
The IRS Officially Recognizes the Satanic Temple as a Church

So we make all religions equal in standing before the law and have an equal right to exist, which is a lie because there is only one true religion, simply because we're afraid we will be persecuted when we don't have "political supremacy?"
Sorry, ultra. That's not only an error in violation of the first commandment, it's abject cowardice.
The Great Commission demands that we baptize all nations in …More
So we make all religions equal in standing before the law and have an equal right to exist, which is a lie because there is only one true religion, simply because we're afraid we will be persecuted when we don't have "political supremacy?"

Sorry, ultra. That's not only an error in violation of the first commandment, it's abject cowardice.

The Great Commission demands that we baptize all nations in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. There will always be error in this vale of tears. Not persecuting followers of heathen religions is one thing. Pretending that they have equal standing with the One True Faith is a blasphemy.

The IRS Officially Recognizes the Satanic Temple as a Church

The error of "religious freedom" as understood in the US and by the modernists in Rome laid bare for all to see. All "religions" treated as equal by force of law, elevating error to equal footing with truth. How will the ecumaniacs in Rome openly deal with this "religion?" Firm condemnation? Or "dialogue?"

Will Notre Dame in Paris Be Rebuilt with a “Graceful Minaret”?

And the scourging, mockery, spitting upon, and crowning with thorns continues.

Consequences of Communion in the Hand

Excellent presentation by His Excellency (if you'll pardon the turn of phrase). One thing he didn't directly address, however, is the very real loss in belief in the Real Presence brought about in large part by the practice of receiving in such a casual, nonchalant way, i.e. in the hand while standing.

What Went Up in Flames. It took a century to build Notre Dame. A confident, proud people built it—…

Never heard of the guy but, in the video, he came across as a guy who is proud of his European heritage. What's wrong with that TheMonk86? Whenever I hear someone accuse of "white supremacy," I'm pretty certain it's coming from someone with a nefarious agenda. That would be you.

Bishops Claims That Vatican Backs Him in Fighting Tridentine Mass

So much for being "pastoral." Ask for bread, he gives you a stone. Modernist filth. There's nothing he can do. That rotten novus ordo mass will follow him and all like him into the grave.

Donate to Notre Dame or else (1) From Twitter

You sound familiar. From Matthew 26: "To what purpose is this waste? [9] For this might have been sold for much, and given to the poor." Judas Iscariot

'Unplanned' Star Fires Back at Alyssa Milano's Call to Boycott Georgia Over 'Heartbeat Bill'

My theory is if every state in the union passes such a law, then Milano and the rest of the bubblehead leftist Hollywood types will run out of places to make movies altogether and the country will be spared the rubbish they churn out non-stop. So it's a win-win: save some innocent babies and run the leftist propagandist "celebrities" out of business all at the same time!

Incredible video, Pope Francis kneeling and kissing feet

Too bad the guy didn't wait until Bergoglio was just about to kiss his feet, then snatch it away from him real quick and make him get up.
Of course if you want to keep Jorge from getting on his knees in the first place, just hold up the Blessed Sacrament.
I'm tired of the Argentine buffoon.More
Too bad the guy didn't wait until Bergoglio was just about to kiss his feet, then snatch it away from him real quick and make him get up.

Of course if you want to keep Jorge from getting on his knees in the first place, just hold up the Blessed Sacrament.

I'm tired of the Argentine buffoon.

Divorced and remarried, they receive communion once again

This article does a marvelous job of making unrepentant adultery, and sacrilege sound just wonderful. This is (yet another) Bergoglian abomination. And each and every prelate sits by, idly, while the Church gets mocked, while the Eucharist is profaned, and while two souls dance merrily into hell.

International Movement to Restore Pope Benedict to the Throne of Saint Peter

He has never left the Throne of St. Peter. It would be better to say "International Movement to Acknowledge that Benedict is Pope."

Francis Polemicizes Against "Parrot Prayer"

The Our Father was given to us by the Lord Himself. Now it's a "parrot prayer."
As is usual, whatever Bergoglio says to do, do just the opposite and you're fine.More
The Our Father was given to us by the Lord Himself. Now it's a "parrot prayer."

As is usual, whatever Bergoglio says to do, do just the opposite and you're fine.

Francis Want The Church To "Change": Commonplaces, Feelings and Slogans

Well I guess drivel is better than heresy. It's always one or the other with him.

Pro-Lifers Heckled by Pro-Aborts at NYC March for Life

Bring a large picture of an aborted child and hold it up so all can see while they screech their evil.

Watch! Francis Withdraws His Ring

You know nothing about Christ. No protestant does. You have constructed an imaginary christ who agrees with you on everything. You have made your imaginary christ in your own likeness and image. That's what every protestant does. Erect a phony church, with a phony "pastor," to pretend to worship a phony christ. Reject the Church, reject the priesthood, reject the Sacraments... reject Christ. It is …More
You know nothing about Christ. No protestant does. You have constructed an imaginary christ who agrees with you on everything. You have made your imaginary christ in your own likeness and image. That's what every protestant does. Erect a phony church, with a phony "pastor," to pretend to worship a phony christ. Reject the Church, reject the priesthood, reject the Sacraments... reject Christ. It is YOU who is the idolater.

Montreal officials oust crucifix from City Hall – Catholic World Report

Matthew 10: 32-33 "[32] Every one therefore that shall confess me before men, I will also confess him before my Father who is in heaven. [33] But he that shall deny me before men, I will also deny him before my Father who is in heaven.

Drag Queen Storytime: Convicted pedophile, dressed as a woman, reads to kids at public library

You're right, Bottega. Reject Christ and it's only a matter of time before you descend into depravity and insanity. Parents are actually choosing to take their innocent children to see this. If my parents had taken me to something like this as a child, and if I miraculously managed to grow up normal anyway, I'd disown them both.

Bishop Recycles Body Of Christ As Clock

I know in the west they are hard to find, but an actual MAN needs to bring his ladder and tools, ascend to take this mockery down, and either use his skills to restore the Corpus, or prayerfully, penitently, bury it. Of course this sorry excuse of a bishop, who probably wouldn't dream of reporting a sodomite predator, will suddenly find the phone number for the police and have you arrested but so what?

Economists agree: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez does NOT understand socialism or c..

Most Latinos I know would rather not be defined in terms of their Spanish conquerors: "Hispanic." And deferring to the language of their Spanish conquerors is irrelevant. We must speak to Latinos in the same way we must speak to everyone else: the language of truth. And as far as "Hispanics" being "fundamentally hard working conservatives." That's true for some. I note the people of Venezuela had …More
Most Latinos I know would rather not be defined in terms of their Spanish conquerors: "Hispanic." And deferring to the language of their Spanish conquerors is irrelevant. We must speak to Latinos in the same way we must speak to everyone else: the language of truth. And as far as "Hispanics" being "fundamentally hard working conservatives." That's true for some. I note the people of Venezuela had no problem electing a socialist regime.

And AOC is a bubblehead. Yet she holds a degree in international affairs and ECONOMICS from Boston University. She is poster girl for a lot of things, none of them good, and one of which is the embarrassingly failed and corrupt American university system.

The Ash Wednesday Mockery. Roman Catholic churches of the Latin Rite use this service to prepare church …

You're as much a troll as is Lalanz. Modifying photos of people to present them doing something they were clearly not doing is unjust. And doing so instead of posting photos of people ACTUALLY doing what you object to in order to avoid phantom legal consequence is cowardly.
If you and Lalanz have a point to make, make it like men, which is obviously beyond you both. If you're scared of posting …More
You're as much a troll as is Lalanz. Modifying photos of people to present them doing something they were clearly not doing is unjust. And doing so instead of posting photos of people ACTUALLY doing what you object to in order to avoid phantom legal consequence is cowardly.

If you and Lalanz have a point to make, make it like men, which is obviously beyond you both. If you're scared of posting actual photographic evidence of the offense to which you object, then simply state your objection without photos. Doctoring photos is more than a little effeminate. And I think we've all had enough of effeminacy. At least some of us have. Not enough apparently.