
Cardinal Tobin: Church Is Beautiful When "Welcoming" Homosexuality

The Church is beautiful in how she reveals her enemies.

Have we all missed this? Did you see that? Francis knows who his friends are

He is loath to have anyone kiss the Ring of the fisherman....

Drinking from the Saucer. By imprisoned Father Gordon J. MacRae

Also, he is still a priest, not suspended or laicized.....Why would someone who deserves 67 years in prison still be a priest in good standing with his bishop? He offers Mass in his cell every Sunday night, the only time he is allowed. McCarrick got a slap on the wrist in comparison, AND laicized.

Maximilian Kolbe in My Cell. By Father Gordon J. MacRae

He is innocent. Heaven permitted his long imprisonment to allow him to be prepared in trust, faith and humility, in order that he could help carry the cross of the eventual fellow inmate, Pornchai, a beaten, abused, spiritually desolate young man. He would have been a perfect fresh victim for an abuser priest, but what happens? Pornchai, through Fr. MacRae, discovered the Divine Mercy, and the …More
He is innocent. Heaven permitted his long imprisonment to allow him to be prepared in trust, faith and humility, in order that he could help carry the cross of the eventual fellow inmate, Pornchai, a beaten, abused, spiritually desolate young man. He would have been a perfect fresh victim for an abuser priest, but what happens? Pornchai, through Fr. MacRae, discovered the Divine Mercy, and the intercessions of St. Padre Pio and St. Kolbe, and entered the Catholic Church, baptized in prison in 2010. And the story is only just beginning. As always, a tree is known by its fruit...

WYD: Inter-religious Trees

Eternal Father, I offer you the Holy Face of Jesus, covered with blood, sweat, dust and spittle, in reparation for the crimes of communists, blasphemers and of profaners of the Holy Name and of the Holy Day of Sunday. Amen.

World Youth Day urgently needs these three reforms

Excellent plea, philosopher.

Francis To Transvestite: "God Loves You As You Are"

Lord, have mercy!

The Carmelites of Compiègne. 1794. Evil cannot triumph. There is no business with evil

What courage is granted martyrs in the moment they need it.

Acts and their consequences simple.

"Who is Father Michel Rodrigue?" by Theodore Sagezza

He giggles too much. I've never had a sense that he is a holy man.

The Vatican’s irresolute response to the threat of German schism

Kasper had no small part in this schism--Pope Francis' favorite theologian taught that after a path of discernment, divorced and remarried Catholics could receive Eucharist. I recall him deflecting a point-blank question by Raymond Arroyo: "do we not already have this path, called the Sacrament of Confession and amendment of life?"

French Bishops Receive Roman Rite Delegation

"Be cunning as serpents and gentle as doves".
Disrespect does not need to be part of the response. It hurts us.
Even if it comes from righteous anger.
To be cunning as serpents allows us to find ways to circumvent unjust orders, all the while respecting that God has allowed the wicked their authority to lord it over us, but only for a time, because He will not be mocked. Saints in the past rejoiced …More
"Be cunning as serpents and gentle as doves".
Disrespect does not need to be part of the response. It hurts us.
Even if it comes from righteous anger.
To be cunning as serpents allows us to find ways to circumvent unjust orders, all the while respecting that God has allowed the wicked their authority to lord it over us, but only for a time, because He will not be mocked. Saints in the past rejoiced with every opportunity they were given to suffer for Him. It is our turn to do the same. Let's celebrate the traditions of our faith however we can. If it is not the Mass, then teach the faith, live the faith, learn the prayers and pray them, nurture the domestic church in your own home (that is very important) and learn/teach the sacred music from previous eras (gregorian chants and traditional hymns). We do not need permission to do any of these. Even when Our Lord is sleeping in the boat, He is still in control, and will act at the right time.
Blessings to you!

Scandal Abbot Suspends Monk - for Preaching "Valid Catholic Doctrine"

At least one German priest has joined the Marian Sodality of Priests, led by Don Minutella of Palermo. I believe so far, there are 8 priests in this sodality. These priests offered Mass in union with Pope Benedict XVI. Deceased Dubia Cardinal Carlo Caffarra stated that Jesus began the Church with 12 apostles, and the Church will rise again with 12 apostles. I'm interested in seeing what happens now...

Cardinal Pell about Benedict: Wonderful Stage Comes to An End

I'm not sure the title successor of Peter was done away with, but definitely the title "Vicar of Christ" was relegated to the place of "historically known as..." and removed from official title of what a Pope is in the Vatican Diary. Vicar is the one who guards his master's home until the master returns.

Please pray for Fr John Stone Melnick Fr John has Covid, and a severe incapacitation of his respiratory …

Praying he will pull through, and that he gets good care.

Elizabeth Warren says Elon Musk should not be able to go into a "dark room" alone and make decisions

Why doesn't she direct that comment to the WEF?

The Corona Committee was founded on the initiative of attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and economist …

Is this recent? I thought R. Fuellmich and V. Fischer were no longer collaborating.

“Unvaccinated patients have a mental problem and should be put on psychiatric medications.”

Please watch the video--this man is NOT defending the College, he is defending ethics and the unvaxxed.