

TY. As a sometimes blonde, I appreciate that.

Homosexual (Gay) Catholic Bishops

My heart goes out to those with same sex attraction, especially those called to the priesthood. It's important to Catholics to see how Church leaders respond to wrong doing.

Catholic Shampoo

TY. Love the jokes.

Ouija Board Helps Psychologists Probe the Subconscious

I'm trying to think of a way to word this so I don't sound as if I'm trying to be a smarty pants... Wouldn't spelling out answers on a Ouija board keep a client in therapy for a very long time?


I love the jokes. TY


I love the jokes. TY

The newest front in the battle over marriage

I like FR's comments. Society not only has a right to define who we are as a people, we have an obligation to do so.

New Head of CDF Dissents from Certain Doctrines of Faith?

I often wonder why church leaders and politicians who present themselves as Catholic are able to make some of the public statements that they do without censorship from the Church. I'd like to see an article that explains the Churches position on this.

(Video) Father Pfleger at union rally: "Congress is stupid" and it "does not give a damn about the …

I don't fault Fr. Pfleger for his politics. I am embarassed that he represents the Church.

Mary's Husband Dies



EW ! My granddaughter loved it, tho.

Vatican Upholds Fr. Frank Pavone's Appeal

I love hearing this good news. God bless Bishop Zurek for enforcing Church principles in tough times and in opposition of popular opinion. Welcome back, Fr. Pavone!

The Legislating Church

I've often wondered why Vatican II was so misinterpreted. I find it difficult to believe that Church leaders deliberately misled us. Articles like this one, are encouraging. We just need to keep sharing the information.

Black ~ Size 38


“Catholics for Obama”

I too am surprised that voters often seem to separate their politics from their religion. Maybe we need to encourage Faith, and the kind of moral courage that emphasizes that doing the right thing is always in vogue.

Study: Children fare better in traditional mom-dad families

I'm pleased to see this study. In my university classes, we have discussed similar outcomes for children being raised in single parent households. Many students are unwilling to accept scientific reseach in lieu of the accepted social norms. The textbooks are often similarly single-minded.

APA controlled by ‘gay rights’ movement

Current trends in therapy are dangerous; over diagnosis, over medication, reckless treatment. Medication therapy for depression has become the modern day belly button surgery.


Love it. Thanks.

...Paying priests accused of abuse to leave

We never get the whole story when it comes to priests accused of sexual misconduct.

Contraception O.K. with us, Catholics tell Gallup

I'm just guessing, but I suspect that many of the Catholics who are not opposed to the HHS mandate are unaware of it's full scope of authority. This mandate is a challege to the Constitution, and affects all American's regardless of Faith, political party, gender, sexual orientation, or bias. If we want our voice heard, we need to present the issue as such. Too many voters are under the impression …More
I'm just guessing, but I suspect that many of the Catholics who are not opposed to the HHS mandate are unaware of it's full scope of authority. This mandate is a challege to the Constitution, and affects all American's regardless of Faith, political party, gender, sexual orientation, or bias. If we want our voice heard, we need to present the issue as such. Too many voters are under the impression that this is all about birth control.