Why Does Christ Force His Disciples? Father Reto Nay 10th of July 2013More
Why Does Christ Force His Disciples?
Father Reto Nay
10th of July 2013
Thank you for strengthen us, Father! And be courageous too!
Amen! Let me in the boat please
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Expect to be confronted with Something bigger than You. Father Reto Nay 5th of June 2013More
Expect to be confronted with Something bigger than You.
Father Reto Nay
5th of June 2013
To be a small... at the face of God - it's a right position of creature! The Scripture shows us the true order - i'm nothing and God is ALL. Believe, …More
To be a small... at the face of God - it's a right position of creature! The Scripture shows us the true order - i'm nothing and God is ALL. Believe, God, increase my belief!
Heaven Has Two Doors. Once you start loving your neighbour you will find out that most of the time he is not all that lovable. Father Reto Nay 17th of June 2013More
Heaven Has Two Doors.
Once you start loving your neighbour you will find out that most of the time he is not all that lovable.
Father Reto Nay
17th of June 2013
Jna7331 shares this
Predigten. PredigtenMore
Amen, amen, amen! Blessed be the Holy Trinity.
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A Strange New Fashion Among Catholics. Father Reto Nay 10th of June 2013More
A Strange New Fashion Among Catholics.
Father Reto Nay
10th of June 2013
Jna7331 shares this
Predigten. PredigtenMore
This is the oldest question for humanity: to whom listen? God said "when you will sin - you will die, I'm the true Life", but the devil, the father of …More
This is the oldest question for humanity: to whom listen? God said "when you will sin - you will die, I'm the true Life", but the devil, the father of lie, said quite opposite: "the sin will bring you life and the life in God is a death". We need the Holy Spirit to recognize what spirit leads us... Unfortunately many people allow to be deceived.
Corpus Christi 2013 Father Reto Nay 30th of May 2013More
Corpus Christi 2013
Father Reto Nay
30th of May 2013
God Bless you Father Reto
Faith must be immutable or it means nothing at all
Catholic Cuisine versus Catholic Church. Father Reto Nay 26th of May 2013 ChicagoMore
Catholic Cuisine versus Catholic Church.
Father Reto Nay
26th of May 2013
Jna7331 shares this
Predigten. PredigtenMore
Father Retos parish is allways heaven - he just Comes ones at a time to share his wisdom and love to feed the flock and call the church to Revival and …More
Father Retos parish is allways heaven -
he just Comes ones at a time to share his wisdom and love
to feed the flock and call the church to Revival
and all this just becouse we n e e d him to lead us into His parish.
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Class struggle in the Church. Father Reto Nay 14th of April 2013 VeniceMore
Class struggle in the Church.
Father Reto Nay
14th of April 2013
"Fabulous Father. God chooses our leaders just as He did David. But from those given much, greater is demanded. And you reminded us that true leadership …More
"Fabulous Father. God chooses our leaders just as He did David. But from those given much, greater is demanded.
And you reminded us that true leadership is service to others. Why, Oh why, haven't more Bishops and Cardinals grasped this?
Surely they went to a Seminary just as Father Reto did. They should know these same truths. It seems so simple when Father explains it neatly." 🤗 ✍️
Father Reto is a Good Shepherd.
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"Good" is Not Good Enough for God. Father Reto Nay 13th of April 2013More
"Good" is Not Good Enough for God.
Father Reto Nay
13th of April 2013
Good :)
Very nice sermon, again!
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We Must Face Two Faces. Don Reto Nay on the 28th of April 2013.More
We Must Face Two Faces.
Don Reto Nay on the 28th of April 2013.
Jna7331 shares this
Predigten. PredigtenMore
🙄 🥴 🤨
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The Gospel Understands the Hireling. We claim that we are Christians, but at the end we worship a demon. 16th of April 2013More
The Gospel Understands the Hireling.
We claim that we are Christians, but at the end we worship a demon.
16th of April 2013
Ludaus sei JesusCristus! Ina graziusa dumengia 👍More
Ludaus sei JesusCristus!
Ina graziusa dumengia
Without God, we are nothing.
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No Peace without the Dragon. Father Reto Nay 12th of April 2013 VeniceMore
No Peace without the Dragon.
Father Reto Nay
12th of April 2013
Stay in the Center of The Church. Father Reto Nay 10th of April 2013More
Stay in the Center of The Church.
Father Reto Nay
10th of April 2013
Christ is the one who is trustworthy and therefore asks for us to have faith in him. "Have faith in Christ and your life is settled." AMEN!
Jna7331 shares this
Predigten. PredigtenMore
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The Business with God. Father Reto Nay 11th of March 2013 Sedrun, SwitzerlandMore
The Business with God.
Father Reto Nay
11th of March 2013
Sedrun, Switzerland
Jna7331 shares this
Predigten. PredigtenMore
The Essence of Forgiveness is the Change of Our Soul. Father Reto Nay 9th of March 2013 Sedrun, SwitzerlandMore
The Essence of Forgiveness is the Change of Our Soul.
Father Reto Nay
9th of March 2013
Sedrun, Switzerland
Jna7331 shares this
Predigten. PredigtenMore
Thank you very much, Father! May you be blessed, and may the holy angels watch over you.
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Encountering Christ, we understand that we are not worthy. Father Reto Nay 8th of March 2013 Sedrun, SwitzerlandMore
Encountering Christ, we understand that we are not worthy.
Father Reto Nay
8th of March 2013
Sedrun, Switzerland
sad, the last preaching in Sedrun--- we are missing you!More
sad, the last preaching in Sedrun---
we are missing you!
Fasting, Prayer, Almsgiving - You can do it only with Christ. Father Reto Nay 23rd of February 2013More
Fasting, Prayer, Almsgiving - You can do it only with Christ.
Father Reto Nay
23rd of February 2013
There is a Danger that This Year's Lent will be The Same Joke. Father Reto Nay 20th of February 2013 Sedrun, SwitzerlandMore
There is a Danger that This Year's Lent will be The Same Joke.
Father Reto Nay
20th of February 2013
Sedrun, Switzerland
Thank you Father Reto Nay for your encouraging words. 👍 A very good reminder, the second one for me today. A young Armenian man in a shop told me he …More
Thank you Father Reto Nay for your encouraging words. 👍
A very good reminder, the second one for me today. A young Armenian man in a shop told me he is fasting for Lent...
that smile at the very end of the video was just amazing
The Backbone of Lent. Father Reto Nay 18th of February 2013 Sedrun, SwitzerlandMore
The Backbone of Lent.
Father Reto Nay
18th of February 2013
Sedrun, Switzerland
Break Your Big "I" with Fasting, Prayer and Alms-giving. Father Reto Nay 15th of February 2013 Sedrun, SwitzerlandMore
Break Your Big "I" with Fasting, Prayer and Alms-giving.
Father Reto Nay
15th of February 2013
Sedrun, Switzerland
Thank you Father.
Popular Bishops and Priests - The Top Goal. Father Reto Nay 16th of February 2013 Sedrun, SwitzerlandMore
Popular Bishops and Priests - The Top Goal.
Father Reto Nay
16th of February 2013
Sedrun, Switzerland
holyrope 3
Thank you Father, ..Jesus came into this world with the greatest of humility and died the same way, so we might learn from Him... But like us all we …More
Thank you Father, ..Jesus came into this world with the greatest of humility and died the same way, so we might learn from Him... But like us all we prefer to take the wide and easy road. Mea culpa!