Salvatore Bastatti

Mitch McConnell hospitalized with concussion after falling

To Irapuato in the sequence below: Do not post if you are going to block.
Salvatore Bastatti

Santiago: The Camino Within | March 28

Pope Francis says he WILL resign if he gets 'too tired' to continue
Pope Francis says he WILL resign if he gets 'too tired' to continue in the role
So does the Holy Spirit stop inspiring the individual who was Pope but then quits?
It is a total farce. One should ice fatso before he has another opportunity at evil.
And real, real soon.
Real soon.More
Pope Francis says he WILL resign if he gets 'too tired' to continue

Pope Francis says he WILL resign if he gets 'too tired' to continue in the role

So does the Holy Spirit stop inspiring the individual who was Pope but then quits?

It is a total farce. One should ice fatso before he has another opportunity at evil.

And real, real soon.

Real soon.
Salvatore Bastatti

Global Warming In Catholic Prophecy?

Bafoon: remove this tradcatknight from
Salvatore Bastatti


Around 1,500 Scientists & Professionals Oppose Net-Zero CO2 Policy
1,500 Scientists & Professionals Oppose
Net-Zero CO2 Policy

Around 1,500 scientists and professionals from across the world have declared that “there is no climate emergency.”
Gordo Bergoglio however thinks there is a climate crisis.
By the way, when was the last time Bergoglio mentioned the name of Christ in anything he wrote or …More
Around 1,500 Scientists & Professionals Oppose Net-Zero CO2 Policy

1,500 Scientists & Professionals Oppose
Net-Zero CO2 Policy

Around 1,500 scientists and professionals from across the world have declared that “there is no climate emergency.”

Gordo Bergoglio however thinks there is a climate crisis.

By the way, when was the last time Bergoglio mentioned the name of Christ in anything he wrote or belched?
Salvatore Bastatti

Synodaler Weg bittet Papst um Überprüfung des Zölibats

I rather doubt Bergoglio even knows what to be a Priest is. The Priest is completely in love with his Master, Christ the Lord. There is no room for a third party in this. I am a Priest, and wondrous and important the woman is in Catholic life (does not the true Priest have a sainted mother who reared him as a gift to the Almighty?) the true Priest says of Christ "that He may be my all in all." This …More
I rather doubt Bergoglio even knows what to be a Priest is. The Priest is completely in love with his Master, Christ the Lord. There is no room for a third party in this. I am a Priest, and wondrous and important the woman is in Catholic life (does not the true Priest have a sainted mother who reared him as a gift to the Almighty?) the true Priest says of Christ "that He may be my all in all." This is the call of a vocation to carry out the sacramental duties that bring him and the faithful to Christ, but it cannot be done unless there is that link that binds the Priest to the Christ that he loves. One must be a Priest to understand and experience this. Bergoglio and his misfits have no idea what a John Vianney or Peter Claver or Alphonsus Ligouri or John Bosco had in union with Christ.
Salvatore Bastatti

Hague mayor threatens to use military gear to keep rival climate, farmer protests in check – Allah's …

This is solved by ending the life/rule of the mayor.
Salvatore Bastatti

Global Warming In Catholic Prophecy?

There is no such phenomenon as "Global warming." It is Reset poppycock. I have lived 8 generations plus-- I detect no change in the seasons or climate in the years I have lived.
When the world is destroyed by fire it does not appear it will be by way of a gradual process building up to massive conflagration. It will be sudden, as Scripture appears to set forth: Like thief in the night it will be …More
There is no such phenomenon as "Global warming." It is Reset poppycock. I have lived 8 generations plus-- I detect no change in the seasons or climate in the years I have lived.

When the world is destroyed by fire it does not appear it will be by way of a gradual process building up to massive conflagration. It will be sudden, as Scripture appears to set forth: Like thief in the night it will be brought to an end (1 Thess, 5:2; cf Mt 24:43). That is not "global warming.
Salvatore Bastatti

Pre-Nicene View Headlines 3/9/23 #ouijaboard #pipeline #whotreaty #divorce #news

Gänswein: Habe alle privaten Briefe von Benedikt XVI. vernichtet
Ganswein says he destroyed Ratzinger's letters?
I don't believe him for a second. Those letters expose what Ratzinger was subject to in his own failings as Pope and how he could be compromised. Ratzinger said he resigned because of insomnia? What dimwit could possible ever believe such a lie? His resignation is a filth stain on the …More
Gänswein: Habe alle privaten Briefe von Benedikt XVI. vernichtet

Ganswein says he destroyed Ratzinger's letters?

I don't believe him for a second. Those letters expose what Ratzinger was subject to in his own failings as Pope and how he could be compromised. Ratzinger said he resigned because of insomnia? What dimwit could possible ever believe such a lie? His resignation is a filth stain on the fabric of Catholic patrimony.
Salvatore Bastatti

Can Francis Ban the Latin Mass? - TRADCAST EXPRESS - Episode 169 - Part II: Can Francis Ban the Latin …

No, Bergoglio cannot ban the Latin Mass. My PhD in Philosophy and Masters in Sacred Scripture (neither of which Gordo has or most likely could achieve) as well as almost 60 years in consecrated life assures me and anyone who can read that NO ONE has the authority to overturn an Apostolic Constitution (which St Pope Pius V's Quo Primum is). Canonically an Apostolic Constitution is a hair strand width …More
No, Bergoglio cannot ban the Latin Mass. My PhD in Philosophy and Masters in Sacred Scripture (neither of which Gordo has or most likely could achieve) as well as almost 60 years in consecrated life assures me and anyone who can read that NO ONE has the authority to overturn an Apostolic Constitution (which St Pope Pius V's Quo Primum is). Canonically an Apostolic Constitution is a hair strand width lower than an infallible statement.

This Latin Rite Mass problem ends with everyone in the Vatican coming out of the closet. Including Bergoglio.
Salvatore Bastatti

First Lady Jill Biden presents the "International Women's Courage Award" to a biological man on …

Look at how obese this psychopath is.
Priests are councelled from seminary on to always keep in mind self-denial and asceticism (discipline of the body) as essential to their ministry's strength.
Now look at Gordo. He must have a size 60 waste. Meanwhile I personally know Priests who must limit their caloric intake because Bidenflation is sucking away the purchasing power of the thin amount of …More
Look at how obese this psychopath is.

Priests are councelled from seminary on to always keep in mind self-denial and asceticism (discipline of the body) as essential to their ministry's strength.

Now look at Gordo. He must have a size 60 waste. Meanwhile I personally know Priests who must limit their caloric intake because Bidenflation is sucking away the purchasing power of the thin amount of money (US dollar) they receive monthly.
Salvatore Bastatti

3/8/23 - In September of 1956, Our Blessed Mother appeared for the first time as Our Lady of America …

Pope Francis Brings Heterodox Cardinal into His Inner Circle
Pope Francis has named progressive Luxembourg Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich to his inner cabinet of advisors despite the cardinal’s rejection of key elements of Catholic moral teaching.
So how much more rope will faithful Catholics give Bergoglio before he is iced?More
Pope Francis Brings Heterodox Cardinal into His Inner Circle

Pope Francis has named progressive Luxembourg Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich to his inner cabinet of advisors despite the cardinal’s rejection of key elements of Catholic moral teaching.

So how much more rope will faithful Catholics give Bergoglio before he is iced?
Salvatore Bastatti

Francis: No Job for Gänswein

If Ganswein is wealthy (economically self-sufficient) he should just flip Gordo the proverbial bird.
Salvatore Bastatti

Francis Preaches to the Stones

Another day passes and he is still not sub terra.
Salvatore Bastatti

WHO moves forward with plans to target "misinformation" and "disinformation" under international law

Step 1 is the demise of the Hair Sniffer-- a most repugnant species of perversion.
Salvatore Bastatti

First they came for the Jews, now it is the nuns… – Allah's Willing Executioners

The next time some filth laden individual tries to close down a consecrated nunnery those in the convent should aim well directed fuselage at the invader(s). Send fatso a message.
Salvatore Bastatti

Will the Catholic Church Rethink Contraception? | by Peter Singer - Project Syndicate

Singer ain't controversial; he is a total nutjob.
Salvatore Bastatti

𝘉𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘱 𝘈𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘶𝘴 𝘚𝘤𝘩𝘯𝘦𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘳: “𝘕𝘰𝘸 𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘦𝘥 𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘗𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘗𝘢𝘶𝘭 𝘝𝘐 𝘢𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘦 𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘲𝘶𝘦…

Exactky what I and many fellow clergy with a brain have said. The Bishop's logic here is refreshing, invigorating, and rejuvenating. He should tell Bergoglio to get s_rewed. Or better yet continue with the Tridentine rite and not give Gordo the time of day. Ignore the obese Argentine.
Salvatore Bastatti

Francis Overhauls Council of Cardinals

This only ends with Bergoglio's death. All else is a waste of time and an indication of how brainwashed into obedience Roman Catholics have become.