Gloria.TV News on the 25th of November 2014 Team Bergoglio: Austen Ivereigh writes in a not yet published biography of the Pope that there was a highly organised campaign by a small group of European …More
Gloria.TV News on the 25th of November 2014
Team Bergoglio: Austen Ivereigh writes in a not yet published biography of the Pope that there was a highly organised campaign by a small group of European cardinals to elect Cardinal Bergoglio pope. He calls the group "Team Bergoglio". Its key members were the liberal Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, then 80 and without a vote in the conclave, and cardinal Walter Kasper. Ivereigh is a former press secretary of Murphy-O'Connor.
How It Happened: According to Ivereigh the “Team Bergoglio” learnt from the Conclave of 2005. They first secured Bergoglio's assent. He answered that at this time of crisis for the Church no cardinal could refuse if asked. Murphy-O'Connor warned him to 'be careful'. Begoglio replied: “I understand”. The “Team Bergoglio” started touring the cardinals' dinners to promote their man. They argued that his age should not be considered an obstacle because popes could resign.
Lobbying the Cardinals: Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor's …More
la verdad prevalece
This proof invalid his election as a pope. Antonio Socci show in his book other evidences that also made invalid the conclave.
All the liberal political plan for the takeover of the Church to destroy the dogma and doctrine is taking Color. www.diariovasco.com/…/alma-germana-fr…More
This proof invalid his election as a pope. Antonio Socci show in his book other evidences that also made invalid the conclave.

All the liberal political plan for the takeover of the Church to destroy the dogma and doctrine is taking Color. www.diariovasco.com/…/alma-germana-fr…
Why Bergoglio? Why they knew then popes can abdicate? They knew their man was a liberal and he was unknown throughout the whole world... they must have liked his liberal style, they knew all along...
This goes in contary of what Pope John Paul II taught, it is forbidden to have meetings outside of a conclave to get someone elected pope. This and many other evidence shows why Bergoglio ISN'T pope …More
Why Bergoglio? Why they knew then popes can abdicate? They knew their man was a liberal and he was unknown throughout the whole world... they must have liked his liberal style, they knew all along...

This goes in contary of what Pope John Paul II taught, it is forbidden to have meetings outside of a conclave to get someone elected pope. This and many other evidence shows why Bergoglio ISN'T pope canonically speaking.

Now it could be understood better, why this man is obsessed in shutting down traditionalism, why he confuses catholics embrace ecumenism like it is the best thing the church has, even better than the Eucharist as he has implied and proselytized as the "finding the brother" is better than bread.

This is why such hatred for traditionalism lays, liberalism was the agenda, disregard for all law... canonically speaking he is not pope.