
Pope Francis Presides a "Bully-Boy Church"

The same day Father Thomas Weinandy published his letter to Pope Francis, the U.S. Bishops’ Conference sacked him as consultor. British Father John Hunwicke comments on liturgicalnotes.blogspot.comMore
The same day Father Thomas Weinandy published his letter to Pope Francis, the U.S. Bishops’ Conference sacked him as consultor.
British Father John Hunwicke comments on liturgicalnotes.blogspot.com, “This cheap and vulgar ritual humiliation exemplifies the extent to which Pope Francis is presiding over a bully-boy Church in which midget bishops and minicardinals compete to defeat each other in the sycophancy stakes. Just as Tom Weinandy has, in effect, just said.”
Picture: John Hunwicke, #newsAgdocdufuq
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Francis church is a dictatorship that will brook no opposition.
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