
AnnBarnhardt Vendee PT1 Part One of Four of Ann Barnhardt's presentation on the Vendee Genocide during …

Best to follow the canonized saints, the Fathers and Doctors of the Church. You can't go wrong.

The winner of Miss Alabama, America. Thoughts?

And a man was crowned Miss Maryland. Sheer insanity.

The Eclipse and the Annunciation - The Catholic Thing

Could it be that this sign is a portent of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary?

The Eclipse and the Annunciation - The Catholic Thing

Furthermore, The Americas are consecrated to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Look at what She did for Mexico hundreds of years ago. And where will the eclipse first be seen? In Mexico. I believe this eclipse is a sign of God's Providence and love for us. We pray that we return to Him as did those in Nineveh.

The Eclipse and the Annunciation - The Catholic Thing

I suspect there is more to this event than what the author conveys. The world was in darkness until Our Lady gave Her fiat and the Incarnation came at the fullness of time - a time when the world was in utter darkness. We are in such a place now and it seems to me that Our Lord is reminding us that He will conquer the darkness. This time of darkness is coming to an end soon, in the fullness of God's …More
I suspect there is more to this event than what the author conveys. The world was in darkness until Our Lady gave Her fiat and the Incarnation came at the fullness of time - a time when the world was in utter darkness. We are in such a place now and it seems to me that Our Lord is reminding us that He will conquer the darkness. This time of darkness is coming to an end soon, in the fullness of God's "Time." There is Light coming upon the horizon....

Easter Candle Kills Rock Priest

Lord have mercy on him.

Memes of the Tucker-Putin interview

Putin demonstrated that history did not begin with the US, despite the latter's insistence.

The Level of Francis' Appointments: Missing Cardinal Speaks of "Stupid Prank"

It speaks volumes, doesn't it?

Grateful for little things

And to do so for the love of God and offer it for poor sinners.



E. Michael Jones: Blatantly untrue. Blessing the couple is blessing their sin

Sorry Mr Jones. You are wrong.

This is Fr. Matt Lowry

God have mercy on him.

Bombshell: Tucho Likes Violent Pornography – Other Porn Book Discovered

Thanks be to God that the truth is coming out.

Bishop Athanasius Schneider on Fiducia Supplicans: “A Mockery of the Natural and Revealed Law of God”

The Church cannot bless a person who is in the state of unrepented mortal sin. When I commit a mortal sin, any good that I have done is eradicated and I can do nothing pleasing to the Lord. I am cut off from Him. It is only when I repent and am absolved that I am restored. The Church, by this new decree from Francis, while protected by the Holy Ghost in that the gay unions are not being blessed, is …More
The Church cannot bless a person who is in the state of unrepented mortal sin. When I commit a mortal sin, any good that I have done is eradicated and I can do nothing pleasing to the Lord. I am cut off from Him. It is only when I repent and am absolved that I am restored. The Church, by this new decree from Francis, while protected by the Holy Ghost in that the gay unions are not being blessed, is being horrifically uncharitable and is lying to the sodomites, facilitating their damnation. Furthermore, any priest that goes along with this is tying a huge millstone around his neck. This is a most terrifying state of affairs for many. Jesus, save us. God have mercy.

US Archbishop: It Is All About Moral Nature Of Homosexual Acts

The Church cannot bless a person who is in the state of unrepented mortal sin. When I commit a mortal sin, any good that I have done is eradicated and I can do nothing pleasing to the Lord. I am cut off from Him. It is only when I repent and am absolved that I am restored. The Church, by this new decree from Francis, while protected by the Holy Ghost in that the gay unions are not being blessed, is …More
The Church cannot bless a person who is in the state of unrepented mortal sin. When I commit a mortal sin, any good that I have done is eradicated and I can do nothing pleasing to the Lord. I am cut off from Him. It is only when I repent and am absolved that I am restored. The Church, by this new decree from Francis, while protected by the Holy Ghost in that the gay unions are not being blessed, is being horrifically uncharitable and is lying to the sodomites, facilitating their damnation. Furthermore, any priest that goes along with this is tying a huge millstone around his neck. This is a most terrifying state of affairs for many. Jesus, save us. God have mercy.

Dr. Simon Goddek @goddeketal Until the 1970, the majority of the people were fit as a fiddle! No keto …

I think we are being changed metabolically and even our DNA is being toyed with. If you look at people who are significantly overweight, the fat is a different kind of fat than years ago or at least that's what it seems to me. Overweight bodies look different nowadays then those of overweight people overweight years ago. We also need to practice portion control and limit snacking. Carbs are not the …More
I think we are being changed metabolically and even our DNA is being toyed with. If you look at people who are significantly overweight, the fat is a different kind of fat than years ago or at least that's what it seems to me. Overweight bodies look different nowadays then those of overweight people overweight years ago. We also need to practice portion control and limit snacking. Carbs are not the enemy. We need carbs, but in moderation. We need to develop and employ virtue. Temperance and moderation are absolutely necessary. We also need to stop being so food and body obsessed.

The wars waged by the West were waged on behalf of the body of the antechrist and to put the nail in …

An excruciatingly exquisite portrait of Our Savior.