
Father Weinandy, Francis “Agent Of Division”

The Church’s doctrinal and moral teaching is "in many significant ways" not taught within the present of Pope Francis, Father Thomas Weinandy states on Sandro Magister’s blog (February 22). Weinandy …More
The Church’s doctrinal and moral teaching is "in many significant ways" not taught within the present of Pope Francis, Father Thomas Weinandy states on Sandro Magister’s blog (February 22).
Weinandy writes that Francis acts “as the agent of division” accusing him of re-conceiving the clear apostolic faith in an ambiguous manner “so as to leave confusion and puzzlement within the ecclesial community”.
This leads to a “disintegration of the Church’s catholicity” since the bishops are interpreting doctrinal norms and moral precepts in various conflicting and contradictory ways.
Therefore, the Church’s marks of apostolicity and catholicity “have fallen into doctrinal and moral disarray". Weinandy calls this a theological anarchy that Francis himself has initiated.
Picture: Thomas Weinandy, #newsZrflxonvrt
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Fr. Weinandy: "To allow those who persist in manifest grave sin to receive communion, seemingly as an act of mercy, is both to belittle the condemnatory evil of grave sin and to malign the magnitude and power of the Holy Spirit."
Father Weinandy .we catholics are with you
Fr. Weinandy's lecture is going to break a few windows.
...all for the greater good, don't you know? 🙄