Denis Efimov
Denis Efimov

Is this the Church of Sodom?

Yes, this is the church of satan - "All Saints" episcopal church, Pasadena, CA.
Denis Efimov

Why I signed “An Open Letter from the Americas to Pope Francis”

The professor wrote a lot of nonsense. Well that's his opinion.
Denis Efimov

Synod guidelines urge 'living' synodality in local churches

In general, they still have not yet decided which part of hell they want to send Catholics to.
Denis Efimov

In the name of true Synodality, why delete the tweet? This goes against everything Pope Francis has …

"Be well assured and have no doubt whatever that those who are baptized outside the Church, unless they come back to the Church, will reap disaster from their Baptism" (St. Augustine, Fulgentius, De Fide ad Pet.; St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, 3, 64, 9, 2).
Denis Efimov

"Civis Romanus Sum"

This is a matter of judgment. What seems like a disease to one, seems completely reasonable and correct to another.
Denis Efimov

Fr Faber on doubtful ordinations – frightening parallels with Novus Ordo ordinations

Error condemned in a Decree of the Holy Office, March 4, 1679: "It is not illicit in conferring sacraments to follow a probable opinion regarding the value of the sacrament, the safer opinion being abandoned, unless the law forbids it, convention or the danger of incurring grave harm. Therefore, one should not make use of probable opinions only in conferring baptism, sacerdotal or episcopal orders".
Denis Efimov

Existentialism is a Humanism, Lecture given in 1946, by Jean-Paul Sartre

All his works are in the Index (Decr. S. Off. 27.10.1948).
Denis Efimov

Major survey finds ‘conservative’ and ‘orthodox’ priests on the rise - Fides et Ratio

Conservative and orthodox in line with the post-conciliar religion?
Denis Efimov

This is the audience at the Eucharistic Congress

I have not yet recovered from the photos and videos from World Youth Day, and here this
Denis Efimov

Non-binary woman has epic meltdown after being kicked out of her hotel for demanding hotel staff wear …

It is clear that the devil is holding him very tightly.
Denis Efimov

Archbishop Viganò: The Masonic takeover of the Catholic Church began with Vatican II - LifeSite

"After nineteen centuries of Christian civilization, this [masonic] sect tries to overthrow the Catholic Church and to cut off its divine sources" (Leo XIII, "Custodi di quella Fede", 8.12.1892). "It has already sallied forth from its hiding-places, where it hatched its plots, into the throng of cities, and as if to defy the Almighty, has set up its throne in this very city of Rome, the Capital of …More
"After nineteen centuries of Christian civilization, this [masonic] sect tries to overthrow the Catholic Church and to cut off its divine sources" (Leo XIII, "Custodi di quella Fede", 8.12.1892). "It has already sallied forth from its hiding-places, where it hatched its plots, into the throng of cities, and as if to defy the Almighty, has set up its throne in this very city of Rome, the Capital of the Catholic world" (Leo XIII, "Praeclara gratulationis", 20.06.1894), and "forms an invisible and irresponsible state existing within the legitimate state" (Leo XII, "Annum Ingressi", 19.03.1902)

In their evil plans, the freemasons are ideally assisted by the modernists, who are "the most pernicious of all the adversaries of the Church. For, as We have said, they put into operation their designs for her undoing, not from without but from within. Hence, the danger is present almost in the very veins and heart of the Church, whose injury is the more certain from the very fact that their knowledge of her is more intimate. Moreover, they lay the ax not to the branches and shoots, but to the very root, that is, to the faith and its deepest fibers. And once having struck at this root of immortality, they proceed to diffuse poison through the whole tree, so that there is no part of Catholic truth which they leave untouched, none that they do not strive to corrupt" (Pius X, "Pascendi", 8.09.1907).
Denis Efimov

Letter from both Americas - More Intellectuals Support the Roman Rite

If Francis leaves the Latin Mass alone, or even allows it everywhere, will the problems with the conciliar church be solved? No, the liturgy here is like the tip of the iceberg.
Denis Efimov

Archbishop Cordileone: "Many Latin Mass Faithful Have Experienced Rejection and Marginalisation by …

Of course, Francis and his accomplices will not be able to tolerate the presence of foreign elements in the depths of their false religion, i.e. the presence of the authentic Catholic Faith and the Liturgy that expresses it.
Denis Efimov

Archbishop Cordileone: "Many Latin Mass Faithful Have Experienced Rejection and Marginalisation by …

Certainly. This is because these two liturgies belong to two different religions, which differ from each other in their ecclesiology, sacramentology, theology, etc. These are two different worlds.
Denis Efimov


Panem nostrum supersubstantialem da nobis hodie...
Denis Efimov

Superstar Casey Cole OFM Causes a Stir

These are often synonyms. Peace, love, tolerance.
Denis Efimov

Superstar Casey Cole OFM Causes a Stir

The reality today is that to support any of this usually means to no longer be Catholic.
Denis Efimov

Superstar Casey Cole OFM Causes a Stir

And why?
Denis Efimov

The Future of The Catholic Church

"839. Apostasy is committed not only by those who leave the Church and join some contrary religion (e.g., Mormonism), but also by those who, while professing to be Catholics, assent to the non-Catholic principles of some society" (McHugh J. A., Callan Ch. J. Moral Theology, 1958).
Denis Efimov

+Lefebvre: 'Any sensible man must ask' if a heretic is still pope, can discuss with others

Very good and correct speech by Monsignor Lefebvre!