
Summary: All Arguments About Covid-19 Vaccination


Covid-Resistance: Protestant Preacher Calls Policemen “Nazis", "Gestapo" (Video)

wreszcie ktos z kregoslupem !!Gratulacje

Parish-Business Doesn't Want Pregnant Mother

this police person was right. Our clergy became a businessmen. They are not shepherds anymore.

New Theory: “God Is Present In Homosex Relationships”

God is indeed present. Bishop is right. GOD is telling this bishop that it would be better for him to have a millstone attached to his neck and throw himself into the see instead of mislead others(I am paraphrasing Holy Scripture) and GOD is also present between these 2 homosexual people telling them to change their lifestyle and convert or they will have to go for eternal punishment in hell.

Evil Vaccine: Bishop Refuses to Use Murdered Children

got it

Again: Fatima Cancels Pilgrimages

the only thing which is missing is this year Nativity scene from the Vatican.

Delivery Man Gets Interrupted By Our Lady (Video)

may God keep delivery man safe

More Bishops, Sisters Push Young People Into Homosexuality

they r sisters of Lucifer and until they repent and convert we have to pray for their conversion so they will not loose their eternal souls.

Archdiocese of Cologne: Cardinal Pell Is “Unsympathetic"

stupid question. He is not likeable but loved for his heresis 😉 😉

Are the Covid-19 Vaccines Immoral? By Dr Geoffrey Brushwood

It does not matter in what kind of cooperation we are involved. Evil is always evil and noone should take this diabolical vaccines unless they will have a "clean" one. Veritatis Splendor by John Paul II is very clear:
Hence human activity cannot be judged as morally good merely because it is a means for attaining one or another of its goals, or simply because the subject's intention is good.122More
It does not matter in what kind of cooperation we are involved. Evil is always evil and noone should take this diabolical vaccines unless they will have a "clean" one. Veritatis Splendor by John Paul II is very clear:
Hence human activity cannot be judged as morally good merely because it is a means for attaining one or another of its goals, or simply because the subject's intention is good.122 Activity is morally good when it attests to and expresses the voluntary ordering of the person to his ultimate end and the conformity of a concrete action with the human good as it is acknowledged in its truth by reason. If the object of the concrete action is not in harmony with the true good of the person, the choice of that action makes our will and ourselves morally evil, thus putting us in conflict with our ultimate end, the supreme good, God himself.

Evil Vaccine: Bishop Refuses to Use Murdered Children

you can change "extend" for protection or whatever you want. It is irrelevant. This diabolical vaccine comes from the aborted children regardless how one will spin it. This is evil.
Besides moral problem noone knows if this is really protect against covid. How long person will have antibody against covid? What are side effects. In Norway 23 people died of it already.

Biden Bishops Defend Their Abortion Hero

Cupich is a cardinal of Lucifer and not a priest of Christ. We have to pray for him and other like him so they could return to God and save their immortal souls.

Bishop Snatches for Himself a Covid-19 Vaccination

I will never get vaxxed because this diabolical vaccine is from murdered/aborted children. No one should use anything which is obtained this way.

Covid-19 Crib In Turin Cathedral (Video)

this is devil's church. they completely lost their mind and souls.

US Bishops’ President Recognises Biden as US President

many of them r bishops of Lucifer and not bishop of Christ.

Crowd Gathers In Front Of Closed Cathedral, Asks for Free Worship

well said. These "leaders" r cowards and traitors.

Hoax Accusations Against Cardinal Gulbinowicz at Dead End

it was in Wrocław not Breslau.

Cardinal Müller: Francis Should Be “More Careful”


Coronavirus: US Diocese Is Waking Up

they should not go to the court. this is waste of money. they should ignore communist edicts and pray in the churches anyway. This requires courage, though.