This is the audience at the Eucharistic Congress
Denis Efimov
I have not yet recovered from the photos and videos from World Youth Day, and here this
Billy F
It seems very American Jesus John 6:66 Protestant than adoration of the True Holy of Holies!!!
I have some friends who went to this event as chaperones. Couldn't stomach it myself. I went on a trip in the opposite direction to a legit Catholic shrine instead. To pray in silence... 😇 🙏
Billy F
Is Our Lord exposed during this Modernist emotion fest?
Wasn't it St. Alphonsus Liguori who wrote of the blasphemous din of worldly chatter Our Lord and Lady heard at the Cross?
Billy F
1 Kings 19:11-13
@Billy F Samuël 6, 14-16
@Billy F It is 2 Sam. 6, 14-16
Billy F
Yes but that is David! There is such disprespect for the Eucharist in the Modern Days!
@Billy F I agree with you that there is much disrespect for the Eucharist today, but why should dancing, as an expression of love and joy, and singing songs of praise be disrespectful? I cannot see that. (And I can see the respect also in someone who does silent adoration).
Billy F
Because if you are in front of the Eucharist you are on Calvary. Would it be good to dance and sing as our Lord is in the Cross? This was also under the Old Testament and Almighty God did not yet take upon himself human form. The Eucharist is the Holiest thing on earth and it’s treated like nothing.
@Billy F The Eucharist is also the presence of the Risen Lord. So you can contemplate Calvary, but also celebrate the Living Lord who conquered sin and death and is Risen. You are right that the Eucharist is the Holiest thing on earth but I don't see that these singing and praising people treat it like nothing.
Billy F
2000 years of Catholicism and Catholics are now acting like John 6:66 American Jesus Protestants?!?!? This will only lead to further unbelief in the True Presence once the emotions are gone. Will have to disagree with this Modernist Catholicism.
@Sally Dorman They seem joyful