Prayer to St Joseph for Employment. A prayer to St Joseph for assistance in finding a new job.More
Prayer to St Joseph for Employment.
A prayer to St Joseph for assistance in finding a new job.
Litany of St Michael. Litany in honor of St Michael the Archangel Musical Credit: Artist: Michel Pépé Album: Floraisons SacréesMore
Litany of St Michael.
Litany in honor of St Michael the Archangel
Musical Credit:
Artist: Michel Pépé
Album: Floraisons Sacrées
Mark 12:29-31 (Catena Aurea) Excerpts from the Catena Aurea of St Thomas Aquinas being a Commentary on the 4 Gospels. Music: Trio Sonata for Flutes and Piano in A minor - I. Largo Georg Philipp Telemann …More
Mark 12:29-31 (Catena Aurea)
Excerpts from the Catena Aurea of St Thomas Aquinas
being a Commentary on the 4 Gospels.
Music: Trio Sonata for Flutes and Piano in A minor - I. Largo
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 -- 1767)
Christopher+Maria shares this
Matthew 18:19-20 (Catena Aurea) Excepts taken from the Catena Aurea of St Thomas Aquinas on the 4 Gospels.More
Matthew 18:19-20 (Catena Aurea)
Excepts taken from the Catena Aurea of St Thomas Aquinas on the 4 Gospels.
Act of Total Consecration to Mary. Act of Total Consecration according to the method of St Louis de Montfort (1673-1716)
Act of Total Consecration to Mary.
Act of Total Consecration according to the method of St Louis de Montfort (1673-1716)
O Sons and Daughters. O Sons and Daughters (Filii et Filiae) Composed by Jean Tisserand O.F.M. Sung by the Daughters of Mary
O Sons and Daughters.
O Sons and Daughters (Filii et Filiae)
Composed by Jean Tisserand O.F.M.
Sung by the Daughters of Mary
woody437 shares this
chant. 🤗More
Woody437: I am so impressed with Our Lady, I am stunned.....I have been led to recent scripture concerning her, in Revelations, and I am absolutly, …More
Woody437: I am so impressed with Our Lady, I am stunned.....I have been led to recent scripture concerning her, in Revelations, and I am absolutly, stunned, at how powerful, God is, and His Church!!!! I am totally at ease, that any liberalism, within our Church, will be purified, by Our Lord, and His Mother.......and I do believe, SSPX, is being used by the Lord, because they are radical Catholic, and they are also, restoring the Tradition, and they are coming back into union with the Church.......St. Pius another story, but they are preaching a very holy walk......which I has helped me greatly, so I can see, the Lord, in all of this....and WE MUST TRUST IN HIM.......and say, many rosary's, and say many Divine Mercy prayers.....I am busy attacking the, secular media, that is infesting, our culure, with immorality, I want everyone, to go to I just got off, the phone, with the Vice president, of Carls Junior, and I told him, we are boycotting his …More
7 more comments
The Annunciation. The 1st Joyful Mystery of the Rosary chanted in Latin Accompanied with verses from "The Children's Ballad Rosary" Composed by John O'Hagan (1822-1890) Vocal Credits: The Daughters of …More
The Annunciation.
The 1st Joyful Mystery of the Rosary chanted in Latin Accompanied with verses from "The Children's Ballad Rosary" Composed by John O'Hagan (1822-1890) Vocal Credits: The Daughters of Mary & Bishop Joseph Santay
Wunderschön - DANKE 😇
The Finding of Jesus in the Temple. The 5th Joyful Mystery of the Rosary chanted in Latin Accompanied with verses from "The Children's Ballad Rosary" Composed by John O'Hagan (1822-1890) Vocal Credits …More
The Finding of Jesus in the Temple.
The 5th Joyful Mystery of the Rosary chanted in Latin Accompanied with verses from "The Children's Ballad Rosary" Composed by John O'Hagan (1822-1890) Vocal Credits: The Daughters of Mary & Bishop Joseph Santay
The Presentation. The 4th Joyful Mystery of the Rosary chanted in Latin Accompanied with verses from "The Children's Ballad Rosary" Composed by John O'Hagan (1822-1890) Vocal Credits: The Daughters of …More
The Presentation.
The 4th Joyful Mystery of the Rosary chanted in Latin
Accompanied with verses from "The Children's Ballad Rosary"
Composed by John O'Hagan (1822-1890)
Vocal Credits:
The Daughters of Mary & Bishop Joseph Santay
The Nativity. The 3rd Joyful Mystery of the Rosary chanted in Latin Accompanied with verses from "The Children's Ballad Rosary" Composed by John O'Hagan (1822-1890) Vocal Credits: The Daughters of Mary …More
The Nativity.
The 3rd Joyful Mystery of the Rosary chanted in Latin
Accompanied with verses from "The Children's Ballad Rosary"
Composed by John O'Hagan (1822-1890)
Vocal Credits:
The Daughters of Mary & Bishop Joseph Santay
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The Visitation. The 2nd Joyful Mystery of the Rosary chanted in Latin Acompanied with verses from "The Children's Ballad Rosary" Composed by John O'Hagan (1822-1890) Vocal Credits: The Daughters of …More
The Visitation.
The 2nd Joyful Mystery of the Rosary chanted in Latin
Acompanied with verses from "The Children's Ballad Rosary"
Composed by John O'Hagan (1822-1890)
Vocal Credits:
The Daughters of Mary & Bishop Joseph Santay
Prayer to the Most Holy Name of Jesus. Prayer to the Most Holy Name of Jesus (Composed by St Bernard of Clairvaux 1090-1153) Background Music: Greensleeves (Performed by David Nevue)More
Prayer to the Most Holy Name of Jesus.
Prayer to the Most Holy Name of Jesus
(Composed by St Bernard of Clairvaux 1090-1153)
Background Music: Greensleeves
(Performed by David Nevue)
apvs shares this
Beaux chants. Beaux chantsMore
Beaux chants.
Beaux chants
👏 OUTSTANDING! Congratulations again for showing great love for our beloved Lord's Holy Name. These videos issue peace and love, (and Greensleeves, …More
👏 OUTSTANDING! Congratulations again for showing great love for our beloved Lord's Holy Name. These videos issue peace and love, (and Greensleeves, love this music). God bless you and keep up the good work Christopher Maria. 😇
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Litany to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Litany to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Musical Credit: Ensemble Organum - Marcel Peres 18th Century Plainchant at Auxerre CathedralMore
Litany to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Litany to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Musical Credit:
Ensemble Organum - Marcel Peres
18th Century Plainchant at Auxerre Cathedral
SacredHeart12 shares this
Catholicism. Album of my favorite videosMore
Album of my favorite videos
Beautyful 🙏
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Tantum Ergo. Tantum Ergo Latin/English Translation (Literal) St Thomas Aquinas - 13th Century Arranged to Picardy Melody Sung by the Daughters of Mary
Tantum Ergo.
Tantum Ergo
Latin/English Translation (Literal)
St Thomas Aquinas - 13th Century
Arranged to Picardy Melody
Sung by the Daughters of Mary
👏 👏 👏 😇 Excellent!
👏 👏 😘
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Creator Spirit by Whose Aid. Traditional Hymn to the Holy Spirit sung at Pentecost; attributed to Pope St Gregory "The Great" and translated into verse by the famous English poet John Dryden. Musical …More
Creator Spirit by Whose Aid.
Traditional Hymn to the Holy Spirit sung at Pentecost; attributed to Pope St Gregory "The Great" and translated into verse by the famous English poet John Dryden. Musical Credit: Brian Crain - Butterfly Waltz
👏 😘 👏
BEAUTIFUL!!! May the Holy Ghost continue to inspire Christopher+Maria to bring us the truths and beauty of Our Holy Faith. ✍️More
May the Holy Ghost continue to inspire Christopher+Maria to bring us the truths and beauty of Our Holy Faith.
God of Mercy and Compassion. God of Mercy and Compassion Sung by the Daughters of Mary
God of Mercy and Compassion.
God of Mercy and Compassion
Sung by the Daughters of Mary
Yes, wonderful again. This hymn is sung often in our parish (Ireland). Deo Gratias. 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
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Ave Maris Stella. Ave Maris Stella (Hail Star of the Sea) Latin ~ English Translation (Literal) Sung by the Daughters of Mary
Ave Maris Stella.
Ave Maris Stella (Hail Star of the Sea)
Latin ~ English Translation (Literal)
Sung by the Daughters of Mary
Córa królewska wchodzi pełna chwały, odziana w złotogłów. W szacie wzorzystej prowadzą ją do króla.Ps 45 O MARYJO, Któż jak Ty?! W Tobie nasze …More
Córa królewska wchodzi pełna chwały,
odziana w złotogłów.
W szacie wzorzystej prowadzą ją do króla.Ps 45
O MARYJO, Któż jak Ty?!
W Tobie nasze Rajskie Sny.
Tyś Ogrodu Życia Bramy
Otwarła dla Zakochanych,
W BOŻYM Sercu jest nasz Dom.
🚬 🚬 🚬 🚬 🚬
5 more comments
O Mary of Graces. O Mary of Graces Sung by the Daughters of Mary
O Mary of Graces.
O Mary of Graces
Sung by the Daughters of Mary
Blessed video and song!!
Stunning music from heaven.
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The Angelus. The Angelus, sung by the Daughters of Mary in Latin with English subtitles
The Angelus.
The Angelus, sung by the Daughters of Mary in Latin with English subtitles
Ricardo Silva
V. Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae. R. Et concepit de Spiritu Sancto. Ave Maria... V. Ecce ancilla Domini. R. Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum. Ave Maria...More
V. Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae.
R. Et concepit de Spiritu Sancto.
Ave Maria...
V. Ecce ancilla Domini.
R. Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum.
Ave Maria...
V. Et Verbum caro factum est.
R. Et habitavit in nobis. Ave Maria... V. Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei Genitrix. R. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi. Oremus. Gratiam tuam, quaesumus, Domine, mentibus nostris infunde; ut, qui, angelo nuntiante, Christi Filii tui incarnationem cognovimus, per passionem ejus et crucem, ad resurrectionis gloriam perducamur. Per eumdem Christum Dominum nostrum. R. Amen.
thank you for these great great videos! Jesus Bless you!More
thank you for these great great videos!
Jesus Bless you!
8 more comments
Prayer to Saint Joseph. Prayer to Saint Joseph that dates back to 50 A.D. Musical Credits: Cynthia Jordan - Autumn EquinoxMore
Prayer to Saint Joseph.
Prayer to Saint Joseph that dates back to 50 A.D.
Musical Credits: Cynthia Jordan - Autumn Equinox
marcus josephus
St. Teresa de Avila's Devotion to St. Joseph St. Teresa de Avila (courtesy of Treasures of Grace) [The following quotes from St. Teresa de Avila about …More
St. Teresa de Avila's Devotion to St. Joseph
St. Teresa de Avila
(courtesy of Treasures of Grace)
[The following quotes from St. Teresa de Avila about her devotion to St. Joseph are taken from her autobiography, and were quoted on St. Teresa of Avila's devotion to St. Joseph.]
"I took for my advocate and lord the glorious Saint Joseph and commended myself earnestly to him; and I found that this my father and lord delivered me both from this trouble [a temporary paralysis] and also from other and greater troubles concerning my honor and the loss of my soul, and that he gave me greater blessings than I could ask of him. I do not remember even now that I have ever asked anything of him which he has failed to grant. I am astonished at the great favors which God has bestowed on me through this blessed saint, and at the perils from which He has freed me, both in body and in soul. To other saints the Lord seems to have given grace to succor us in some of our necessities but of this glorious …More
Very Nice...St. Joseph does not receive the recognition that he certainly deserves! Good St. Joseph, pray for us!
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