
"Simply Untrue": According to Cardinal Kasper, Küng Was "Rehabilitated"

Cardinal Walter Kasper told Corriere.it that the Catholic theologian and later syncretist Hans Küng had "reconciled" with the Church before his death.

Kasper was Küng's assistant at the once famous Tübingen University which has since sunk into insignificance.

Last summer, Kasper informed Francis by telephone that Küng was near death. Francis told Kasper to send him greetings and blessings "in Christian communion".

"It was as if Küng felt at peace with the Church and with Francis, a kind of reconciliation," Kasper commented after having transmitted Francis' words.

But the Secretary General of Küng's World Ethic Foundation, Stephan Schlensog, contradicted Kasper before KNA.de saying that Kasper's assessment was "simply untrue."

Shortly before Christmas, Küng wrote a letter to Francis regretting that the Church was not rehabilitating him in view of his merits. "Reconciliation sounds different," Schlensog said. Küng's letter remained unanswered.

The vain and egocentric Küng was never sanctioned as a priest. But when the excommunications against the PiusX bishops were lifted, he protested vigorously and merciless against this.

Picture: Walter Kasper, © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsJklrxnsimb
He was better off obstinate. But it sounds like Francis led him to feel at peace with himself or, as Moses would say, "self blessed".
Sir Percy
May God have mercy on Küng's soul, but this unrepentant heresiarch is likely burning in Hell...