the world to represent the Church, and that his solutions are the Catholic solutions to those problems. This cannot be so, my children! This would be clericalism, official Catholicism, or however you want to call it. In any case, it is to pervert the nature of things. You have to spread everywhere a truly lay [i.e. liberal] mentality…”
(Homily given by José María Escriba y Albás (AKA Josemaria Escriva) at the University of Navarra on October 8, 1967)
“If We ordain that the whole Catholic world shall revere Christ as King, We shall minister to the need of the present day, and at the same time provide an excellent remedy for the plague which now infects society. We refer to the plague of anti-clericalism [“laicismo” in Spanish version], its errors and impious activities. This evil spirit, as you are well aware, Venerable Brethren, has not come into being in one day; it has long lurked beneath the surface. The empire of Christ over all nations was rejected. The right which the Church has from Christ himself, to teach mankind, to make laws, to govern peoples in all that pertains to their eternal salvation, that right was denied.” (Pius XI, Quas Primas, no. 24)
Juan Perez

Con Don Alvaro en los cinco continentes. Nº6. Tertulia en Sydney. 18/I/1987

José María Escriba y Albás
Juan Perez


Yes, and I think people underestimate the role they had in the VII Council. As Father Hesse used to say, they are the brains and muscles of the VII Church.
Juan Perez

Prayer for Families of the People of Opus Dei

As a friend of mine planted a seed on my mind years ago, and saved me.
Juan Perez

Prayer for Families of the People of Opus Dei

I expected an answer like that. Know that I grew up inside the cult, and sadly, friends and members are still part of it. But, like any human invention, it won't last long. They married the modern world, and they are going to disappear with it. Hopefully, this exchange of words will plant a seed in you—a seed that might save you when the scandal gets too big.
Juan Perez

Prayer for Families of the People of Opus Dei

Do you understand that you are calling a person a liar? without pointing out exactly were the lie is? Do you understand that that is not correct right?
Juan Perez

Prayer for Families of the People of Opus Dei

Could you please identify the inaccuracies or falsehoods in the text?
Juan Perez

Prayer for Families of the People of Opus Dei

wow!! Unbelievable!! You censored the post??
Juan Perez


The miracle that they are going to use for canonization would be the miracle of having grown a chin XD
Juan Perez

Don't get married son...!!!- true story

That is a weird story, I'm not sure if it is very catholic.
Juan Perez

Biden's Flagship Transvestite Steals Suitcase

He is Matt Damon. All politics is a show with actors.
Juan Perez

Apostate Bishops Have Their Unholy Synod, Will Faithful Bishops Call an Imperfect Council?

Controlled opposition. What MAGA is to the US, they are to the Catholic Church.
Juan Perez

El demonio que domina a las feministas

No esta bien que la mujer vote, le quita autoridad al marido. O es todo o nada, no a medias.
Juan Perez

Fake News: It Was NOT John XXIII Who Solved the "Cuban Missile Crisis"

IMO is all fake, to entertain and distract from what is important: To save your soul and the ones around you.
Juan Perez

Former German Catholic Church: Diocese Invents LAY Vicar General

One of the final Karen evolution.