Denis Efimov

Cardinal Ravasi: Christ Was a "Layman"

Have they gone crazy over there with their modernism?
Denis Efimov

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel Australia 2021 Oct 18 A warning against Freemasons and the New World Order …

How many bishops who call themselves Catholics are willing to proclaim the truth like this man? If we had at least a hundred of these, we could achieve much in confronting the world, the flesh and the devil.
Denis Efimov

Vatican Secretary of State: Francis’ Reforms “Irreversible”

Parolin was one of the cardinals who, together with Francis, actively participated (with gestures) in the invocation of demons in Canada, under the direction of a sorcerer, who then gave Francis a bunch of witchcraft grass. In connection with these events, and despite his “infinite dignity,” it is hardly possible to perceive Parolin as a person who can be listened to.
Denis Efimov

LGBT activists, dissident Catholics throw Michigan parish into chaos by ousting priest, shaming …

The Church of the Antichrist captured another parish, squeezing out a Catholic.
Denis Efimov

Sr Becquart: Inventing "Deaconesses" Could Be Left to Bishops' Conferences

If she is a "sister", then where is her habit? And why is her head filled with such crazy, heretical, protestant, apostate thoughts? Or is she a "sister" in some protestant sect? That's right, this is the "Synodal Church".
Denis Efimov

Globalist Pope Francis Gives His First US TV Interview, so MSM Uses Him To Help Push Climate Alarmism …

It would be better if he continued to work as a bouncer in a tavern, rather than pursue a career in the Church.
Denis Efimov

Piece of Papal History at Queens Church

Well, it’s convenient to throw out 40% of the names of saints from the Martyrology and take the vacant space.
Denis Efimov

Netherlands: Homosexual to Become Priest Next Year

"win a lot of souls". For eternal hellish torment.
Denis Efimov

Pope Francis Claims ‘Deniers of Climate Change’ are ‘Foolish’

When will he finally shut up! He understands nothing not only in climate science or, as with vaccines, in medicine, but even in religious matters. Who needs or cares about his erroneous, worthless, apostate and heretical thoughts? Let him tell them to Tucho, they are two boots (on the feet of the Antichrist). These boots will likely suffer the same fate as their owner, the Antichrist. Francis still …More
When will he finally shut up! He understands nothing not only in climate science or, as with vaccines, in medicine, but even in religious matters. Who needs or cares about his erroneous, worthless, apostate and heretical thoughts? Let him tell them to Tucho, they are two boots (on the feet of the Antichrist). These boots will likely suffer the same fate as their owner, the Antichrist. Francis still has a little time to repent and try to make amends for the damage and insults he has caused to God, the Church and all the faithful. But, let's be honest, he is unlikely to take advantage of this opportunity.
Denis Efimov

St Paul commands it

Abolishing the compulsory veil in the conciliar church was as idiotic an idea as abolishing the compulsory Index of Prohibited Books.
Denis Efimov

Dignitas Infinita Betrays Catholic Just War Doctrine - Providence

It’s just that Tucho, Francis and their whole bunch profess something like a hippie religion. I think they are allergic to our Holy Crusades too.
Denis Efimov

Italy: An Archbishop 'Forbids' Reception of Holy Communion

When will our Holy Mother Church be freed from this kind of monsters?
Denis Efimov

Cardinal Fernández: New Document on Discerning Apparitions ‘Being Finalized’

One can hardly expect anything good from the upcoming new Vatican document. I suggest that they immediately insert into this document a paragraph about the criteria for recognition: “if private revelation contradicts the new inductive theology, or encroaches on the infinite dignity of man, or speaks of the apostates and heretics who have filled the Vatican, or calls for repentance of sins, or …More
One can hardly expect anything good from the upcoming new Vatican document. I suggest that they immediately insert into this document a paragraph about the criteria for recognition: “if private revelation contradicts the new inductive theology, or encroaches on the infinite dignity of man, or speaks of the apostates and heretics who have filled the Vatican, or calls for repentance of sins, or denounces sodomites, or talks much about anything other than mercy, then this revelation is false."
Denis Efimov

Texas Carmelite Nuns Reject Vatican's Unilateral Decree

Well, knowing how the Vatican treats monasteries, monastic life, especially those monastics who are faithful to the traditional liturgy, who can condemn these Carmelites?
Denis Efimov

‘Tucho’ Opens Up On His Disastrous Doctrinal Declarations

Pope Paul III does not “reverse Pope Nicolas’ papal bull”.
And all of Tucho’s references to the need for submission are not valid, because no one is obliged to submit to evil and error.More
Pope Paul III does not “reverse Pope Nicolas’ papal bull”.

And all of Tucho’s references to the need for submission are not valid, because no one is obliged to submit to evil and error.
Denis Efimov

Is Bergoglio a Peronist? Yes, yes, yes

@Everyday for Life Canada
"le grand empire antichrétien sera un empire démagogique colossal, gouverné par un plébéiende grandeur satanique, l'homme de péché" [Oeuvres de Donoso Cortès Marquis de Valdegamas. Vol. 2. P. 230].
Denis Efimov

Quadriplegic man dies via euthanasia after developing bed sores waiting at Quebec hospital - LifeSite

To prevent bedsores, the patient must be periodically turned and massaged. Any nurse can do this. Due to inadequate care in the hospital, he developed bedsores. Which medical personnel were held accountable for this negligence? Who was arrested for this?
Denis Efimov

The Rise of the Ultramontanists - The Catholic Thing

"Ultramontanism is the false belief that everything a pope says is without error. Everything a pope decides must be right. Everything a pope speaks or does is paramount and cannot be questioned".
Who came up with this definition?
I stopped reading this article as soon as the author started referring to documents V2.More
"Ultramontanism is the false belief that everything a pope says is without error. Everything a pope decides must be right. Everything a pope speaks or does is paramount and cannot be questioned".

Who came up with this definition?

I stopped reading this article as soon as the author started referring to documents V2.