
690. First step - World Scam

The anti-Christ needs at least half the population to be possessed to take power. The abortion-tainted jab came with demons. hmmm...

How Islam is Taking Over The World Islamization Explained YouTube

The Islamic Mahdi is the Christian anti-Christ.

Medjugorje, Our Lady appears in heaven and is visible to everyone. May 2024

Mary would NOT appear dally in a séance The local bishop said it is not from God. .

Biden breaks law to give millions of migrants work permits

Making our poor and simple citizens taking all their jobs. (Most illegals are not educated and take the entry-level jobs).

All-Ireland Rosary Rally Brings Faithful Together at Knock Shrine SWNews

Imagine if that crowd prayed the Rosary DAILY...

Proven Natural Remedies Against the Jab (Covid-19 Vaccine)

Yes, they should have. All Christians should have known better than to inject aborted baby cells into their bodies, thus supporting abortion to prevent flu symptoms. Better to die of the flu than support that.

We must fight for justice where it is possible

To die in God's grace, receiving God's salvation is dying with dignity. There is no dignity in hell.

Forced Abortions in America

Many are complicit in the sin of abortion.

Doctrine and the Cure of Souls - The Catholic Thing

Pastoral care should be priests helping people know the true faith and be in the state of grace. Pastoral care iis spiritual in nature. The pope is not the leader of a political movement or a food program or of the world. Priests are spiritual fathers. The laity should be living the faith and helping the poor and homeless and ill and downtrodden, etc., etc.

African priest: Bishops and cardinals must publicly correct Pope Francis’ many heresies - LifeSite

Catholics need to know the traditional Catholic faith. Even if a Pope goes against Apostolic and Magisterial Tradition, we are NOT bound to follow it.

The Roots of Woke: The Devil and Bella Dodd

Our Lady of Fatima talked of the errors of Russia -- Sociialism/Communism/Marxism -- where government takes the place of God.

The Church in a dash to be seen as a part of the

"I have given them thy word, and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world; as I also am not of the world." [John 17:14] We should NOT be trying to be partners with the world.

Antiilluminaten TV

Hit the curb and explode?

675. Fear mongers panic - World Scam

Satan's minions worshipping the world.


When Jesus was baptized only half the crowd heard God's voice, the rest thought it was thunder.

Il libro-intervista di Papa Francesco sul rapporto Benedetto XVI - Porta a porta 04/04/2024

Francis rejected the papacy on the balcony, proclaiming to be just the bishop of Rome. He has NEVER done anything with the three marks of infallibility.

Bill Gates’ Synthetic Milk Found To Contain 92 Carcinogenic Compounds

Gates is a eugenics promoter, he wants to kill everyone except slaves for the elites. He needs to go to adult kindergarten and learn basic lessons, like share the toys, don't hit, don't bite, mind your business, etc.

The “Merciful” Killer: Canada’s Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide Problem

Insurance companies are now touting euthanasia as an alternative to COSTLY treatment. Insurance attorneys tell the relatives of the chronically ill that it would be more charitable to murder them than have them go through long-term treatment. People still sell their souls for money.

Abuse of Canon Law by Pope Francis, not least to protect his friends

Under Cannon Law, a Jesuit cannot be pope, it is illegal for Francis to be pope. Jesuits take a special vow to do the Pope's bidding.