Catholic Pilgrimage to Starkenburg 2012 - Full Video SSPX. - In this video, we will show you the annual pilgrimage to our Lady of Sorrows in Starkenburg, Missouri. Every year, hundreds and …More
Catholic Pilgrimage to Starkenburg 2012 - Full Video SSPX. - In this video, we will show you the annual pilgrimage to our Lady of Sorrows in Starkenburg, Missouri. Every year, hundreds and hundreds of pilgrimages from all over the United States come to Missouri in order to make a pilgrimage in reparation for sin and asking special graces from our Lady.
Testimonials: Archbishop Lefebvre: A Documentary - 2014 Premier. - In this video, we show you a variety of live testimonials from real viewers at the Premier …More
Testimonials: Archbishop Lefebvre: A Documentary - 2014 Premier. - In this video, we show you a variety of live testimonials from real viewers at the Premier showing of "Archbishop Lefebvre: A Documentary".
Few churchmen led lives as influential in the 20th century as Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. This intelligent, faithful, devout bishop with the heart of a missionary is the subject of this feature film length documentary. Shot on location throughout the world, the documentary contains exclusive interviews with those who knew him: friends, family, missionary faithful, seminarians, priests, bishops, as well as authors and historians.
Loyal son of a devout French Catholic family. Roman seminarian. Parish priest. African missionary. Missionary bishop. Apostolic delegate. Superior General. Member of the Preparatory Commission for the Second Vatican Council. Council Father.
The Society of St. Pius X, founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, is an …More
Our Lady - That She Might Reign - Angelus Press 2013 Conference. - It is impossible to love something unless we first know it. And when we consider the matter honestly, we …More
Our Lady - That She Might Reign - Angelus Press 2013 Conference. - It is impossible to love something unless we first know it.
And when we consider the matter honestly, we realize that we do not know Mary enough; therefore, we do not love her enough. And this can only be called a tragedy since our spiritual growth, the graces God wishes to give us, the restoration of all things in Christ -- these will only happen through the mediation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
That is why this fall, on the anniversary of the final apparition of Our Lady of Fatima, Angelus Press will take Mary as the subject of our conference, considering this topic from the perspectives of dogma, art,devotion, history, Scripture, and more.
This weekend brings together some of the best Catholic thinkers, speakers, and writers in the world to really consider Mary, and how she alone is the hope of our sinful world. As one conference attendee put it:
"I have attended many Catholic conferences …More
Bishop Fellay Testimonial Video - Archbishop Lefebvre: A Documentary - 2014 - In this video, we interview His Excellency, Bishop Fellay, Superior General of the …More
Bishop Fellay Testimonial Video - Archbishop Lefebvre: A Documentary - 2014 - In this video, we interview His Excellency, Bishop Fellay, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, regarding the recent release of the SSPX Documentary: "Archbishop Lefebvre: A Documentary".
Few churchmen led lives as influential in the 20th century as Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. This intelligent, faithful, devout bishop with the heart of a missionary is the subject of this feature film length documentary. Shot on location throughout the world, the documentary contains exclusive interviews with those who knew him: friends, family, missionary faithful, seminarians, priests, bishops, as well as authors and historians.
Loyal son of a devout French Catholic family. Roman seminarian. Parish priest. African missionary. Missionary bishop. Apostolic delegate. Superior General. Member of the Preparatory Commission for the Second Vatican Council. Council Father.
The Society …More
Preview Clips - Building for the Future - Our Lady of Sorrows - New Church Building. - In this video, see a glimpse of the Romanesque style Catholic Church that contains elements …More
Preview Clips - Building for the Future - Our Lady of Sorrows - New Church Building. - In this video, see a glimpse of the Romanesque style Catholic Church that contains elements of Southern Mission style architecture to blend in with its southern environment.
Seating 750 faithful, with 12,000 square feet on the main and 9,000 square feet filling the basement and crypt, Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church on Baseline Road in Southern Phoenix will be a landmark for centuries to come. Built for the Traditionally Latin Liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church, this goliath of a Church will host the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, many sacraments, and be the House of God for this generation, and their children's children.
Find out more by visiting
This video was created by Visual Contrast. A marketing and video production company --
Preview Clips from Archbishop Lefebvre: A Documentary. - In this video we will show you a preview of the new documentary's features. This documentary is based on …More
Preview Clips from Archbishop Lefebvre: A Documentary. - In this video we will show you a preview of the new documentary's features. This documentary is based on the life and mission of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. The documentary includes rare archival footage and never before seen interviews of his family, colleagues, friends, and faithful.
Each part of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's life is covered from his infancy to his priesthood, from his work as a missionary in the African missions to becoming the Apostolic Delegate for Pope Pius XII. It includes the great history of his additional work as Superior General of the Holy Ghost Fathers, his work as a Member of the Preparatory Council for the Second Vatican Council, as well as his late work in forming the world's largest Traditional Roman Catholic order. -- For more information on theater viewings or to purchase his life, which has never before been seen on film, visit …More
Archbishop Lefebvre: A Documentary - Trailer. - In this video we will show you a preview of the new documentary based on the life and mission of Archbishop Marcel …More
Archbishop Lefebvre: A Documentary - Trailer. - In this video we will show you a preview of the new documentary based on the life and mission of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. The documentary includes rare archival footage and never before seen interviews of his family, colleagues, friends, and faithful.
Each part of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's life is covered from his infancy to his priesthood, from his work as a missionary in the African missions to becoming the Apostolic Delegate for Pope Pius XII. It includes the great history of his additional work as Superior General of the Holy Ghost Fathers, his work as a Member of the Preparatory Council for the Second Vatican Council, as well as his late work in forming the world's largest Traditional Roman Catholic order. -- For more information on theater viewings or to purchase his life, which has never before been seen on film, visit
Announced: 2014 Angelus Conference - The Mass: Heart of the Church, October 10th - 12th, 2014 - Join us for the 2014 annual Conference Weekend hosted by the Angelus Press …More
Announced: 2014 Angelus Conference - The Mass: Heart of the Church, October 10th - 12th, 2014 - Join us for the 2014 annual Conference Weekend hosted by the Angelus Press in Kansas City. The topic for this 5th consecutive year is entitled, "The Mass: Heart of the Church" and will take place October 10th - 12th, 2014.
St. John Vianney said that if we really understood the Mass, we would die of joy. This year's conference will help you
understand and thus love the Mass better. We will feature talks on the theological, historical, spiritual, and polemical
questions that surround the Holy Sacrifice. Come and learn more about the great gift God has given us, while at the same
time enjoying the company of other traditional Catholics.
Please join us for our Fifth Annual Angelus Press Conference, October 10-12, 2014, in Kansas City, Missouri
For more information, please visit or call 800-966-7337 for ticket sales, and information.
Angelus Press Conference 2014 - The Mass - Heart of the Church. - Each year, Angelus Press invites Catholics from all over of the world to come and consider important aspects of the …More
Angelus Press Conference 2014 - The Mass - Heart of the Church. - Each year, Angelus Press invites Catholics from all over of the world to come and consider important aspects of the Catholic Faith through a series of talks given by traditional Catholic priests and speakers.
This fall, the Angelus Press Conference welcomed over 500 Souls who traveled to Kansas City. Over the weekend of October 10th, 11th, and 12th, a topic that is both vital to Catholic Culture and to Catholic Spirituality was considered and contemplated: The Mass; Heart of the Church.
This years’ Conference on The Mass is vital to Catholic life. We encourage Catholics to listen to these talks and find a source of Light, Strength, and Peace in attending the Mass - the Heart of the Church.
Presenting over ten important lectures from traditional Catholic Speakers, this year’s Angelus Press Conference is available now for pre-orders and will be shipped soon.
Join us next year at the Angelus Press Conference …More
A New Foundation in Belgium - Traditional Dominican Monastery - Fr. Albert O.P. - In this video, we listen as Father Albert, O.P., explains what a Dominican is by definition, and in contrast …More
A New Foundation in Belgium - Traditional Dominican Monastery - Fr. Albert O.P. - In this video, we listen as Father Albert, O.P., explains what a Dominican is by definition, and in contrast to other orders. Father speaks of his providential path to his current Foundation and concludes with key insights on the 3rd Order of St. Dominic. For more information, write to:
Director of the Third Order
Steffeshausen 5
B-4790 Burg Reuland
JMJ I pray and hope we could have third order of Dominican also in Philippines. Deo Gratias! Kay Hesus, Maria at kay San Jose, JamesMore
I pray and hope we could have third order of Dominican also in Philippines.
Deo Gratias!
Kay Hesus, Maria at kay San Jose,
A New Church Building Project - Our Lady of Sorrows, Phoenix, AZ. -- In this video, we take you on site to the constructing of the new Church building of Our Lady of Sorrows in …More
A New Church Building Project - Our Lady of Sorrows, Phoenix, AZ. -- In this video, we take you on site to the constructing of the new Church building of Our Lady of Sorrows in Phoenix, Arizona.
Our Lady of Sorrows was established in 1980 when a small group of traditionalists purchased the current church site from a Protestant denomination. Over the years, Sunday attendance has steadily grown to an average of 550 faithful.
The property is 10.8 acres. It is primarily comprised of the current Protestant-designed church, a growing K-12 Catholic school for 75 students, and a 34-room retreat house.
Retreatants come from across North America to attend one or more of fourteen retreats each year. Phoenix also annually hosts one of the two priests' retreats. More than 35 priests and usually a bishop are in attendance.
The site also has a priory, other living quarters, a large athletic field, and an orange grove. Four priests reside at Our Lady of Sorrows. They serve the parish …More
What is the "Novus Ordo Missae"? - Episode 07 - SSPX FAQ Videos. - One of the most controversial issues within the Catholic Church today is the question of the New Mass or “Novus Ordo Missae …More
What is the "Novus Ordo Missae"? - Episode 07 - SSPX FAQ Videos. - One of the most controversial issues within the Catholic Church today is the question of the New Mass or “Novus Ordo Missae”. It is this question that we are going to explore in this video.
This Novus Ordo Missae, or new way of saying Mass, was introduced in 1969 by Pope Paul VI.
The liturgist in charge of elaborating the new rite, Archbishop Annibale Bugnini, made it clear that the main intention was to design a rite able to enforce the new ecumenism adopted by the Second Vatican Council. He declared in 1965: “We must strip from our Catholic prayers and from the Catholic liturgy everything which can be the shadow of a stumbling block for our separated brethren - that is, for the Protestants.”
To accomplish this ecumenical goal, he solicited the help of six Protestant ministers.
Focus on Man
In the new rite man has become more of the focus, not so much God. The priest and faithful gather for a meal to share with …More
Irish Rose
Ecumenism is NOT a dogma of the Catholic faith. However, since Vatican II, ecumenism is treated as the most important dogma. Freemasons had a goal of …More
Ecumenism is NOT a dogma of the Catholic faith. However, since Vatican II, ecumenism is treated as the most important dogma.
Freemasons had a goal of putting a Mason as head of the Catholic church, which Paul VI was. Our Lady of La Sallette warned us that the Vatican would "lose the faith and become the seat of the anti-Christ." Eventually, Pope Francis will initiate changes to the Mass on his own authority (not infallibly as Pope, he has already addressed the United Nations, "In my own name...") which will facilitate the New World Order's one-world religion which will usher in the anti-Christ. Woe to his followers, especially apostate Catholics.
The first frame of problems [C.1:45], yes there was false ecumenism has occurred in a very "hush hush" way which came from priests of the Tridentine …More
The first frame of problems [C.1:45], yes there was false ecumenism has occurred in a very "hush hush" way which came from priests of the Tridentine Mass; note, such a statement is not to diminish the ancient rite but to show that the root isn't so superficial. Vatican II promotes the vernacular for the lessons and puts emphasis that Latin should be retained for "those parts of the Ordinary of the Mass which [the laity have any part in]" for the same reason that Gregorian Chant is to be held sacred. The priestly role with respect to the ordination process being simplified, I agree there is some romance lost; however, the priesthood is still the priesthood which involves an intimate relationship of being crucified with our Lord. The last bullet is also an absurd attribution to the council, that's been the desires of false prelates since before the reformation and comes from lacking the grace of faith. If the devil cannot make you offend the Blessed Sacrament, He'll want to make you hate …More
Is There a Crisis in the Church Today? - Episode 06 - SSPX FAQ Videos. - “Is there a crisis within the Church today?" This question is essential; the attitude of Catholics today depends …More
Is There a Crisis in the Church Today? - Episode 06 - SSPX FAQ Videos. - “Is there a crisis within the Church today?" This question is essential; the attitude of Catholics today depends principally on its answer. It is a fact that the Catholic Church is suffering a grave crisis. In the 1960’s, at the time of the Second Vatican Council, there were hopes for a new springtime in the Church; exactly the opposite has come to pass. Thousands of priests have abandoned their office, and thousands of monks and religious have returned to secular life. There are very few vocations today in Europe and not many in North America either; countless seminaries, convents, and religious houses have closed their doors. Many parishes lack priests, and religious congregations are obliged to abandon schools, hospitals, and homes for the aged.
The Crisis within the Catholic Church is a crisis of faith. Fundamental Catholic truths such as belief in God, the divinity of Jesus Christ, heaven, purgatory,…More
Part II - The History of the Society of St. Pius X - Episode 05 - SSPX FAQ Videos. - Following the video on the origin of the Society of Saint Pius X, in this video we are going to …More
Part II - The History of the Society of St. Pius X - Episode 05 - SSPX FAQ Videos. - Following the video on the origin of the Society of Saint Pius X, in this video we are going to present the most recent years of its history. For years, the Society of Saint Pius X has been the spearhead of the defense of Tradition within the Catholic Church. However, it is not without challenges...
It was evident that despite the encouraging beginning of the Society of Saint Pius X, problems would soon arise. The liberal faction in Rome was determined to put an end to any seminary forming priests to offer the traditional Latin Mass.
Despite the favorable review of visitors sent by Rome, Archbishop Lefebvre was soon called to Rome to be interviewed by three cardinals. A few weeks later, the new bishop of Fribourg suddenly suppressed the Society of Saint Pius X on May 6, 1975. Shocked, the archbishop asked for the reasons behind this drastic act and also issued an official appeal to …More
St. Mary's Academy and College, Kansas - Keeping Catholic Education Alive. - "Catholic education brings the youth into contact with the truth, so that their souls might be set aflame." It is …More
St. Mary's Academy and College, Kansas - Keeping Catholic Education Alive. - "Catholic education brings the youth into contact with the truth, so that their souls might be set aflame." It is for this purpose that St. Mary's Academy and College exists. In this video, discover the uniqueness of St. Mary's Academy and College while we take you into the classrooms and lecture halls of this institution of learning.
For over 4 decades, St. Mary's Academy and College (SMAC) has built and refined a liberal arts education and formation for students desiring a true Catholic education.
-- Copy of video transcript --
The Greek philosopher Socrates once said “Education is not the filling of a vessel but the kindling of a flame.”
No one has known better than the Catholic Church the truth of these words. Catholic education brings the youth into contact with the Truth so that their souls might be set aflame.
It teaches them to seek after and find the Truth in every domain of life, so that they …More
Excellent educational material which should be distributed all over the world. Through tradition (Liturgy), and by true and solid catholic education …More
Excellent educational material which should be distributed all over the world. Through tradition (Liturgy), and by true and solid catholic education the Church can restore its glory and overcome the present crisis. Adhering to Truth guarantees the return to catholic "ORDO" in societies.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
St. Pius X, pray for us!
Part I - The History of the Society of St. Pius X - Episode 04 - SSPX FAQ Videos. - In this video, we look back at the beginning of the Society of St. Pius X. The history of the …More
Part I - The History of the Society of St. Pius X - Episode 04 - SSPX FAQ Videos. - In this video, we look back at the beginning of the Society of St. Pius X. The history of the Society of Saint Pius X, like the history of the Catholic Church as a whole, is a beautiful mystery. Both continue to flourish despite many setbacks and uncertainties. From its humble origins, the Society of Saint Pius X has grown exponentially and today proclaims the faith throughout the world.
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, in response to the repeated requests of young men interested in a traditional priestly formation, founded the Society of Saint Pius X on November 1, 1970. He was 65 years old at the time, and had previously served the Catholic Church as Archbishop of Dakar, apostolic delegate to French-speaking Africa and superior general of the Holy Ghost Fathers, a missionary order of priests. Eleven young men began their studies under the archbishop at a new seminary in Ecône, Switzerland …More
Part II - Who was Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre? - Episode 03 - SSPX FAQ Videos. - In this video we continue from Part I to explore the fascinating story of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.…More
Part II - Who was Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre? - Episode 03 - SSPX FAQ Videos. - In this video we continue from Part I to explore the fascinating story of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. From young missionary priest to Apostolic Delegate, Marcel Lefebvre's life is one that interests many Catholics today.
-- Transcript from video -- This video on the life of Archbishop Lefebvre follows part one. We’re going here to uncover the last part of his life during and after Vatican II. During a time of great confusion within the Catholic Church, Archbishop Lefebvre showed his profound attachment to the Latin Tridentine Mass and his deep adhesion to Tradition.
After a life of exemplary service in the Church, the Archbishop still had his greatest work ahead of him. His generous spirit and clear-sighted vision are still the beating heart of the Society of Saint Pius X today.
In 1962, Archbishop Lefebvre was at the height of his career. Vatican II however, would prove for him a bitter …More
there's no mention of his excommunication here?
Part I - Who was Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre? - Episode 02 - SSPX FAQ Videos. - In this video we explore the fascinating story of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. From young missionary …More
Part I - Who was Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre? - Episode 02 - SSPX FAQ Videos. - In this video we explore the fascinating story of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. From young missionary priest to Apostolic Delegate, Marcel Lefebvre's life is one that interests many Catholics today.
-- Transcript from video --
In this video, we’re going to uncover the life of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. Archbishop Lefebvre is one of the most fascinating characters of the twentieth century. Missionary priest, Archbishop of Dakar, Delegate Apostolic, founder of the Society of Saint Pius X, Archbishop Lefebvre still intrigues a lot of Catholics for his role and work especially during and after the Second Vatican Council. Who was Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre?
Marcel Lefebvre, founder of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X, was born on November 29, 1905 in the northern French town of Tourcoing. The third of eight children, Marcel grew up under the supervision of his devout Catholic parents, Rene …More
Archbishop Lefevbre, the St. Athanasius for our times.
What is the Society of St Pius X? - Episode 01 - SSPX FAQ Videos. - In this introduction to our series presenting the Society of St. Pius X, we start from the beginning: what is …More
What is the Society of St Pius X? - Episode 01 - SSPX FAQ Videos. - In this introduction to our series presenting the Society of St. Pius X, we start from the beginning: what is the Society? When was it founded? What is its spirit? Before delving into the specific differences that set apart the Society from other Catholic religious congregations, we give the basic information which future videos will build upon.
In this video, we’re going to answer the question, “What is the Society of Saint Pius X?” The Society of St. Pius X is an international priestly society, whose purpose is to train and support priests so that they may effectively spread the Catholic faith throughout the world.
The Society of Saint Pius X was founded in 1970 by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in the diocese of Fribourg, Switzerland, adhering to all canonical norms, receiving the blessing and encouragement of the local bishop.
The spirit of the Society of Saint Pius X is essentially apostolic; it was …More
Thank God for the SSPX! Archbishop Lefevbre, Ora pro nobis.
Awesome! God bless the SSPX. 🙏
Introduction to Series "Our Catholic Faith Today" - SSPX FAQ Videos. - In this video, we introduce to you an entirely unique video series hosted by the Society of St. Pius X: Our Catholic …More
Introduction to Series "Our Catholic Faith Today" - SSPX FAQ Videos. - In this video, we introduce to you an entirely unique video series hosted by the Society of St. Pius X: Our Catholic Faith Today. In this video series we introduce, discuss, and give insight on topics including the Society of St. Pius X, its history, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Vatican II, the New Mass, Religious Liberty, Ecumenism, Collegiality, and more. Each month we will release two new episodes concerning these topics. To instantly receive them upon release, sign up for our E-pistola email updates. Go to and click on Subscribe. Or, go to to learn more.