Gloria.TV News on the 25th of November 2014 Team Bergoglio: Austen Ivereigh writes in a not yet published biography of the Pope that there was a highly organised campaign by a small group of European …More
Gloria.TV News on the 25th of November 2014
Team Bergoglio: Austen Ivereigh writes in a not yet published biography of the Pope that there was a highly organised campaign by a small group of European cardinals to elect Cardinal Bergoglio pope. He calls the group "Team Bergoglio". Its key members were the liberal Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, then 80 and without a vote in the conclave, and cardinal Walter Kasper. Ivereigh is a former press secretary of Murphy-O'Connor.
How It Happened: According to Ivereigh the “Team Bergoglio” learnt from the Conclave of 2005. They first secured Bergoglio's assent. He answered that at this time of crisis for the Church no cardinal could refuse if asked. Murphy-O'Connor warned him to 'be careful'. Begoglio replied: “I understand”. The “Team Bergoglio” started touring the cardinals' dinners to promote their man. They argued that his age should not be considered an obstacle because popes could resign.
Lobbying the Cardinals: Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor's …More
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Lobbying the Cardinals
Interview With 'Il Messaggero'
--Q: Where is Bergoglio’s Church heading?
--Francis:« In regard to the plan, instead, I follow what the Cardinals have requested during the General Congregations before the Conclave. I go in that direction. The Council of Eight Cardinals, an external body, was born from that. It was requested to help reform the Curia. Something, moreover, that …More
Lobbying the Cardinals
Interview With 'Il Messaggero'
--Q: Where is Bergoglio’s Church heading?
--Francis:« In regard to the plan, instead, I follow what the Cardinals have requested during the General Congregations before the Conclave. I go in that direction. The Council of Eight Cardinals, an external body, was born from that. It was requested to help reform the Curia. Something, moreover, that isn’t easy because a step is taken, but then it emerges that this or that must be done, and if before there was one dicastery, it then becomes four. My decisions are the fruit of the pre Conclave meetings. I haven’t done anything on my own.
For more on "Team Bergoglio"
Never before seen: empty streets
Tweet of the day, by the main religious correspondent of French daily Le Figaro, Jean-Marie Guénois: rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/…/never-before-se… "Never before seen: nobody, or almost nobody, in the streets of Strasbourg to welcome ..Francis between the airport and the [European] Parliament..."More
Never before seen: empty streets

Tweet of the day, by the main religious correspondent of French daily Le Figaro, Jean-Marie Guénois: rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/…/never-before-se… "Never before seen: nobody, or almost nobody, in the streets of Strasbourg to welcome ..Francis between the airport and the [European] Parliament..."
Ks Sowa "Mamy często do czynienia z sytuacją, w której świat mediów katolickich wcale nie musi identyfikować mojej postawy religijnej, ani nawet nie musi określać mojego miejsca na mapie społecznej. "
Sowa przebiegły modernista 🧐
tahamata 2014-11-25 17:03:43
Wyobraźmy sobie, że Papa idzie za 2 lata na emeryturę a konklawe wybiera Kazimierza Sowę, nowego Papieża z Polski....
..a Ks Kazimierz Sowa nieprędko by poszedł na emeryturę. 😲 A zresztą czy z opuściłby salony TVN24 gdzie czuje się jak ryba w wodzie. Koszulka …More
tahamata 2014-11-25 17:03:43
Wyobraźmy sobie, że Papa idzie za 2 lata na emeryturę a konklawe wybiera Kazimierza Sowę, nowego Papieża z Polski....
..a Ks Kazimierz Sowa nieprędko by poszedł na emeryturę. 😲 A zresztą czy z opuściłby salony TVN24 gdzie czuje się jak ryba w wodzie. Koszulka rozpięta .Słowem pełen luz. 😊
Wyobraźmy sobie, że Papa idzie za 2 lata na emeryturę a konklawe wybiera Kazimierza Sowę, nowego Papieża z Polski....
tahamata jeszcze wykraczesz.
Dobrze, że nie wystąpił w garniturze...
Świętość osoby ludzkiej? Przecież to czysty antropocentryzm i humanizm.
Bronek, Angela lub inny Tusk mogliby wygłosić identyczne przemówienie.
Fajnie, że dwa razy padło słowo Bóg. A czy wspomniany choć raz został Pan nasz Jezus Chrystus, Król królów, władca świata i wszechświata, Zbawiciel ludzkości?
One more comment from tahamata
Fajnie że padło słowo Bóg. 👍 🤗 😇
Maybe Pope Francis' move to reduce the Bureaucracy of the Roman Church might be a good move. In the future, the political campaigns would not have much effect! One sees that, not much has changed from the Midici and Borgia Popes..... 🤨
Excellent job Gloria TV. Thanks and God bless you.
modernistae prohibere
Behind the scenes machinations of liberals evidently could be the reason for leaving Benedict XVI
Let us pray for the conversion to the Catholic faith Francis. 🙏
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