Denis Efimov
Chapter CXL from the excellent and fundamental research of Dr. Carol Byrne. All previous chapters are available through the links at the bottom of the web page.More
Chapter CXL from the excellent and fundamental research of Dr. Carol Byrne.
All previous chapters are available through the links at the bottom of the web page.

Ratzinger’s Spurious Pretexts for Rejecting Scholasticism

Dialogue Mass - CXL Ratzinger’s Spurious Pretexts for Rejecting Scholasticism He found its “crystal-clear logic” problematic;It was too “rigid …
chris griffin
I always thought that BXVI was a terrible Pope. This confirms it.
Tucker Carlson believes abortion is a demonically driven “human sacrifice” that acts as an “offering to the spirit world.”

Tucker Carlson tells Alex Jones abortion is a demonic ‘offering to the spirit world’ - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Tucker Carlson believes abortion is a demonically driven “human sacrifice” that acts as …
Yes we need a Pope that says the same!
@Father Karl A Claver you must have the counsel of really good priests. Sadly, some I have come in contact with just look at abortion as a mild tragedy …More
@Father Karl A Claver you must have the counsel of really good priests. Sadly, some I have come in contact with just look at abortion as a mild tragedy - i.e. that's it's unfortunate that a woman would be forced to resort to it and we need to show them support and accompany them in their choice. And that's the best opinion. I know one priest who was visibly angry when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. He said that he thought we were beyond that and need to stop obsessing over abortion!! Taking his cues from Francis. 😱 😲
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Liturgical reform and transformation of religious buildings. (A brief report on how the conciliars destroyed the churches).More
Liturgical reform and transformation of religious buildings.
(A brief report on how the conciliars destroyed the churches).

La riforma liturgica e la trasformazione degli edifici di culto

qui. La riforma liturgica e la trasformazione degli edifici di culto Una modificazione teologica degli edifici di culto Chiese per …
Father Karl A Claver
In 1979, most all churches in Rome had NOT been wrecked. In 1981, most of them were transformed from churches to theaters.
On Ratzinger's and Tucho's omissions regarding private revelations

A Conspicuous Omission in the New DDF Document on Private Revelation - Guest Article

How often have we heard, concerning supernatural phenomena: “The faithful are not obliged to give an assent of faith …
Maria Guarini - one of the signatories of the "Call for the Resignation of Pope Francis" - says that the fundamental flaw in this document is that it does not clearly denounce the rotten nature of …More
Maria Guarini - one of the signatories of the "Call for the Resignation of Pope Francis" - says that the fundamental flaw in this document is that it does not clearly denounce the rotten nature of Vatican II which is the main source of the current problems, an element that cannot be further hidden.

Chiarimenti sulla mancata pubblicazione della versione italiana del Documento apparso in inglese a …

qui], visto che risulto tra i firmatari dello stesso. È presto detto: quando sono stata interpellata …
Jan Joseph
Ik wil ook graag het document voor het aftreden van paus Franciscus ondertekenen. Wie kan mij helpen?
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"So we have a church promoting Satan’s agenda — the Synodal Church —attacking the Catholic Church. It is a dark sign, but one that tells us which side we must choose. Catholics of good will might …More
"So we have a church promoting Satan’s agenda — the Synodal Church —attacking the Catholic Church. It is a dark sign, but one that tells us which side we must choose.
Catholics of good will might disagree about how to respond to this sign, but it seems that some fundamentals of the proper response are fairly evident:
•We should adhere to the unadulterated Catholic Faith as it existed prior to Vatican II (even though we know the infiltration and corruption began well before the Council).
•We need to reject all of the anti-Catholic errors about which the pre-Vatican II popes warned, many of which have found a home in the Synodal Church.
•We should petition God’s grace and mercy as best we can, using the means all Christians have always employed to do so: prayer, penance, and avoidance of sin.
•Whatever we think of Francis — anti-pope, worst pope in history, or false prophet — we can no longer have even the appearance of following him when he does anything other than promote unadulterated …More

The Lavender Mafia, Francis, and the Synodal Church’s Opposition to Grace

Imagine there is a group of people who really love golden calves. Their passion for golden calves plays such a dominant role in …
Do they continue to promote an anthropocentric religion? The word “sin” is mentioned only twice in the document (in one sentence).

Declaration of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith “Dignitas Infinita” on Human Dignity

Declaration “Dignitas Infinita” on Human Dignity Presentation During the Congresso of 15 March 2019, …
chris griffin
Very important post, thank you for sharing
Praying for a Pope's RemovalMore
Praying for a Pope's Removal

The Context of Cajetan's Comments on Praying for a Pope's Death

There was recently a little kerfluffle online after Dr. Peter Kwasniewski shared a quote from Thomas Cajetan (1469-1534) to the effect that …
Information message about the LIX meeting of the Plenary Assembly of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Russia (KKER): "To avoid misunderstanding and confusion, KKER draws attention to the fact that …More
Information message about the LIX meeting of the Plenary Assembly of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Russia (KKER):
"To avoid misunderstanding and confusion, KKER draws attention to the fact that blessings of any kind of couples who persist in irregular relationships from the point of view of Christian morality (concubinating, second-married, same-sex) are inadmissible".
(my translation into English)

Информационное сообщение о LIX заседании Пленарного собрания Конференции …

LIX заседание Пленарного собрания ККЕР состоялось 28 и 29 февраля 2024 году …
Archbishop Lefebvre: "I agree with your desire to conditionally reorder these priests, and I have done so many times. All the sacraments of modernist bishops and priests are dubious now, because the …More
Archbishop Lefebvre: "I agree with your desire to conditionally reorder these priests, and I have done so many times. All the sacraments of modernist bishops and priests are dubious now, because the rites are more and more modified and their intentions are no longer Catholic. We are in the age of the great apostasy" (28.10.1988).

Validity of the Sacraments Reformed by Paul VI - Dominicans of Avrille, France

Validity of the Sacraments Reformed by Paul VI Article published in Le Sel de la Terre 124, Spring 2033 Dominicans of Avrillé …
Live Mike shares this
Archbishop Lefebvre: "I agree with your desire to conditionally reorder these priests, and I have done so many times. All the sacraments of modernist …More
Archbishop Lefebvre: "I agree with your desire to conditionally reorder these priests, and I have done so many times. All the sacraments of modernist bishops and priests are dubious now, because the rites are more and more modified and their intentions are no longer Catholic. We are in the age of the great apostasy" (28.10.1988).
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Denis Efimov
"Because so many otherwise faithful Catholics refuse to condemn the errors of Vatican II — which sought to make peace with the sinful world, and promoted the false ecumenism that gives rise to almost …More
"Because so many otherwise faithful Catholics refuse to condemn the errors of Vatican II — which sought to make peace with the sinful world, and promoted the false ecumenism that gives rise to almost every error we see today — we collectively find ourselves in the position of begging God’s mercy to remove the disastrous fruits of a tree we insist on protecting. Everything we know about God and salvation history should convince us that this willful blindness is virtually guaranteed to prolong the crisis."

The Growing Need to Condemn Vatican II’s Errors So We Can Combat Francis’s Heresies

“To promote ecumenism means signing a treaty of non-aggression, granting all religions citizenship in the great pantheon …
Denis Efimov
"Here, though, we have what is arguably the greatest paradox of the Francis occupation of the papacy: he is so openly wicked and heretical that he poses less risk than his predecessors because no …More
"Here, though, we have what is arguably the greatest paradox of the Francis occupation of the papacy: he is so openly wicked and heretical that he poses less risk than his predecessors because no serious Catholic will consume what he offers. John Paul II could dupe some sincere Catholics into thinking that all baptized souls were “saved"; but are there any sincere Catholics accepting Francis’s blasphemies today? He has made the soup so repulsive that every rational Catholic avoids it: he has removed everything good, and nothing remains but poison and filth. And because we all see it, many people are experiencing a new problem: how can such a man be pope?
At this point in the analysis we should pause to consider God’s Providence. The opening speech of Vatican II (delivered by John XXIII but written by Paul VI) was already a profound offense against God, and matters became progressively worse over the next six decades. God, as a Loving Father, let matters get worse so that we would …More

Divine Providence and the “Poisonous Soups” of Vatican II, Paul VI, and Francis

In his 2016 conference dealing with the relations between the Society of St. Pius X and Rome, Bishop Bernard Fellay used …
Denis Efimov
Lecture by Bishop Athanasius Schneider

“The Principle of Tradition in the Liturgical Life of the Church”: Lecture by Bishop Athanasius …

“The Principle of Tradition in the Liturgical Life of the Church”: Lecture by Bishop Athanasius …
Denis Efimov

The Sedemenefreghismo Thesis: a Prudential Allocation of Our Cares to What We Can Control

As reported by Vatican Journalist Marco Tosatti, a group of nine Italian theologians recently published their so …
Dr Bobus
You don't need the non. The negative is expressed by ne.
Everyday for Life Canada
Yes, do care about the faith but "don't care" (nonmenefrega) about the confusion coming out of the Vatican. Pray for the pope's loyalty to Christ and …More
Yes, do care about the faith but "don't care" (nonmenefrega) about the confusion coming out of the Vatican. Pray for the pope's loyalty to Christ and His Church. Laudate Deum, the pope's latest apostolic exhortation is a political, climate change statement and little praising and worshipping of God. It goes downhill after the title. And so we don't care for it.
Denis Efimov
"That the “coordination of international life” by the United Nations might not be favorable to the glory of God or to His Church has become increasingly apparent, as the various agencies of the United …More
"That the “coordination of international life” by the United Nations might not be favorable to the glory of God or to His Church has become increasingly apparent, as the various agencies of the United Nations use their moral authority and financial resources to advance the anti-culture of death, promoting godless sex education, sexual immorality, abortifacient contraception and abortion, while hailing as “rights” sins which cry out to heaven for vengeance and undermining traditional morality throughout the world. To make matters worse, the champions of global government have intensified their efforts to enforce these “rights” through an International Criminal Court which will have authority over the whole world."
"The cooperation of Church leaders in the establishment of a godless global government supported by a Teilhardian one-world religion is suicidal; it shockingly demonstrates what Sister Lucia of Fatima referred to as the “diabolical disorientation” of our times."

Kolbe Report 11/25/23

Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center, Glory to Jesus Christ! In view of the imminent threat of extinction faced by the Palestinian Arabs in Gaza, a number of traditional Catholics have …
English Catholic
Sister Lucia of Fatima wrote to Cardinal Caffarra: “Father, a time will come when the decisive battle between the kingdom of Christ and Satan will be …More
Sister Lucia of Fatima wrote to Cardinal Caffarra: “Father, a time will come when the decisive battle between the kingdom of Christ and Satan will be over marriage and the family. And those who will work for the good of the family will experience persecution and tribulation. But do not be afraid, because Our Lady has already crushed his head.” Caffarra Sr. Lucia Final Battle between the Lord and Satan, marriage and family--Aleteia
Denis Efimov
Aldo Maria Valli: "when by the grace of God the truth began to emerge, I instinctively tried to attribute all the responsibility to Bergoglio's pontificate, but I soon had to recognize that Francis is …More
Aldo Maria Valli: "when by the grace of God the truth began to emerge, I instinctively tried to attribute all the responsibility to Bergoglio's pontificate, but I soon had to recognize that Francis is only the last link in a chain and that, although he was particularly engaged in the work of destruction, it is impossible to ignore the responsibilities of the predecessors, including the two popes, Wojtyła and Ratzinger, whom I met in person and who in many respects were truly my popes, in the sense that they nourished my faith and guided my choices".

Conversazione Radio Spada - A. M. Valli su vicende vaticane, scontri nella Gerarchia, Golpe nella …

Volentieri presentiamo ai lettori questo nostro scambio con Aldo Maria Valli.RS: Buongiorno dottor …
Denis Efimov
"By all means, we can think of Francis as the worst pope ever (or an anti-pope if one cannot think of him as a pope) but those considerations about what to call him pale in comparison to a bigger question …More
"By all means, we can think of Francis as the worst pope ever (or an anti-pope if one cannot think of him as a pope) but those considerations about what to call him pale in comparison to a bigger question: how do we expunge all of the lethal heresies that have proliferated freely since before any of us had heard of Bergoglio?'

What Are Francis’s Most Dangerous Heresies?

Most faithful Catholics can now name at least a few heretical ideas from Francis’s ten-year occupation of the papacy, including those related to Communion …
Yes, some of these "Francis heresies" come directly from Gaudium et Spes e.g.: "“Jesus Christ makes us sharers in what He is. Through His Incarnation …More
Yes, some of these "Francis heresies" come directly from Gaudium et Spes e.g.:
"“Jesus Christ makes us sharers in what He is. Through His Incarnation, the Son of God in a certain manner united Himself with every human being. In our inmost being He has recreated us; in our inmost being He has reconciled us with God, reconciled us without ourselves, reconciled us with our brothers and sisters: He is our Peace.” (p. 5)"
and were repeated in different variants by JPII.
True Mass
Why is sedevacantist a dirty word? Just asking.
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Denis Efimov
"within a week, according to Open, two registered letters arrived at the Roman home of the American Eminence. One with a pontifical decree which communicated to him the revocation of the cardinal's …More
"within a week, according to Open, two registered letters arrived at the Roman home of the American Eminence. One with a pontifical decree which communicated to him the revocation of the cardinal's salary. One from APSA, the Vatican company that also administers the former Propaganda Fide heritage, which communicated to him the end of the free loan of the apartment currently in use. For both measures, the effective date is 1 December"

Papa Francesco ha mandato via il cardinale Burke dal 1° dicembre. Stop allo stipendio da subito, …

Non era solo uno sfogo quello di Papa Francesco sul cardinale conservatore Raymond Leo Burke: nel …
Massively UNJUST….but Heaven watches and vengeance is the Lord’s.
Denis Efimov
"Sedemenefreghismo" in a document by nine anonymous authors.

The Crisis of the Church. Here is the (Temporary) Solution: "Sedemenefreghismo"

The following text, written by "The Group of the Nine" (nine Italian lay Catholics), was published on Marco Tosatti's …
Ave Crux
@Live Mike Thank you for preserving the body of the article once it was removed. I think/agree the framing of their position as "I couldn't care less.…More
@Live Mike Thank you for preserving the body of the article once it was removed.
I think/agree the framing of their position as "I couldn't care less...." was a poor characterization and wording. What the entire article does say, however, is that the decisive question of whether the heresy is material or not; whether it's inveterate or not; whether all the Popes since Vatican II were guilty of formal heresy or not, etc., requires a proper juridical proceeding and pronouncement upon the matter once God ends this crisis -- and He Will (see my comments below) -- and/because the answer to that highly-debated question is presently unknowable because of the Church's juridical nature -- the Church Herself needing to examine and pronounce upon it.
Nor does the actuality (whatever that may be right now) change what we must now do as Faithful Catholics: denounce and resist, preserve and cleave to the Traditions which have been passed down to us until God intervenes.
Just the fact that there …More
Looks like it has been removed Rorate-Caeli. Was it that good?
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Denis Efimov
Brief history and chronology of Francis' persecution against Cardinal Burke

Il Papa: «Via casa e stipendio al cardinale Burke»

Fonti vaticane alla Bussola: l’annuncio fatto ai Capi Dicastero della Curia Romana, Burke definito un «nemico». Il cardinale non ha ancora ricevuto un …