
Summary: All Arguments About Covid-19 Vaccination

Eric Sammons of CrisisMagazine.com gives on Twitter.com (April 10) a summary of the moral and practical considerations for Catholics regarding the COVID-19 vaccines (detailed video below): “Many Catholic …More
Eric Sammons of CrisisMagazine.com gives on Twitter.com (April 10) a summary of the moral and practical considerations for Catholics regarding the COVID-19 vaccines (detailed video below):
“Many Catholic leaders, including many bishops and the pope himself, have stated or suggested that it’s a moral obligation to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) in December declared that it is morally permissible to receive an abortion-tainted COVID-19 vaccine, arguing that it is only remote cooperation with evil.
The 2005 Pontifical Academy for Life instruction, however, strongly emphasized that Catholics should do all they can to resist the creation of abortion-tainted vaccines, including conscientious objection to taking them.
Further, a small minority of Catholics, including Bishop Athanasius Schneider, have argued that taking the vaccine is *not* morally permissible.
On the practical side, the COVID-19 vaccines are experimental drugs, and so it’s …More
atreverse pensar
No, this vaccine is morally wrong. Because it uses the research line from aborted foetuses.
It is essentially evil.
Finally! Someone is discussing the vaccine question and including our obligation to be part of demanding moral alternatives.
Thanks be to God!
this guy is funny. He is saying it is ok to take this diabolical "vaccine" and and it is ok not to take it. How it can be possible. Did ot GOD say in Holy Scripture that it is only Yes or NO.
Excellent again.