
Finding real happiness in a success-driven culture - RADIANT

Excellent article. Thank you for posting this. I am going to share with the young mothers and potential mothers I know.

No Trial for Cardinal McCarrick

As we all will be. It is frustrating when we do not see justice, but we not worry. God 's justice is perfect and strong. That is why we now beg for mercy.

1 lipca br. podczas Mszy Św. w Katedrze Nossa Senhora dos Prazeres w São Paulo, kobieta przyjmuje …

I don't see where she is made to consume Holy Communion, but am glad to know that someone did so. Consider the grace she was given at that moment! She was clearly up to something less than good and she was not only prevented, but she also received The Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus which will with save her or condemn her based upon what occurred in her soul at that moment. Did she repent?…More
I don't see where she is made to consume Holy Communion, but am glad to know that someone did so. Consider the grace she was given at that moment! She was clearly up to something less than good and she was not only prevented, but she also received The Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus which will with save her or condemn her based upon what occurred in her soul at that moment. Did she repent? She did harden her heart? So many are afraid to speak up in these moments, but that deacon, in protecting Our Lord from desecration, also helped to potentially save this woman's soul. A very good meditation.


Laugh or cry? I don't know which to do.

Brutalist mercy, to be precise

What were they thinking??

A different gospel

Galatians 1:8 could be the most necessary verse to remind people of these days.

Christology matters. Reject the false "Jesus" of The Chosen — Leila Miller

Thank you, thank you, thank you.



California mom gets $100K settlement from school district who transitioned child behind her back - …

I am not suggesting that the mother is at fault. I wonder what the home life was like, how much regular interaction she had with her daughter, etc that the school was able to get this far with the child. The school preyed upon the child who was already troubled. If she wasn't already troubled, mother would have noticed something sooner. Did she have a cellphone? When did she get it? Was the family …More
I am not suggesting that the mother is at fault. I wonder what the home life was like, how much regular interaction she had with her daughter, etc that the school was able to get this far with the child. The school preyed upon the child who was already troubled. If she wasn't already troubled, mother would have noticed something sooner. Did she have a cellphone? When did she get it? Was the family sitting down to meals everyday? Who were her friends? While the school system must be cleaned up, no question, I think we parents must review what we are doing at home and clean that up as well - that is job 1.

15 Questions An Impeachment Inquiry Must Ask That Media Won't

Joe isn't going out that way. If anything, he will step down due to illness - but not before he makes a sweet deal and they figure out who will be their candidate for the next election.

From One Unapologetic Media Hoax to the Next › American Greatness

Leave it to VDH to summarize so eloquently the situation we find ourselves in - and who to hold accountable. Excellent article.

This is not a 3rd world country, this is New York City

Lord have mercy. So very sad.


I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Tucker Carlson: ‘Obviously’ We’re ‘Speeding Toward Assassination’ of Trump

The other "obvious" he mentioned is that the powers that be will effect WW3 in order to remain in power.

U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell appears to freeze again

Poor man.

Bring fairy tails back

If we strive for mediocrity, we will end up far beneath it. We must aim high as does the archer when he releases his arrow.