vizionárka varovania z Irska - odhalená identita. Dôkazy a fakty o nepravosti posolstiev írskej vizionárky MBM : Dôkazy a fakty o nepravosti posolstiev írkej vizionárky MBM známe znaky ešte pred …More
vizionárka varovania z Irska - odhalená identita.
Dôkazy a fakty o nepravosti posolstiev írskej vizionárky MBM : Dôkazy a fakty o nepravosti posolstiev írkej vizionárky MBM
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Ružence, čo sa musím modliť to nezachránia, keď sa zasväcuje satanovi - modlitba číslo 33 ! Však Ježiš Kristus tam je vynechané!
Čo to je za prorokyňa a vizionárka, ktorá sa bojí trpieť pre Božie meno? A to utajovanie? Ježiš povedal: „Veď každý, kto zle robí, nenávidí svetlo a nejde na svetlo, aby jeho skutky neboli odhalené. Ale kto koná pravdu, ide na svetlo, aby bolo vidieť, že svoje skutky koná v Bohu“ (Jn 3, 20-21)
I agree with you Yuca.
Pope benedict is not a liar he said a small truth, but because he loves the Church and we are called to suffer with Jesus so we could be glorify with him, was he free? Yes he was, but the reason he gave old age? Yes he is old is true, yes someone younger could handle the masons and the homosexuals, BUT, my brothers please read and meditate rhis words carefully: Benedict called for the year of faith …More
Pope benedict is not a liar he said a small truth, but because he loves the Church and we are called to suffer with Jesus so we could be glorify with him, was he free? Yes he was, but the reason he gave old age? Yes he is old is true, yes someone younger could handle the masons and the homosexuals, BUT, my brothers please read and meditate rhis words carefully: Benedict called for the year of faith and started an enciclica which he abruptly stop to resign, I mean he planned a mass in the vatican centered on abortion, he had this mass planned for months and he quits, gives health and old age reasons which are true, but is not the whole story, he was casted out and most priests at the te agree, in order not to li you could say a small truth but not the big one, Francis came and didn't say nothing at the abortion mass my brothers, NOTHING, with Benedict is like my children I love all three but when they ask who is the favorite I dont lie I just say I love you all, but the real truth is my son axel is my favorite one, again I could give my life for all 3 but axel comes in and is like the sun came to my room, DON'T BE DECIEVE even thouhh yoi are following the faith as the Lord wants, he has send prophecies to MDM and they don't contradict bible teaching, regardless of what they arr sayimg aboutasonic sign I don't see it since the cross in the great seal is standing up and the masoms are throwing it down.
Maria Divine Mercy: The Woman Behind The Curtain : midwaystreet.wordpress.com/2013/11/11/8
Uncle Joe, hold your horses.
Not only calling.
This teaching was given in a few places by the Jesus.
The same was with suggesting.
I do not remember now where but will find and will let you know.
It was something like calling someone by "empty head" - so the suggestion.
By the way this picture: 🤦 is calling someone stupid for sure, it is not suggesting!
the great disappointment : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Disappointment
Uncle Joe
By the way, contrary to common belief, I personally know Polish people who are very intelligent, good, and faithful souls who would not fall for the crap coming from MDM.
You are not one of them.
Go away. I am done with you and your nonsense.
😜 🤦 😜 🤦More
By the way, contrary to common belief, I personally know Polish people who are very intelligent, good, and faithful souls who would not fall for the crap coming from MDM.

You are not one of them.

Go away. I am done with you and your nonsense.

😜 🤦 😜 🤦
Uncle Joe
We are all brothers
No, we are not. I don't know you and I don't like you and I don't think I would like you even if I did know you.
Kos wrote:
Don't suggests anyone to be stupid as it is a straight way to the hell as it's written in the Gospels.
Read scripture because you can't even quote that correctly. Actually not calling someone stupid when they are very stupid would be a lie and that's a …More
We are all brothers

No, we are not. I don't know you and I don't like you and I don't think I would like you even if I did know you.

Kos wrote:
Don't suggests anyone to be stupid as it is a straight way to the hell as it's written in the Gospels.

Read scripture because you can't even quote that correctly. Actually not calling someone stupid when they are very stupid would be a lie and that's a violation of the 8th commandment against bearing false witness.

(kos writes) [I] do not want to argue with you (Uncle Joe)

That's the first intelligent thing you've written. Don't argue with me unless you want to lose the argument especially about your beloved phony MDM.

😜 🤦 😜 🤦
The pope Benedict told the truth and with full freedom but not all.
One more comment from Kos
I did not wrote you called but suggested and it's true Uncle Joe.
We are all brothers and do not want to argue with you, the future will tell us who was right. Let's got this way pls.
Uncle Joe
To believe MDM, you would thereby accuse Pope Benedict of being a liar.
He wasn't "ousted" due to a plot. He freely resigned due to health reasons. Here's what Pope Benedict actually said:
I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry. I am well aware that this ministry, due to its essential spiritual …More
To believe MDM, you would thereby accuse Pope Benedict of being a liar.

He wasn't "ousted" due to a plot. He freely resigned due to health reasons. Here's what Pope Benedict actually said:

I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry. I am well aware that this ministry, due to its essential spiritual nature, must be carried out not only with words and deeds, but no less with prayer and suffering.

However, in today’s world, subject to so many rapid changes and shaken by questions of deep relevance for the life of faith, in order to govern the barque of Saint Peter and proclaim the Gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months, has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me.

For this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter.

To buy Maria Divine Mercy's claim, you must set aside Pope Benedict's own claim.

Although he is described in the messages by Jesus as "My innocent, beloved last Pope on earth, Benedict XVI" (source), he would have been lying in the very act of renouncing the papacy if he did not do so "with full freedom" and for age-related reasons but rather under coercision and because of a plot.

😜 🤦 😜 🤦

Uncle Joe
Don't suggests anyone to be stupid as it is a straight way to the hell as it's written in the Gospels.
Up till now, I haven't called anyone stupid (that is about to change). I provided a quote. Anyone who can't see that is, in fact, stupid.
And, anyone who would post the following in direct contradiction to the explananation given by Pope Benedict himself:
The pope Benedict XVI was sentenced by …More
Don't suggests anyone to be stupid as it is a straight way to the hell as it's written in the Gospels.

Up till now, I haven't called anyone stupid (that is about to change). I provided a quote. Anyone who can't see that is, in fact, stupid.

And, anyone who would post the following in direct contradiction to the explananation given by Pope Benedict himself:

The pope Benedict XVI was sentenced by the Court in Brussels
for 25y prison and this way forced to leave.

That comment is worse than stupid. It is the ranting of a deeply disturbed lunatic.

😜 🤦 😜 🤦
The Devil is also quite able to provide information , on future events. Predicting a future event is no guarantee of Divine revelation.
Play it safe, and stay far clear of this she said, he said business. Attend Holy Mass and Avoid & or confess sin. Learn the Faith, and spend time fulfilling your vocation. This will be pleasing to God, and proper to the Christian life.
Dear Uncle Joe,
Don't suggests anyone to be stupid as it is a straight way to the hell as it's written in the Gospels.
As till now prophecies passed by MDM are coming true so are reliable.
and are not contrary to the Bible, they are contrary of the teaching of some priest only.
Pls check by your own as I did.
The pope Benedict XVI was sentenced by the Court in Brussels
for 25y prison and this way …More
Dear Uncle Joe,
Don't suggests anyone to be stupid as it is a straight way to the hell as it's written in the Gospels.
As till now prophecies passed by MDM are coming true so are reliable.
and are not contrary to the Bible, they are contrary of the teaching of some priest only.
Pls check by your own as I did.
The pope Benedict XVI was sentenced by the Court in Brussels
for 25y prison and this way forced to leave.
This is conspiracy of course.
Ousted pope was also predicted by Catherine Emmerich, the saint about 150y ago.
So who is the pope now in the eyes of God?
Benedict the XVI still lives and was ousted in illegal way!

According to the Canon Law
the First to obey is the God
second the Bible - the Word of God
the pope is after the Bible and the God of course.
If the God wants to speak - it is better not to stand on His way.

May God have mercy on all our souls - I agree with you.
God bless you.
Uncle Joe
May God have mercy on all our souls including yours Yucky.
And remember:
Stupidity is also a gift of God, but one mustn't misuse it.
Pope John Paul II

8. Are her prophecies reliable?
9. Should Catholics give credence to Maria Divine Mercy?
She is an anonymous, unapproved seer whose prophecies contain material that is both demonstrably false and contrary …More
May God have mercy on all our souls including yours Yucky.

And remember:
Stupidity is also a gift of God, but one mustn't misuse it.
Pope John Paul II



8. Are her prophecies reliable?

9. Should Catholics give credence to Maria Divine Mercy?

She is an anonymous, unapproved seer whose prophecies contain material that is both demonstrably false and contrary to Catholic teaching regarding the future.

Furthermore, to adhere to her prophecies can result in the grave sin and canonical crime of schism.

If, as soon as a new pope is elected (already happened on March 13, 2013), one were to regard him (Francis)--as Maria Divine Mercy would have us regard him--as a false pope and the False Prophet, one would be in a state of schism.

According to the Code of Canon Law:
[S]chism is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him [CIC 751].

This would have grave consequences for an individual, both spiritually and canonically, including possible automatic (latae sententiae) excommunication, since:
[A] schismatic incurs a latae sententiae excommunication [CIC 1364 §1].

Which includes, among other things the inability to receive the sacraments until one repents of the schism and is restored to communion with the Church.

Under no circumstances should a Catholic become involved with or give any credence to the "messages" of Maria Divine Mercy.

May she herself find the grace to repudiate them, take them down, and alert her followers of their falseness.

Read more: www.ncregister.com/…/9-things-you-ne…
May God have Mercy of your soul my friend... all this messages are not contrary to the bible teachings and actually they have been fulfilled... go ahead and mock, but most of the prophecies that have been given to her, like pope benedict's resignation and how Francis kisses Muslims feet was a year before it happened.
Słynny posąg Chrystusa z otwartymi ramionami górujący nad Rio de Janeiro, jedna z czołowych atrakcji turystycznych Brazylii, został uszkodzony przez piorun podczas gwałtownej burzy - poinformował o. Osmar Raposo sprawujący pieczę nad posągiem.
Duchowny powiedział, że ze zdjęć wykonanych ze śmigłowca wynika, że posąg stracił fragment prawego kciuka. Dodał, że prace mające na celu naprawę …More
Słynny posąg Chrystusa z otwartymi ramionami górujący nad Rio de Janeiro, jedna z czołowych atrakcji turystycznych Brazylii, został uszkodzony przez piorun podczas gwałtownej burzy - poinformował o. Osmar Raposo sprawujący pieczę nad posągiem.
Duchowny powiedział, że ze zdjęć wykonanych ze śmigłowca wynika, że posąg stracił fragment prawego kciuka. Dodał, że prace mające na celu naprawę uszkodzenia zostaną dokonane na początku lutego.
Posąg Chrystusa, o wysokości 38 metrów, znajduje się na szczycie wzgórza Corcovado wznoszącego się na wysokość 710 metrów nad słynnymi plażami w Rio.
Według brazylijskich służb meteorologicznych, burza, która nawiedziła rejon Rio była wyjątkowo gwałtowna. Trwała ponad 3 godziny, podczas których niebo nad miastem rozświetliło ponad 40 tys. błyskawic.
Wiatr o szybkości 87 km/h wyrywał drzewa z korzeniami, a woda zalała wiele ulic. Miejscowe lotnisko na krótko przerwało pracę.
Komu wierzyć?
Papież Paweł VI miał przez 4 lata sobowtóra.
Obecność masonerii wśród kapłanów jest oczywistością. Im wyżej tym gorzej.
Kapłani "odpływają" od prawdziwej wiary w herezje - patrz wykłady ks. dr hab Natanka.
Ks. Natanek mówi prawdę a jest suspendowany - żaden kapłan jeszcze nie sprecyzował co złego mówi Natanek!!!
Kiko dostaje doktora honoris causa na KULu a b. dużo można sobie …More
Komu wierzyć?
Papież Paweł VI miał przez 4 lata sobowtóra.
Obecność masonerii wśród kapłanów jest oczywistością. Im wyżej tym gorzej.
Kapłani "odpływają" od prawdziwej wiary w herezje - patrz wykłady ks. dr hab Natanka.
Ks. Natanek mówi prawdę a jest suspendowany - żaden kapłan jeszcze nie sprecyzował co złego mówi Natanek!!!
Kiko dostaje doktora honoris causa na KULu a b. dużo można sobie poczytać na temat herezji neokatechumenatu!
Papież Benedykt XVI jest skazany prawomocnym wyrokiem w Brukseli na 25lat więzienia na podstawie bzdurnych zarzutów - jest zmuszony ustąpić - więc to jest zamach stanu.
(Katarzyna Emmerich opisuje tą sytuację 150 lat temu)
Nie chcę pisać na temat Franciszka - trzeba się za niego modlić.
Odpowiedź na moje pytania na wstępie jest prosta:
Bogu, potem mamy Pismo Święte, trzeci jest papież (patrz kodeks KK)
Jeden z papieży (ten za czasów Lutra) powiedział - jeśli bym coś mówił przeciw Pismu Świętemu - nie słuchajcie mnie.
Będę więc posłuszny Bogu, Jego Słowu i Papieżowi.
Króluj nam Chryste.
P.S. Kochajmy się nawzajem, nie oceniajmy pochopnie, zachowajmy spokój i pokój.